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Posted by DebbieKW (Member # 5058) on :
I just found out that other people here are on GoodReads, and I was interested to discover what they were reading--especially in the way of research or writing books. So, does anyone else want to 'fess up to being on GoodReads? It might be fun to get a Hatrackers "friend" network going.

I'm at

Also, I recently signed up for Twitter on a whim, and now I'm trying to figure out why I bothered. Perhaps someone better at twitter can confirm this, but I believe if other writers sign up for twitter, we could follow each other and kind of use it to help support or motivate each other. For example, we can post how much we've written that day or if we've sent a out a query letter or received a rejection or acceptance letter. Is anyone else interested in doing this?

I'm at

Posted by KayTi (Member # 5137) on :
I use Shelfari to track books, same concept as GoodReads, I think. I'm kayti99 on shelfari if anyone wants to connect.

I also have a twitter account, I use it for a lot of things. One fun thing to do is follow writers you like/know of. I follow John Scalzi, Tobias Buckell, and Jay Lake, as well as EricTReynolds who edited the anthology a short story of mine appeared in. I also follow friends of mine who are active in new/social media, and I follow bloggers who have cool tech blogs that I'm interested in, my sister and her husband have twitter accounts...anyway, just giving you some other ideas for tweets to look for. I'm only a few weeks ahead of you on the twitter thing and I'm finding that it's taking a little while to get my sea legs. There are also certain things in the tweetosphere that create more traffic than others. Macworld a couple weeks ago was a blizzard. Inauguration day was another. Seems like most people tweet in bursts - tweeting every hour for a day, then not at all for three. Only a few of the people I follow tweet more often than that.

Anyway - I'll be glad to connect with you on twitter, though be warned you may just be amused by my tweets versus actually inspired. My writing is all over the board right now, but I definitely tweet about writing things (when they happen, LOL.)


Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
I just started using goodreads heavily in the past month or so. Joined the 50 books in a year group and am trying to make this a year of reading. I sent you a message.
Posted by satate (Member # 8082) on :
I'm on Goodreads and really enjoy it. Send me a friend request.

Posted by JamieFord (Member # 3112) on :
I'm on Shelfari, but I prefer GoodReads...

Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
I'm on Goodreads, and I've started a Hatrack River Writers Workshop group there. (I started one on Facebook, for those of you who are there.)

Don't use my email address to add me as a friend on Goodreads, though. Just look me up as Kathleen Dalton-Woodbury or find me here. Or find the Hatrack River Writers Workshop group and add me as a friend from that.

Posted by arriki (Member # 3079) on :
I'm on Good READS.
Posted by LAJD (Member # 8070) on :
I'm on Shelfari as LeslieD

and Twitter as lesliedow

and I am pretty active on both sites.

Posted by LAJD (Member # 8070) on :
So those of you on both Shelfari and GoodReads, why do you like GoodReads better? I have found Shelfari's performance annoyingly slow and the search paradigm confusing, but some of my friends are there. I alos have a lot of books on there now and moving would be a pain. Howver, if GoodReads is better maybe I can figure out an export/import process...... (This has the makings of a project that will keep me away from writing....)



Posted by KayTi (Member # 5137) on :
LOL, i was going to ask the same question, Leslie (and had the same observation about keeping me away from writing)

The one thing I know about shelfari is that they were recently acquired by Amazon (or somehow are connected now where they didn't used to be.) and that may somehow confer some advantages...

I have my shelfari bookshelf up on my personal blog, too, which is handy. I suspect goodreads can do the same.

Posted by annepin (Member # 5952) on :
Twitter is waaaay to distracting for me. You can find me on GoodReads and Facebook (but if you follow me on the latter you'll have to put up with my liberal banter )
Posted by Omakase (Member # 2915) on :
I wasn't familiar with GoodReads or Shelfari, but just came across this thread and I wanted to mention another one (that I belong to).

It looks like the same idea as the others.
It's free up to 200 books [I think] and if you want more it's $25 for a lifetime membership.

One really nice feature they have is called Early Reviewers and its a neat program where you can sign up for *FREE* ARCs of upcoming books. It's run lottery style, but in the past year I've already gotten 3 books (mailed right to me from the publisher).
All that's asked in return is for a review to be posted.


Posted by Sunshine (Member # 3701) on :
I really appreciate the links people are suggesting. I signed on to Twitter a few months ago, and I agree that it isn't as great in practice as it is in theory. It's nice to get news updates when something incredible happens, but I'm just as likely to receive a message that says "I'd really love some chocolate right about now". Now, I appreciate chocolate cravings as much as the next person, but I'm not really sure that's Twitter-worthy.

I signed on to Good Reads yesterday, and I also created an account on Live Journal. I think I may be the last person on earth who doesn't blog, so I figure now is as good a time as any to change that.

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