Did You Write? December 29th 2008 . It is that time of week again. We can look back over the week and see if you were able to meet even a simple goal of writing at some time during a week. We all know that life gets in the way, and not everyone can write even once during the week, let alone every day. The idea of this note is to give you something simple to strive for. Even writing a paragraph is enough to crow about. Of course, Writing new text is not the only thing thought of as writing. Editing, even if it is someone else's writing, is by nature writing. Very few of use can create a master piece from scratch. Nearly all of use have to edit to get something good (in my case, no amount of editing will fix it, but that is beside the point). Poetry is also writing. I've tried it and it is a royal pain to make it even presentable, let alone good. To do it right, a poem will take more energy for some of us than a whole novel. Writing assignments, blogging, technical papers, and the like are also writing. World building, as long as something gets onto paper, and E-mails, as long as they are very wordy and pertain to writing, can also be thought of as writing.
As for me, I have to say that I dragged society down a bit more this week. I was creative, though. I finished painting my Christmas Cards, about half an hour before I had to go to deliver them. I painted a number of containers for gifts. One big reason I did not get to write, is that I fell behind on my story ideas and had to catch up. Good news. When I went on Vacation back in August, I left a packet of story ideas there. In a Christmas package, the ideas returned. I combined them with my USE NOW stack. This gives me three stacks to play with. I have a stack that will never see the light of a monitor that has 170 ideas in it. I would have to be desperate to need to even touch them. Coming up with new story ideas would be easier than figuring out how to use them. I have another stack which is USE NEXT. There are 36 story ideas in there. They are good and useable, but not the best ideas. My USE NOW stack now has 39 story ideas, including the one I am posting tonight. Even with all of these, I am always excited to get a new story idea, as usually it is more interesting than what I have in my stacks. I will end the month even (though some say I am a little odd anyway) and I think it is four ideas ahead for the year.
I saw the doctor on my hand. I might not get much more movement than I had before surgery. I was able to do nearly everything anyway, so that is not a real problem. Of course, had I known about that before the surgery, I would have saved some money....
I hope you had and am having, a wonderful Holyday Season
As to the question of the day, I must to my shame, say, NO I DID NOT WRITE.
Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
I outlined my butt off, as fixed some typos in my newly finished WIP. I guess that would count.
Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Mostly, I've been doing a major revision on what was to have been book 2 (now to be combined with what was to have been book 3). I like it a lot better this way. But it's slow going. As I reorganize things, I have to be really careful to avoid continuity breaks. I almost had somebody using a sword before the thing had been made today.
Because it's slow, other ideas try to tempt me away, so I've done a little work on a couple of short stories. But I'm trying to put most of my effort on the novel.
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on :
I finished the rough draft of a short fantasy I started in early November. This week, I'll send a revision of the story to my Second Reader.
The rest of my time for writing last week went to research and drafts of blog posts. I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate story research into blogs that will entertain readers.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Things pretty much shut down during Christmas week---even after Christmas ended, I couldn't get things going, even on Saturday when I usually have time. Sunday, though, I managed to get five hundred words out.
I'm hopeful for today, tomorrow, and Thursday---like last week, I have the holiday, New Year's Day, off---but, unlike last week, I won't be bogged down by cooking and Christmas and relatives. I've only got about five pages of rough draft to turn into pages in this draft---I could do it in one short burst if I could motivate myself to do it.
And then the cutting and editing starts...
Posted by Crank (Member # 7354) on :
The SF novel got put to the side last week in favor of physics research.
However, I did spend some time improving the agent query letter and synopsis for my YA novel.
Oh...and I also wrote some poetry and lyrics. Meanwhile, my instruments sit neglected.
S! S!...C!
Posted by tempest (Member # 8242) on :
This week I have officially put my WIP on the shelf. I have hit a wall that, despite my best efforts, I can't figure out how to disassemble. I'm hoping that through research and reading some spark of inspiration comes. If it doesn't, well there it sits.
I have concentrated on poetry which is arduous, fun and a heck of alot more satisfying lately.
Posted by Ben Trovato (Member # 7804) on :
I wrote, for the first time in three months.
I wrote an irritating Mary-sue character into a massive freak out and then killed her. It was immensely satisfying.
(mine is an evil laugh)
Posted by rcorporon (Member # 2879) on :
I managed to get another 1k words into my WIP novel. That makes 61k words now. Probably another 29k to go.
Posted by sjsampson (Member # 8075) on :
I managed to get a little bit done.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
I did finish the latest draft of my latest thing, yesterday, the last day of 2008. I was gonna finish in early December, rest up from writing in the peak Christmas season (where I'm busy with other things), then get back to it for revisions and cutting on January 1st. But it took longer than I thought, and I'll have to rest up and get to it sometime next week, I hope...