It is that time again to brag about your accomplishments, cry about your failures, and to otherwise discuss what is going on in your life. This is a milepost to report whether you wrote at any time during this past week. There are those who write every day, then there are slackers like myself that allow life get in the way periodically, or often. Everybody is getting used to this note appearing every week, usually on Monday. We realize that we have not written this week, so we sit down and open some sort of work so we can report that YES, WE DID WRITE. The definition of what is writing, is a lot up to you. Most weeks I give suggestions as to what is writing. Some I don't really agree with, but they are by some definition as writing. for us, as a group, they are all quite acceptable. All new writing. Editing, even if it is the work of others, is writing. Poetry is writing. Blogging, articles, technical writing, writing assignments, world or character building, as long as we get something on paper. E-mails can also be writing, as long as they are very wordy, and pertain to writing. There may be more, there may be less. These are suggestions for what is writing.
As for me, I stand up proud and say YES I DID WRITE. My writing partner is working on a blog to post our finished pieces. I have only been there once. We are both rewriting our first Dragon Tales. My very first Waxy Dragon story was like one of my weaker story ideas. It basically introduced the concept and then said that they would have adventures together. I now have over 60 adventures written and now think I know her well enough to rewrite her birth story. The big thing is that I have never actually written about the Bubblehead character. My concept was to never see him, In any pictures, one would see a plumb belly, a beard, feet, knees, hands, but never see him. Now I am trying to create him and his personality. I am missing my target, but am seeing him better. Anyway, I have written on the story, editing and adding new, about an hour a day for many days this past week. I added 4 pages and 2513 words. This has been the best I have done in a very long time. Getting from where I am and to the ending is taking some work. I cannot go directly there. I like the way it is coming out, even though I still don't see the Bubble head character yet. It will come out in more rewriting.
With the story ideas I write, they seldom resemble exactly concepts I come up with, or even ideas others give me. By the time I finish the explanation of the world and situation the work is on a different path. My only hope is to include the items that seeded the concept I started with. Any time I have actually wrote from one of my concepts, it has changed drastically again. I have seen the same with pieces written by others on the same subject. Because of this, I know that if twenty people took one of my presentations, they would come up with twenty different finished works. It was one reason why I had no fear of posting story ideas, even ones I fully intended to work from. Anyway, I am trying to get caught up on the story ideas I missed last month. I was twelve ideas behind when this month started. At this moment, on the 20th, I have posted as of tonight, 28 story ideas. I have 43 ideas in my compost pile, including the one posted tonight. I need to post 43 story ideas this month to be back where I am supposed to be. I only have eleven days to post five EXTRA story ideas this month. I am doing it quite well so far. I even missed a couple days this month.
As to the question of the week, Yes, I did write.
Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Yes, I did.
I worked on the synopsis and query for The Shaman's Curse (finally). I wrote some on Dreamer's Rose (need to get back to that). And I've started some revisions on The Ignored Prophecy.
Posted by Heresy (Member # 1629) on :
I did, though not very much. Unfortunately, I pinched a nerve in one shoulder, and spent most of the week nursing it back to health. Only maybe about 500 words done this past week. I guess I'll just have to try to make up for it this week.
I did, though, do some research for an idea and made some notes for it, so the time wasn't quite as much of a loss as it feels like.
Posted by Denem (Member # 8434) on :
I wrote about five pages (just over 1600 words) today and finished off the first draft of a chapter for my novel The Orphan's Jewel.
I've been on a bit of a hiatus for the past couple of months so it feels really good to get back in the game and accomplish something significant.
Posted by Kitti (Member # 7277) on :
I got a little bit of editing done, and reread Characters & Viewpoint with an eye towards applying it to some of my WIPs.
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on :
Yes, I wrote over 3,000 words for RITN and experimented with the structure of a fantasy short story.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
I did some revising on my next WOTF entry and wrote a fifth possible ending for it. None of the other ones seemed quite right, but this one I like.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Over the course of the week, I got some done on my latest project, which seems to go well. Yesterday, thanks to a crowded schedule, and some extremely disruptive personal events, nothing. (I may have to expend some literary effort in that direction shortly.)
Posted by Natej11 (Member # 8547) on :
Posted by ScardeyDog (Member # 8707) on :
I wrote a couple hundred words. Also I finished my first crit ever. (Merlion I'll try to get that back to you tonight)
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
I finished the first draft of my novel. That was 50,000 words in two weeks. Now I have to go through and give it a run-through for grammar and clunkiness and let it sit for a few weeks.
I did some rewriting, a flash and caught up on some critting.
Posted by Natej11 (Member # 8547) on :
Gratz on completing the novel!
Posted by BenM (Member # 8329) on :
Congrats Ken, that's a pretty good pace.
I've not done any actual fiction writing for a while, I'm caught up in planning limbo at present, filling in plot holes and arranging story arcs in my novel project. My deadline is fast approaching though and I've only nine days left before I have to start writing. If the kids let me get a full night's sleep I might stand a chance ;)
Posted by traven (Member # 8685) on :
This week I was able to finish my first short story.
It is a mere 5,836 words which I accomplished over the course of the past four weeks, the last 1500 words or so written this week. I took my time with it and tried to really think everything through as I put it down on paper while rereading and rewriting the scenes several times. I feel very good about it and now have to decide what to do next