Anyways one of the crux ideas of the story is that it revolves around a doctor who happens to be a telepath and one of his colleagues who's an ordinary mortal like us.
At the time when I was working on the first version, I got a lot of 'tsk,tsk-ing' from a friend of mine who was an assistant editor at a major publishing house, who said the whole notion of telepathy was a big cliche left over from the 1970s and it was unlikely to get published because people would have a hard time getting their heads beyond that even if the idea was sound.
Anyways wondering if my idea has any hope of publication...
Its just one of those stories that won't leave me alone. and in the vein of write what you like, not what you think has some chance of being a best seller someday...
Can you list the cliches you think of when you think of telepathy in SF? And/or point me in the direction of some good books in the vein so I'll know what to steer clear of...
My opinion is that if you can give it a new twist, either the telepathy itself or the people or the plot, something that no one else could think of, that could only come out of the strange depths of your own mind, it won't matter if the telepathy itself is a cliche.
The "Twilight" series for instance. There are so many vampire stories out there, that you'd think it would be "cliche" and overdone. But Meyer put new twists on it and made it her own. Now she's created a new cliche of course, as all the copycats follow in her wake.
I assume what your critical friend might be referencing as trite or cliché about telepathy might be a matter of personal sentiments. Certainly, follow-ons to Dragonriders and Darkover attempted to reach their potential and fell short of the mark of distinction and originality, but in general what's cliché yesterday is tomorrow's idiom and vice versa.
I believe the telepathy motif fell out of favor because the reading public lost faith in its possibilities, largely as a consequence of scientific research proving the practioners of it were charlatans, demonstrating it's impossible, and the consequent coverage in the media. Surmounting reader loss of faith is the crux. Like, under what circumstances might telepathy become possible, plausible, logical? Extreme hardship driving a change in mental state, technology, and fantastical new discoveries.
I explored one such situation in a story. On the premise that the subconscious mind is capable of processing great amounts of information and leaks a bit of the results to the conscious mind, an ability to communicate more effectively between the two states of mind might result in telepathy-like talents. Reading body language, hypersensitive sensory awareness, autosuggestion, consciousness of predictable human behavior, etc.
I read stories with telepathy as a special power of a main character and it doesn't bother me at all.
Some possible limits:
1--telepaths can control how they send, but they can't control how they receive--can't block incoming (meaning telepaths can send to other people by choice, but they can't shut other telepaths out)
2--telepaths can control how they receive--can block incoming, but they can't control how they send--can't block outgoing (meaning telepaths can "hear" others--telepaths or otherwise--by choice, but they can't control which telepaths "hear" them)
3--telepaths can only send and/or receive with certain others, and there can be rules about how those others are found or created that you can play with
I think the biggest problem with telepaths as cliche is the idea of someone sending and/or receiving uncontrollably and having to learn how to deal with that ability.
If you have people who already know what they can and can't do, and you explore the things that can happen within those constraints, you won't be as likely to be cliche.
I've been working on the idea for some time, so I have good system of rules based around proximity, and whether the telepath in question has become acclimated to the person their communicting with (if they're a non-mind reader).
This is not exactly cliche, but sometimes overused. Which is what many people mean when they say cliche these days. And I think that this is yet another example reinforcing the point that it doesn't matter if other have done it before, it matters what you do with it and how you make it original. Even the buggers had some telepathy going on.
You hit it right on the head, it's the combination of being a medical doctor and a telepath that fascinates me...
Of course, I had to think of a reason someone so sensitive would end up in the medical profession to begin with.
I basically decided that he did it to explore the mystery of himself and what he is. Coupled with the practice of people like him routinely masking psi talents by technology when not actively using it, so he would initially have had no trouble sensing others' pain etc...
I start the story by having him run away (as a fugitive) to a real frontier colony planet where he has to focus on being a real (not a research doctor) who sees patients and frontier medicine first hand. And then of course the technology that keeps him shielded breaks and then he just has to learn to cope. And it just so happens that the shielding technology prevented him from developing his powers to their full potencial, so he's dealng with that too... And then the people who've been looking for him come and all hell breaks loose..
It is more like empathy at the beginning. He has to touch someone or become aclimated to them to sense much beyond emotion, and really picking someone's mind for information requires extensive physical contact as well as drugs to make them pliable. I didn't want to deal with mind control at least in the beginning (its too much like a get-out-of-jail-free card), so its not in this story. I have a sequel that's already mostly written where he can sometimes control people, but its not a sure-fire thing by a long shot. And he's no longer physically running from anybody at that point, so its more about his ability distorting other people's trust in him.
I don't know if you could say I have rules for telepathy, just a logical progression of development...
It deals with how a telepath comes to terms with controlling telepathy, and the loss of trust of others in telepaths -- issues that seem to be in your story as well. I imagine that if your story does not address them sufficiently differently, it may appear cliche; and that would be sad, because I for one enjoy stories about telepathy.
[This message has been edited by TaleSpinner (edited February 08, 2009).]
Really it is best to set some limits on how it is used or controlled. So a shielded telepath does not receive, but also can't send. Using telepathy drains energy etc.
Try to talk to someone who is/claims to be psychic and see how they describe the usage of their talents. The internet is such a good research tool, and people are very generous at answering polite questions.
coincidentally, very nice plotline with the empathy-telepathy thing. if you dont mind, I may write that in as a minor character in one of my graphic novels. have him end up comiting suicide to stop from reading peoples thoughts.
what happens if he "hears" too many things at once? does his brain short out? ...possibilities...
But if you don't like exploding heads, don't watch that part.