There are those of among us who write every day or at least regularly every week, and there are those among us who need a cattle prod to write, let alone regularly. This note is for those who need some incentive. The hope is that by having to report each week how much writing activity one has done, it will prod you into working at least once a week, so you can report "Yes, I did write." We make no judgement, whether you write or not. We make no judgement of how much you actually write when you do. The hope of this note is to give you an incentive too produce. Of course, life gets in the way of any plans, and we want to hear about that too. Most weeks, I list things that can be writing. I will skip it this week just because I am lazy. Refer to previous week's posts for options as to what can be writing.
As for me, I did write. I am happy to say that yes, I did write. I am still working on my Waxy Dragon birth story and making headway. I am rewriting as I go, using as much of existing work as possible, while changing the story around dramatically. I am adding scenes, rearranging others, and overall, changing the nature of the story. I zap words, sentences and entire paragraphs, then add fresh. Because of this, My word count this week, 1557 words, which is about two pages, is really only a small portion of the actual writing I have done. I just now checked and am surprised that I am editing page 38 of the 44 pages I have. I am starting a set of fresh scenes so the word count will rise quickly. I will also expand what I have and that will add to the word count. This has been a fun time for me. I had forgotten how nice it was to spend time writing. I tend to spend about an hour a day on the story. I don't get far, but I do better than I did when I tried to fit in a longer period of writing.
I am still going on the story idea front. I have 36 story ideas in the compost stack, including what I will post tonight.. The ideas tend to come in, feast of famine. The postings keep going on, no matter what. I did get a bit behind this past week and had to hustle to make sure I was up to date. Including tonight, three more posts and I will be finishing the month. I tend to get a little nervous near the end of the month where things can throw me off, cause me to miss a day. I try not to schedule things at the end of the month if possible. Many years ago, I would take a few days off at the start of the month, and be struggling to get caught up at the end of the month. One day, It dawned on me that if I post every day, even when I was not in the mood, those would be days I need not catch up on. I don't take days off on my story ideas except for life events, such as gong out for a birthday dinner for my nephew this weekend, after missing a day for something else that happened on the previous weekend. Of course, I fitted in a couple extra story ideas when I would have rather worked on Waxy.
As to the question of THE WEEK, I can say
Posted by Merlion-Emrys (Member # 7912) on :
Today? Not yet. But last night I finished some revisions on "Isle of Storms" and I'm about to go into another revision-frenzy tonight.
Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Yes, I did.
I finally got to the revisions on THE IGNORED PROPHECY that I've been threatening to do for a couple of weeks. Of course, that made me think of a couple of other revisions I could make, but I'm ruminating on the consequences of those changes.
I've also restarted DREAMER'S ROSE. I think this time I might have hit on the right approach. I'm starting the story much later and at least at the beginning, alternating chapters between the two MCs. What's relevant of the first MCs back story will have to come in as it becomes relevant. The great thing about this story is that it's really not withholding, since he doesn't remember it right now anyway.
I did write and am writing.
Posted by Architectus (Member # 8809) on :
I'm a little over halfway finished with my screenplay Falling For Faith, which can be read at
I work on it every day.
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
Re-polished four stories and submitted (Got a 10 hour rejection!) Wrote a flash Polished Draft #1 of Panix in Pent, my novel now mature @90K words Critiqued a few stories
I wrote, but walked on little new ground.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
A little revising on Saturday and Sunday...better than I did last week, but also probably "it" until I get back from my upcoming vacation. I leave Saturday and probably won't be back until the next Sunday or Monday, maybe later. (There's not much time to write on the road...besides, I don't bring a laptop along...I don't have one and it'd be just one more thing to keep an eye on.)
Posted by Kitti (Member # 7277) on :
Yup. Revised about 3K of one of my WIPs
Posted by Tricia V (Member # 6324) on :
I finished a difficult chapter on Sunday and churned out another chapter. But the chapter in between is kind of evading me. I guess I can move on to a later chapter and come back. Non-fiction is a bit easier that way. I had kind of hoped to have my first draft done by the end of September, but I'm still kind of hovering at the halfway point. But you never know.
Posted by ScardeyDog (Member # 8707) on :
Yes. Finished a flash and started world building for NaNo.
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
I did more reading than writing. One book for pleasure and OSC's Characters and Viewpoint. I see it all as research.
I did work on my characters for my NaNo story some and have ideas for a bacon horror story percolating in my head. I hope to start working on that today.
Posted by WBSchmidt (Member # 8533) on :
I have been outlining still but not as much as I would like. My goal is to complete a draft of my complete outline by the end of this month (not much time left). However, I'm finding that I need glasses to work on the computer. The eye strain has been quite painful in the last week or two. I think the pain has prevented me from writing as much as I would have liked.
That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
Posted by Merlion-Emrys (Member # 7912) on :
Oh dear lord, genevive i can't believe your going to do a story for that crazy bacon anthology.
btw, did you get my last email? Just wondering cause some times they go astray.
Edit: Nevermind, you didn't get it because I didn't send it, it was still just a draft. Fixed that.
[This message has been edited by Merlion-Emrys (edited September 29, 2009).]
Posted by dee_boncci (Member # 2733) on :
These past many weeks I've been under a spell of proselytization to poetry, much to my horror.
Posted by Denem (Member # 8434) on :
I've been doing more world-building and outlining for my novel than writing.
Posted by arriki (Member # 3079) on :
No. I've just been drifting. I like the opening to my new Mars story but hit a wall plotwise.
Tomorrow is the first day of the next quarter of WOTF so I'll be back to cutting my alien story down, again.
Posted by arriki (Member # 3079) on :
Cut over two hundred more words out of my alien story today. Closing in on that 20,000 barrier. Then all (!) I'll have left is 3,000 MORE words to cut out to reach the 17,000 word maximum. Think there'll enough story left to be worth reading by then?
[This message has been edited by arriki (edited October 03, 2009).]