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Posted by rstegman (Member # 3233) on :
Did You Write? 07-27-09

Wake up, wake up! DID YOU WRITE this week? If you knew this note was coming, you likely did, just so you could say you did. This is a place to brag about your accomplishments, cry about your failures, and to otherwise tell about what is going on in your life.

Each week, I tell about what writing can be. I am running late so I will skip the list this time. Just remember that editing is writing.

Yes, I wrote this week. I dug into my Waxy birth story some more. Not as much as I wanted, but did a lot of writing, for me. I did some editing while I was at it too. I added two pages, 1674 words. On this, I will glance over the piece and make changes on scenes or paragraphs that bother me, then go forward.
I am near the end of the rough draft. That is good. Another writing session should finish it. Then, I have the hard part of creating the story character personalities. I have the situation where waxy sees the story character as two different people. one she loves and the one she gets stuck with. What I have is the main action. I need to spend time writing about the character, taking time in sev3ral scenes to develop his personality.
My writing partner suggested a change in the plotting that would help a lot. It would also add more writing. I have already planned This piece started out as a two page bit, and is now at 21 pages. I can easily see it at thirty pages when done.

On the story idea front, I am doing well I have posted 38 story ideas, and have four days to write five story ideas. Should be easy. I have 42 story ideas in my stack to dig into, including tonight's idea. . I am not going to complain about that at all. I have five that really need concentration to write correctly. There is one that is a sherlock Holmes style concept. I picked up the works of sherlock Holmes and want to read it so I can get some flavor of that in this story idea. I have been rushing to get ideas out so I won't take on a long concept knowingly. It is different if they just turn out that way. I will end this month with 43 total posted ideas, and will be caught up for the ones I missed from June (31+31=62, then 62-19=42).

As to the question of the day,

Did you write?

Posted by Kitti (Member # 7277) on :
I've been completely inspired this week. 11K and still rolling...
Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
I did write. I did revisions on The Ignored Prophecy,including several new or expanded scenes, and one chapter of Dreamer's Rose.
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
I performed a quick edit on my novel. Wrote a flash and a short story that didn't turn out too well. And I wrote out a novel idea (2,300 words).

Worked on polishing three short stories and did five critiques for others.

Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
A seemed to go well, but it's not a great deal of material...and it's retyping copy, at any rate, so it's not like creating something new...

But I still like it well enough...I plan to polish it some once I finish, and then send it out.

Posted by Marita Ann (Member # 8697) on :
Yes, I did write! I wrote a 10 page double spaced paper about bone formation and the Lrp5 pathway. Glad to have that done. (Well, okay, so two pages were entirely graphs, but still.) As for creative writing, I got a little bit written in my novel.
Posted by skadder (Member # 6757) on :
I have done a lot of planning, but only 1500 words of actual prose.
Posted by Heresy (Member # 1629) on :
I did write a little, probably about 1500 words, maybe less. My WIP has suddenly decided to become uncooperative. I did have another idea, and did a bit more research for another, but I'm still feeling frustrated. We'll see how it goes this week.


Posted by WBSchmidt (Member # 8533) on :
Wow Kitti. And here I was happy with the thousand or so words I've already done so early in the week.

At least I finished one of my chapter goals for the week. I'm happy about that.


Posted by Natej11 (Member # 8547) on :
Sure did. Got three chapters written to fill in the holes in my story. Just one more chapter and I can finally go back to what I've already written!
Posted by Tiergan (Member # 7852) on :
Yes, I wrote. Finished a short, and queried some more.
Posted by Symphonyofnames (Member # 8283) on :
Plenty of world-building, but I'm still not sure what's going to be happening there.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Addendum: yesterday, I happened to thumb through the remaining pages of printout draft I was working from---and found the ending was missing! Now I gotta sift through paperwork and files and see if I can turn up that ending, otherwise I'll have to rewrite it...
Posted by Jaz (Member # 2880) on :
I restarted Chapter 5 after it took on a direction I didn't like. Besides, who wants to read about some well-off kid and his family when you can read about a broken home, where the Dad has died, the Mom gone loony, and the kid trying to hold it all together.

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