I thank you for those who have admitted that this note does what I hoped it would do. The idea is to see this note coming, and to sit down and write, so one can report here that you have written. It helps me as well, as long as life does not get in the way.
AS to what is writing, anything new is writing. Editing by nature MUST be writing, even if it is editing someone else's work. Poetry, articles, blogging, writing assignments, are all writing. So is character and world building. E-mails can also be writing as long as they are very wordy and pertain to writing. Other things can be called writing if you believe it is.
AS for me, Yes, I did write. I edited on my Birth Of Waxy story. I am rebuilding the beginning, taking more time, showing who and what Bubblehead is. I have slowed down the story with some description. it is still not publishable levels, but it is better than it was even from the last edit. We worked out a little problem I had in the story. Bubblehead is not physically fit, Yet I had him running from something. Discussing a recent story with my writing partner, it dawned on me that he would not be running, but instead be using his "tools" he finds to delay the things he would run or fight. That helped the story so far. I have two friends writing in my Waxy universe. We needed to specify how our characters came to know each other. I wrote a rapid piece giving a concept as I saw it. It was on the level of my story ideas. His character does not believe in magic, and we bring him to a magical place where he meets Waxy. In every case, he thinks what he sees is high technology or some other "mundane" cause. That was 3 pages and 1582 words. It helped answer questions we had, and sets up a place that will appear in many of the rewritten stories. It solves many problems we have had.
I did a compost pile count and have 41 story ideas, including the one from today I was digging deep into the pile, but came up with several in the past couple days. One I posted was the worst I think I have ever posted. It was one where the concept was not there and I kept writing to find something to it, and failed. It happens, Usually not that bad, but at least it filled a spot.
A couple months ago, my nephew got my main computer back to me. It had failed on me several years ago and he took this long to fix it. I finally moved into it completely this weekend. I am still making some preference setups with it. This is one hot computer compared to my other one, and it has a 56.6 modem instead of the 28.8 modem I have fought with over the past couple years. Moving, whether a house, a computer or even a room, is a royal pain. It always takes a while to get comfortable again. In this case, it will just take some time to become comfortable with the system's little quirks.
For the question of the day, I can say
Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
I did, I did.
I've gotten about 5000 new words on Dreamer's Rose. Finally past the block on that one!
Posted by Kitti (Member # 7277) on :
Yup. Lots of brainstorming, 8K of new stuff, and so much editing I think I'm going cross-eyed.
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
A scene from a future book (#7) in my series came and spoke to me so I had to write that. I haven't counted the words but the scene works so it doesn't matter. Will it still exist when I actually get to book seven? Who knows but I had to get it out of my brain for now so I could work on other things.
I have also been editing book one quite strenuously. Part of my edit has revealed that a certain element about the bad guy needs to be strengthened and I have started brainstorming and researching that. The brainstorming had and 'aha' in it that has already improved the character even though I haven't written it in yet.
So yes, thank you, I have written.
Write on!
Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
I did. Finally. I restarted on my collaborative project, after our recent move. (We're still unpacking, and I'm finishing up a commission for ten penciled portraits of animals, and working toward opening the new shop--but if feels good to stretch my gray matter.)
Posted by WBSchmidt (Member # 8533) on :
I have not done any writing yet, unfortunately. Instead, I have been doing some research on writing lately that I hope will help me once I do get back to writing again.
If anyone is interested, I discuss this research in this week's Novel Support Group post in the Hatrack Groups section.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
A complete washout. I got sick Wednesday, missed work Thursday and Friday, went to work sick Saturday-Sunday-Monday, had the illness linger until, well, right now...and did no writing.
And it's frustrating 'cause I think I'm about a thousand words from the end of this draft...then I can fiddle...and, maybe, September or October, send it off somewhere...
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
I wrote a new short and a new flash which I felt was one of my better attempts. Rewrote my WotF project and did some crit work. One of my lower output weeks, but I made progress, nevertheless.
Posted by Denem (Member # 8434) on :
Not as much as I wanted to. I did manage to write a couple more paragraphs on my current WIP. I'll probably scrap them though as I'm not real comfortable with the flow.
My novel has been sitting getting cold for a bit so I hope to get back to that as well.
Now that things have sort of calmed down around my home I hope to batten down the hatches and get some serious writing done. Lots of stuff to work on, I just need to do it.
Posted by Tiergan (Member # 7852) on :
Yeah, has been hard this week. Will be for the next month with the hours I have to put into work, but I wrote all the same, started a couple shorts, now just need to get through them.
Posted by Heresy (Member # 1629) on :
Not really. I've hit a bit of a crisis of confidence with Elemental, so I've asked a couple of friends to read it and comment on a few aspects of it. I'd put it up here for comment, but it's still very raw first draft, and I know it's not ready for that.
On the upside, I have been brainstorming and world building on another idea. A fair amount of notes, getting to know the world, the characters and path of the story. We'll see where it goes, if *this* will be my first finished novel. I'm good at starting things, lousy at getting all the way to the end. I'm calling this one Stone Heart, at least for now.
I think the next month or so are going to be hard on my writing. I work best at night for writing, but I'm working 4 to midnight for the next 5 weeks, and who knows what my hours will be after that. I guess I'll just have to try to get it in where I can.