Did You Write? April 27th 2009. . Another time to report. the actual title to this note is, "Did you write at some time during this week?" I just shorten it to ask, Did you write? As to what is writing, there is a lot of opinion to it, but here is what I found acceptable by most people here. Any new writing, whatever it is, is of course, writing. Editing, even if it is editing the work of another author, is writing. Poetry is writing. World and character building is writing as long as something gets onto paper. Article writing, blogging, writing assignments, and technical papers, are also writing. E-mails, if pertaining to writing, and very wordy, are also writing. Other things can be writing if you decide that is what it is. Some of these might not fit your definition of writing. It is all your choice.
I did not get the opportunity to write this week. I got a couple days behind on the story ideas and real life prevented me from getting caught up, and that left no time to do real writing. Several of my stories are tugging at me to work on or finish. I just have not had the time.
I have 38 story ideas in my compost stack including tonight's story idea. My new ideas have been far between this past week and I had to dig deeper than the surface few. There is a reason that story ideas sink into the compost stack. If they get very far, they tend to really stink. I found several that did not have a overpowering stench and posted them. Having 30+ ideas next to the keyboard sounds like a lot. It really isn't. Keep in mind that I have another stack somewhere with 170 story ideas in it. Several of what I have in my present stack should be there instead. Those are Post-able only if I am really desperate.
Friday, the day I planned to work on my stories, ended up being a day where I left the house early. They were shutting down the building's water for several hours to do a plumbing repair. I decided not to hang around. I went to do woodworking and chose a project I have not tried before. This gave me three full days to work on it. I am making a plaque with a company logo as a gift. This turned out to be a lot of fun and the results have impressed me so far. Other than getting the lettering right, it came out wonderful. It has a flying eagle and it is recognizable as an eagle. that is saying a lot. The interesting part of my carving is that I really don't know how I do it and do it so well. I carve by feel. some carvers go by analysis, calculating everything. Going by feel, has the problem where if you get out of it for long enough, you have no idea how to do it again. I also did a small figurine of a type for the first time and it came out very good. It was also recognizable. I did make some bad early decisions and misunderstandings of the figure, but corrected those fast. I will not complain about the end results. Of course, correcting for errors is what makes an advanced carver, advanced. You make a mistake, you turn it into a design change.
As to the question of the day No, I did not write this week.
Did you write?
Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Yes, I did. I have made some revisions on Book One: The Shaman's Curse as critiques have come back. And I started reworking the outline and the beginning of Book Two: The Ignored Prophecy, now that I have an idea of what to do with that story. I'm getting more excited about that one, now. That's a good sign.
I still have to get back to trying to make something out of the synopsis of Book One. That's not nearly as much fun.
Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
I did. Not as much as I should have, but, I haven't closed MSWord yet.
Posted by WBSchmidt (Member # 8533) on :
My work today and the last few days has been spent working on my outline (which did not go as well as I would have liked) and characterization for my MC and a supporting role character. Not until working on those characters did I make progress.
The only writing I did today was on my blog (unless you want to count world building as writing). I learned a few things about my writing style that I felt I needed to log. As a structured writer, I am seeking the best way for me to work on a novel project from start to finish. I have learned a few things in the last few days that I hope will help me in the future.
-- William
Posted by C L Lynn (Member # 8007) on :
Yes! I rarely get to write much on Mondays, but today I made time. Winding up the last scenes of a new story. Yippee!
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
I wrote two stories this week and continued to work on two others plus a flash. So I did write. Now I have to concentrate on writing well.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
I worked steady for a few days...then things got busy and writing went by the roadside.
When I'm "inspired," if that's the right word, I usually write every day even on these "busy" days. Most of the time, like now, I just plod.
Posted by Kitti (Member # 7277) on :
Did revisions on my WOTF entry, didn't like them, threw them all out, redid them again. Plus I did some world-building and character studies.
Posted by Doug Bradshaw (Member # 8559) on :
I want to make a plug for daily writing goals.
When I was 15 I made a goal to write in my journal once a week. That was one entry and the next entry came around 20 days later. Since writing once a week was hard, I changed my goal to writing every day. I've kept at it with a few days missed here and there for the 16 years since then.
I've tried to write fiction on my own before and failed. Now I've added it into my daily routine and for the first time it seems to be working.
So far I've been writing 6 days per week with no exceptions since about the beginning of February. I just finished chapter 22 of my first draft tonight and it's been fun. Anyway, since I plan for my answer to these thread to be "yes" indefinitely, I won't answer to others unless something crazy happens and there is a no.