I just read through the elevator pitch thread and saw mattleo's comments about 3 works in progress. Wow! I see others juggling a couple or more projects. I was curious how many novels (or short stories) people work on at a time. Unless I am through multiple drafts on my current wip, I don't plan on taking on more. Probably has more to do with my simple mind more than anything
Me: 1 novel 0 short stories (although I have a few that could be polished and subbed)
Posted by MartinV (Member # 5512) on :
One at the moment, if I don't count the fan fiction I write just to change the atmosphere. I intend to start work on a second (possibly third) soon.
Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Let's see. Counting only what I'm actively (to at least some degree) working on:
MAGE STORM--working on the final polishing edit, query, and synopsis. The plan is to begin submitting this to agents this month.
DREAMER'S ROSE--rewrite.
SEVEN STARS -- working out enough of the plot that I'll be ready to start a first draft.
There are others, but none active at the moment.
It's actually a good idea to have different projects in different stages. When you get stuck or just get tired of one, you can switch off.
Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
Two, after I take a breather. Finishing my NaNo Novel (50k was about 1/3), and an outline I should have finished a long time ago but I let life get in the way.
Posted by Tiergan (Member # 7852) on :
Well I am trying to rebuild my focus on novels, so I am well down on my WIPs.
1)THE LOST BOYS(Title is very tenative) - 1/3 of the way done as of last night. This is my main writing focus at the moment.
2)KNIGHTS VALOR - Agent search
3)THE FORGOTTEN: RIVER OF FLAMES - Prologue and first chapter done. Currently gathering research. Will resume after (1) is done.
I have 2 other novels written. These are the dreaded "Trunk" novels as of now. They both need major rewrites, and as they were part of a trilogy I am putting them on hold until I can get my story arch solid through 1 novel, let alone 3.
Posted by micmcd (Member # 7977) on :
Really only one at a time. When I was starting to stagnate on my main project, I started another just to clear my mind for a bit. I might to back to the distraction project once I'm through with my main.
Posted by Crystal Stevens (Member # 8006) on :
I focus on one main story to finish, though I may gather notes on another story idea and start outlining it while working on my current project. I also dabble in country poetry and will turn to that if I need a break to freshen my mind on my current project.
Is that clear as mud? LOL
Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on :
I generally find myself working on three things at a time. My novel, finalizing one short story, and drafting another.
[This message has been edited by Osiris (edited January 03, 2011).]
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Four from last year...probably three I plan to get back to...one I don't plan to redo unless I think of a great angle to remove the bit of plagiarism from the heard of it, but the other three, I will work on again at some point.
There are earlier things, things I might someday take up again, but I think right now I'd rather let them go...
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
Just one for me right now. When it comes to writing, I'm a serial monogamist. (Although sometimes I'll be writing one story with another in the drawer, awaiting revision.)
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Two. One novel and one story for WotF. But I've paused the novel for the short story, so that might only mean one, depending on how you look at it.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
"From the heard of it?" Should'a been "heart"...either way, I'm putting it aside and forgetting it...
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
My WIPs consist of
"Bright Lights and Chaos"
"Storm Born"
"New Mage On The Block"
an unnamed Short Story
But I have also worked on "Kin (Cousin-Relationship) to Angels"
And in I guess you could say these also even though I have not touched them for months and months. "Peace's Little War(conflict-battle)" and "The Flat Key" and "Master Mage Kyle----" Don't think I ever gave him a last name. And even though not planned this book is the same universe as New Mage.