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Posted by rstegman (Member # 3233) on :
Did You write? 09-07-09
Many who read this are writing more than once a week. Some of the rest of us need prodding to get regular production. That is what this note is about. the idea is that you will see this note coming each and every week on the same day. This note asks you to report what writing you have done or why you have not written this week. Having to report that you did not write at some time during the week is intended to prompt you to write, anything, so you can brag about your accomplishments.

AS to what is writing, that is up to opinion. I post a list of what can be writing. It is not comprehensive, and most of us will disagree with some of the items listed. There are things not on the list that you may well think of as writing. It is more about your opinion, than ours.
New writing, is always writing. Editing, is also writing, even if it is the work of someone else, because only a few of us can create perfection first time. We have to edit, some of us never stop editing as we cannot get our work to that level.
Poetry, article writing, writing assignments, Blogging, Technical articles, are also writing. character development and world building is also writing, as long as something gets on paper. E-mails can also be writing, as long as they pertain to writing or story, and are very wordy. Other things may be writing, if you decide it is writing.

As for me, Yes I did write. I am still working on my Waxy Dragon birth story, creating the foundation for the entire series. I am in the process of creating new scenes to the original plot. It is working pretty good. I try to use as much of the old writing as possible, but so much of it is getting tossed, due to the new story changes due to discussions with my writing partners.
AS it is, I added 1677 words and three pages. This includes zapping entire paragraphs as I was going. I like what I am creating. The original two page story idea is now 34 pages and likely to be 50 pages when done. I would say it is among the best writing I have done, which is not saying much.

I am still doing my story ideas. I am still keeping up with the posts in spite of having some hectic evenings. I have not been coming up with loads of new story ideas, one here or there at most. At this moment, I have 38 story ideas in my compost pile. At times, I get dry spells where I wonder if I will ever get a new concept, then other times the ideas flow like mad. I never know where my concepts will come from and when they will come. As an example, Over this past month, I had several story ideas that originated from commercials I saw recently. I usually try to explain the silliness they show to make it logical.
at the moment, the ideas are coming slowly, but have not stopped completely.

This week, I worked on my rearranged office. It is always surprising how stuff seams to appear out of nowhere.
A story idea for that might be where magic or some technology is used to create storage where little existed. That little cubby hole pierces into another realm. You stick some stuff into the cubby hole so it is out of the way. The stuff slides partway into the other realm. You can then pack more in there. As long as the cubby hole is not disturbed, it will keep crating room on the other side for all the stuff. Later, one needs to move things, You start pulling stuff out of the space and it keeps moving forward to give you more to pull out until the other realm is empty.
Picture someone about to move a desk and is pulling stuff out of a small space next to the wall. The desk has been there for years. When they are done getting everything out to move the desk, the room is nearly full of whatever was stored there over the term.

My wood working has done well. I made a tea pot that is really heavy but rather interesting. I have a lot to do on it, but it has character I have not seen created by any else else. Looking at the piece, I can see why....
There are times where nothing goes right, other items where nothing goes wrong, and then times where, when things go wrong, it does not bother me. I am in a good period right now and loved having a three day weekend to work on it.

AS to the question of the week,

Yes, I did write.

Did you write?

Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Yes, I did. My current WIP is now 54,500 words and almost complete for the first draft.

I haven't really worked on anything else for about three and a half weeks, though.

P.S. I wonder why the forum suddenly required me to login. Haven't had to do that since the first time.

[This message has been edited by Meredith (edited September 07, 2009).]

Posted by Teraen (Member # 8612) on :
For the first time in a long time, YES! I had a great idea for the opening scene of the prologue of what had been my WIP, so I started it. I did 3 chapters and 10,000 words this week. Once I edit it so that it isn't horrible, I'll post the first 13 here and search for anyone willing to give reviews...
Posted by Denem (Member # 8434) on :
I'm taking my novel in a different direction so I've been doing some brainstorming and outlining. I've also edited one of my finished short stories that I'm going to post in the F and F forum soon. No actual writing, but still lots going on.
Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
Posted by Merlion-Emrys (Member # 7912) on :
Well at around 2:30 am on Monday I finished "Rust Stop." Days are weird for me, since I typically don't go to bed until whats technically very early morning.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Yesterday, I managed to do a little revision work on my latest---the one with the gaping flaw that I've mentioned these past weeks---but, other than that, nothing.

I've got a couple of ideas to work on, but haven't yet "worked on" them other than in my head.

Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
Started a new story. Didn't finish. Did a flash

Worked on my novel and reached my minimum length (83K words) finishing the first real draft.

Rewrites on my WotF story. It's now ready to send in after one good final pass through.


Posted by Kitti (Member # 7277) on :
Did another 11K on my novel-length expansion of the novelette and waaaay too much research :-)
Posted by Heresy (Member # 1629) on :
Not any real writing (ie draft) but a lot of notes on ideas. I have gotten to know my 3 main characters for Stone Heart very well, and it has definitely informed the path of the story. Another minor-yet-major character in that story started whispering to me, and it's someone who will be instrumental in the main pov character's growth, so that was awesome.

Also, another story idea started tugging at my sleeve, a new one, which I'm calling Ring Finger as a working code-name (I like doing that as it allows me to keep ideas separate and clear in my head). That one is really ramping up, and starting to show some real promise.

I'm hoping to get some more done on Elemental soon, maybe even today, as I've gotten a bit of my confidence back with it. I sent it out to two friends of mine who I know will give me honest, constructive feedback and they like it. Not to say it doesn't need work; it does, as it's very definitely raw first draft with little if any editing done. But I needed to find out if it was working at all before I could get myself to continue on it. I think I'm about ready though on that front. So hopefully I'll be able to report some real progress on it when next week's topic gets posted.


Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Not as much as I would've liked.

The good: I did a fair amount of notes for my NaNo preparation.

The bad: The story I was so excited about finishing last week has a fatal flaw and the only thing worth keeping is the intro. It's very disheartening. Thus, my mood about writing has not been terribly good this week.


Posted by lbdavid98 (Member # 8789) on :
What a great idea for a weekly post I dig it. And, under the editing clause of your question I did manage to write. I also did a lot of research for a novel that I have to put on the shelf until I finish other projects. This week I'm getting back to basics, gonna start with some flash fiction and revise a few chapters of the novel I'm working on. (I'm declaring it "out loud" so next week I can hold myself accountable for these goals).
Posted by MrsBrown (Member # 5195) on :
Technical articles, are also writing
That means I write every day; imagine that. Well, I don’t count it because technical documents are a completely different animal.

This week, I picked at existing stuff. I did not write. I jotted down a couple new ideas. That’s it.


Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
(I'm declaring it "out loud" so next week I can hold myself accountable for these goals).

If you want to declare goals and report your success (or failure) to reach them, try the Novel Support Group (NSG) under Groups.

See you there.

Posted by jezzahardin (Member # 8782) on :
Yes, about 4k words on my science fiction novel, Hyperdark. It's sitting at 67k words, and is just past the halfway point.


Posted by ScardeyDog (Member # 8707) on :
Nope. I had another week of vacation followed by more overtime at work. I hope to do a crit this weekend to get back into the swing of things. And reading genevieve's post reminded me I have to start getting ready for NaNo.
Posted by lbdavid98 (Member # 8789) on :
NaNo? Could someone enlighten me?
Posted by Kitti (Member # 7277) on :
NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month

Posted by SavantIdiot (Member # 8590) on :
Ayup. Thanks to Mrs. Brown, I making great headway. Ripping the guts out of things.... I am doing things like interrogating my characters. Thinking about what type of books I want to write.

It is interesting I have always heard that if you want to write, you just have to write. Which I thought meant that you had to write on the actual document you want to publish.

As a French friend used to say (and I laughed every time "Yes, yes; but NO..."

I am finding it very, very helpful to sit down and write out the story in ways and aspects which will never appear directly in the stories. It is deepening things for me.

The down side is that I intended to write for the younger market - the more innocent, anyway - and I am not so sure that is going to happen now.

Posted by lbdavid98 (Member # 8789) on :
As a French friend used to say (and I laughed every time "Yes, yes; but NO..."

My favorite college professor was French in every way that mattered (to her) and she used ot say that all the time. Drove me nuts.

Posted by SavantIdiot (Member # 8590) on :
We had two French exchange students and they were fun. The French girl had a common phrase which she thought perfectly apt for most ocassions; "Yes, but we do it much bay-ter." We laughed at first, thinking she was kidding. She was not. When we visited her in France, her mother wondered why we didn't use the French internet because it was 'so much better'. I suggested that it was because it was in French and she stared at me like that should make no difference at all...

Pretty funnny. The boy's use of 'Yes, yes; but NO..' was really his way of saying, "Okay, I heard you, I understand your point, but you are wrong because...". I can remember our son telling him, "You know, Jean, when you say that you are really just saying, "NO".

[This message has been edited by SavantIdiot (edited September 13, 2009).]

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