My first serious completed project is a television adaptation of a comic book. A few people have read it, including someone who used to read scripts for a living, and the reactions have been overwhelmingly positive. None of the readers have seen the original material it was adapted from(it's slightly obscure) and still are interested.
The trouble is, I have no rights whatsoever to this work, so obviously I can't do a lot with it. I was planning to just send off a copy to the original author and thank him for his work and say that it inspired me to produce this script. I don't necessarily want to get into discussion of getting things made or selling it, etc.
I am relatively confident of the marketability of the concept, I think the nature of the material leads to a near limitless story potential and the characterizations have broad appeal.
I know I went about this the wrong way, and really it was mostly meant as an educational exercise for my own amusement and growth. Should I just let it go at that? Is there a known methodology of pursuing things at this point?
Any and all advice appreciated, thanks!
My guess, is to send a quiry letter to the creator of the comic book and ask if they would be interested in seeing a script based on their story.
Others here can tell you what the letter should contain.
Your next step is based on the creator's answer.
But now that you've done that, the next challenge is: can you come up with your own world, and your own characters, and follow that all the way through to the end? Contacting the person who has the rights to the characters you've already written about is a possibility, but I bet you could go a lot further with something that's original. Get busy and show us what you got! Good Luck!
(Also don't bother the original creator with it. Mostly the plagiarism issue.)
If you're not interested in selling, or at least in selling that particular work, there's always Internet Fan Fiction. Search out an online group of fans of the comic book, find websites that put up stuff like that, and go from there. The legal right to do so may be vague, and the money is a complete zero, but you might find an appreciative audience---and sometimes that's more important. (I get the impression you're not interested in this angle right now---but I thought I'd just put it out there for consideration.)
And you could check into the forum at They can get pretty wild, but I learned a lot about screenwriting there. They have various "rooms" for different genres. They might have one for comics.
Thanks for the feedback, folks.
Second, you have to remain true to the author's vision of the story and its backstory, and where the story might go if there are follow-on works such as sequels, prequels and spinoffs. Without access to what's in the author's head, you can't do it.
For these reasons, doing adaptations of other people's work is technically more difficult than creating your own.
On what you do now, I don't know. Certainly, if it were my work you had adapted, I would reject it out of hand because I strongly believe in copyright, and would protect my worlds fiercely from fanfic. Even if it were good I would still reject it in order to set a precedent. And, I'd either want to do the TV adaptation myself, or have a proven TV scriptwriter do it.
I would encourage you to try your hand at being creative, because you'll learn far more and you'll see how the technical and creative aspects are intimately linked. When I started I thought too I couldn't design a plot, but it turns out that I can. Often, at Hatrack, we see writers develop ability and confidence and, as Deb says, if you can finish a script you must have some talent somewhere. Here's a challenge: if you were creative, what would your first story be about? (In answering the question I hope you might find a story ...)
Hope this helps,
When it comes to building plots and such from scratch, I don't know, it just doesn't come easily. Or even with a lot of difficulty, for that matter. If I am working on taking something out of text and adapting it for a more visual medium, that's easier. I can visualize precisely what I want out of each shot and frame. I can definitely feel out the flow and style of TV and film a lot easier than a novel. I would be perfectly content at this point adapting optioned properties for studios for a living.
This might just all be very cheesy excuse-making for preferring to write with giant training wheels. I am not sure I could call myself a WRITER in good company without having some amount of original material, no matter what degree of financial success I might attain.
I'll pass this along as planned to the Right People, if anything worthwhile comes of it, I will let you know. Either way it's onto project Next. Have a few things I would like to do, they'll have to Thunderdome it out for brain-time.
Thanks again.
I'd be very interested to know who/what the adaptation is from. If it's someone who's already been optioned and even had work filmed (as you suggest), then I'd basically treat what you've done as fanfic, but a valuable learning exercise, because it's your take on someone else's work (and since it's a comic - is it even the creator's work? A lot of comics are work-for-hire on corporate-owned properties).
You've learnt from the exercise. You've got valuable feedback. Now it's time to look at what you can do on your own - or with another creator, but with their active permission/collaboration.
If you are particularly interested in making the show you have already written, then contacting the creator is the way.
Hope that helps,