In college I wrote a story that my very literary professor loved. I was thinking about it yesterday, and it makes me laugh. I thought it might be fun to hash out those old stories, and hear the elevator pitch for them.
For example, my most pretentious story is...
A girl contemplates suicide over the death of her cat.
Oh man, even now it makes me laugh that my professor loved that story.
Anyway, I would love to hear yours. ~Sheena
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
It's probably better to reach for the stars than just rolling around in the mud, but, still...
I remember once writing a story about dragons, fire, and the dragons themselves stealing fire from somebody. Only I didn't just write it as a story...I tried to write it like it was a chapter in a book in some kind of Bible, like it was a holy legend.
This was a long time ago, and I didn't know way enough to handle doing anything that way...I think I submitted it somewhere, to my great embarrassment now, but my records are so disorganized these days I can't look it up...
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
I thought I had a winning idea once. A sci-fi about a corporation leaving Earth to start their own nation on an asteroid.
What made it pretentious is I wrote it as series of newspaper articles and news blubs set in chronological order.
Thought I had something. It became a string of info-dumps and little else.
Posted by geronl (Member # 9156) on :
Snapper. I tried that very same thing with the very same kind of story and it didn't go anywhere. I gave up very quickly.
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on :
An editor said I "risked sounding elitist" in a particular flash. The elevator pitch: A writer searching for inspiration finds it in an alien jail. Anyone here who wants to read the flash may email me. I don't need or want a critique; the story was trunked after several rejections and a friend belatedly telling me that the story is awful.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
Present tense, second-person POV, main character was a dog. Seemed like a good idea at the time ...