A flash fiction story of mine is currently with Every Day fiction. 60 days passed since I submitted it and if I don't get a response from them today I am "welcome to contact them for an update".
I have two questions about this.
1. How should I approach them? Of course, I know how to compose a courteous email, but I still wonder if I should pester them... I mean maybe I ought to wait 3 or 4 days after the 60 day period.
2. Is it good or bad that my story is being held that long? It is marked as "In Process", which means that it has been read by a slush reader and is waiting to be read by an editor.
[This message has been edited by Foste (edited January 10, 2011).]
[This message has been edited by Foste (edited January 10, 2011).]
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
First, I would take it as a good sign. If you know it got past the slush reader, well at least it isn't collecting dust behind a digital filing cabinet.
Second, I usually wait for a bit past their stated time. I find that many times, you know within a few days to a week of that date. And as you said, keep the e-mail polite. I try to keep any hint of impatience out of it.
I hope the delay is a good sign for your story. Good luck!
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
I'd wait. This isn't unusual. Both times I submitted to Every Day Fiction, my story was held past the 60-day mark. The first time I queried right away, and they were very polite and prompt in their response. The second time, I decided to just wait, and I received a response after about 75 days.
Posted by tchernabyelo (Member # 2651) on :
Echo the above. Be patient. Duotrope is a good source of information for seeing whether there is a general hold-up or whether you may have fallen off the radar.
If/when you do decide to query, be polite and be brief. Something along the lines of "I submitted story X on day Y and have yet to receive a response - please can you confirm whether you received it and, if so, if it is still under consideration?" is fine.
Posted by Foste (Member # 8892) on :
Thanks, everyone.
I'll be patient. Might as well kick back and wait a bit longer!