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Posted by rstegman (Member # 3233) on :
Did You Write? 08-23-10

This is a place to brag about accomplishments, cry about failures, and otherwise talk about what is going on in your life. It is to prompt those of us who do not write regularly, to be shamed into writing. The note comes each Monday and one gets down to write something, anything, just to report that you wrote. Hopefully, it becomes a habit, to write every week, maybe even more often. Eventually something might be finished.

In other notes, I have mentioned about what is writing. Due to time restraints, I will skip the list this time. One can check previous DID YOU WRITE notes to be reminded of possibilities.

I have worked nearly every day this week on my story. I started a new hacking, getting the story down to 16066. I realized I needed to get it below 15000, not just into the 15000s, I then got good word that the publisher was able to take a LITTLE longer story, so I restarted my pass and am cleaning it up, rather than decimating it. I am still cutting it down, but not like I was. Other than some corrections, it is about the best story I have ever written.
I think I have learned that to make the best story, write it with all the description you can add, then cut the word count down to where it is really tight, leaving just the right descriptions, actions, and scenes to be good. Cutting a third out really helps. I am not finished with this pass, but it is on page 25, I had to remove one return to get it there. It is at 16003 words. I started at 16385. I expect it to be less when done, but I am not expecting a whole lot less. I will finish this pass, then do a new one, with critical thought into mistakes and sentence structure, and then fire it off to someone to look it over.

I am still going on the story ideas. They are one page, possibly getting onto page two if it is really good. Time is more important than page length right now. Before I got into this writing project, I was more after three and four pages. At least I am getting them written.
I had a week of a lot of new ideas. At this moment, including what I am posting tonight, I have 59 story ideas in my compost pile. The top ones are post-able without giving them a thought.

This week, we had a wood turner's club meeting. I did a demonstration of how to make platters. This was my first demonstration, ever. I carried signs and we chanted.... Oooops, wrong kind of demonstration...
I was to demonstrate a new technique of how to make a platter (plate) so others might try my technique. I had seen others who did demonstrations, who had examples of different stages of the process so that they could skip removing loads of wood to speed the process. I did the same thing. I expected some form of failure in the process so I had steps already made just in case.
The lathe I was to use had a problem which caused me not to be able to actually do the project. I used my examples and pieces in different stages, to explain what I was doing, why I was doing it. Several people said they learned quite a bit from my demonstration. I am surprised. If I have something to demonstrate, I will do it again. The first time is always a challenge.

One great way to get ideas for stories, is to watch the news. The more outlandish the story you hear, the better it is for a story idea.
Figure on what could possibly cause such a situation to happen, and try to make it believable, but do so from a fantasy, or science fiction, point of view.
Got a random killing? have space aliens or people from the far future, hypnotizing the people to do that. Have a murder suicide family? have them attacked by demons and the father has to kill them to end the demon's chances of rule over the world.
Have a person do something really stupid, like get stuck in some spot he was not supposed to do? Have him using these as a portal to another world and this last time, it did not work.
Consider if all the people in government were really space aliens. What would happen if they all returned home? Take the worst politician and create a story where everything he is doing is to save the world, or the nation, from taking over by something worse.
Take something that happens here, a highway blocked up by an accident. Now place it in the far future where ground cars are rare and people fly everywhere. What can back up the traffic, how to people cope, how do officials get the problem cleared up.
You have a politician caught taking bribes. Now consider a government were corruption is the norm. What would be the equivalent? A politician refusing bribes and doing exactly what he says he was going to do? I did one story idea a few years ago where the political creatures were expected to lie. It was part of the job. One guy did everything he said he would do and everybody was outraged. He was accused of not telling lies. He counters saying that he did lie. He lied about not doing what he promised.
A crime spree? aliens rebuilding their ship to leave. they have to make spare parts and gather materials, and will take all sorts of things to get it done.
What about a war between two countries, as an attempt to attract an interstellar government to intervene and take over the world, bring pure peace. What about someone who knows about this and is trying to stop it. How?
If something is silly, explore it. Make it plausible, believable, something that was logical from a strange point of view.
One can have loads of fun, and get lots of stories from the news, if one adds a little imagination.

As to the question of the week, I can say


Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Yes, I did. Mostly revisions at the moment, and a couple of blog posts.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
An unusually good week, writing every day, even on the days where I'm usually "busy."

Yesterday, I finished the word-processor-draft of the typewritten-page-a-day story I've been talking about these past couple of months. I like it, well enough...but, like I said, it draws to heavily in imagery from a strip in Heavy Metal a few years ago, so, in all probability, this is all I'm going to do with it. Offhand, it needs some work from other directions (for instance, it takes place tens of thousands of years in the future and far away on a distant planet, yet the characters seem like current / contemporary college anthropolgists.)

Meanwhile, to keep the momentum going, I switched back to an older story, another of those twenty-thousand-word abominations I keep coming up with lately. I still like the story...but, with so much time passed from the last time I worked on it, I have a little more perspective. I thought of two scenes I should write and insert---but the story's already excremently long.

Anyway, I plan to work on it some more, at least for least until I find something else to work at. It is all revision work...nothing original...and I've got to get back to that, sooner or later...

Posted by Lissa (Member # 9206) on :
Meredith, I enjoy your blog posts. I am also back to my writing now that school has started. Yippee!
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
I did. Still working on my new WotF entry since I switched ideas. I had a good burst over a couple of days last week but have since had trouble getting back to it. But at least I made some progress.

And I did a bunch of critting.

Posted by Merlion-Emrys (Member # 7912) on :
Worked a bit on a short story re-write. Did some crits.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
I retired my World of Warcraft story about a week ago when I realized I couldn't rewrite it in seven days.

Three days ago I thought, heck, why not just send it in anyway? I mean, it's complete at least. Since it's a contest I won't get a rejection per se, I just won't win.

So naturally I spent the last three days revising it heavily.

So much for having it "done". It is a much better story for the additional work, and it was fun to revise again. I've been hitting the first draft circuit pretty hard for months now.

I fired it off this AM and all I can do now is hope for the best.

Starting tomorrow AM I'll start revising my WotF based on the feedback I've received so far.


Posted by pdblake (Member # 9218) on :
I usually aim for 1000 words a day, weekdays. I don't tend to write at the weekend.

I managed almost 7000 words in the past week.

Slow start this week though.

Posted by bemused (Member # 8465) on :
Plotting, noting and character profiling have taken up the majority of my writing time last week. Plus some crits.

Yesterday, though I finally set pen to page (That's right, I'm old school) and finally set sail on the novel length project that has been percolating for awhile.

Posted by walexander (Member # 9151) on :
Yes, I did,

Out of the ashes of 'How to kill a god' has brought 'The Seeds of Persephone' to new life and is in full swing and going well.

Finishing up my crits which I fell behind because I wasn't feeling good this last week.

I'm on page seven of a short story turned comic book script - 'The Unnormal Lot.'

Other than that it seems everyone I know had a birthday within these last two weeks and week coming up - I was trying to calculate back nine months to see what caused the fertility gods to go nuts, and realized 'December' - of course, Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years, the time of giving and getting

@ Axe - Its good you submitted it - it was a decent story so you never know.



Posted by Lissa (Member # 9206) on :
Ha Ha Ha! Just broke my pointer finger! Does that count as an excuse to put off writing?!?


Posted by Tiergan (Member # 7852) on :
Yes I did.
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Sorry Lis, broken pointer finger is not a valid excuse except for maybe the day it was broken if the pain killers worked too well.
Posted by walexander (Member # 9151) on :
Does filling out paper work count as writing? Because I did a ton today.

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