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Posted by rstegman (Member # 3233) on :
October 27, 2008 Did You Write?

Attention everybody!! It is that time of the week again, to brag about your accomplishments, cry about your failures, and to otherwise tell about what is going on in your life.
This note is intended to prompt you, and especially me, to write at some time during the week. the idea is to have a goal one knows is coming up, that one has to do SOMETHING be able to meet the goal. It could be writing one word, if it is the RIGHT WORD, as the quote said.
What you consider writing, may be different than mine. My list is just a prompt to get you thinking of what might be writing. I, of course, consider any new writing of any kind, as writing. I also consider editing, even works of others, as writing. Poetry, Articles, blogging, writing assignments are also writing. I also consider world building, as long as something gets on paper, as writing. E-mails, as long as they are very wordy and pertaining to writing, as writing. What you might add to this list is up to you.

I am happy to say that yes, I did write. I worked on the rewrite of the Waxy's Birth story. I edited what I had a couple times, then filled in a couple big scenes to make the world a bit more interesting. It still needs work, but,,, I went from page eight to page eleven, and added 2470 words. I had to do some running around on a day off so was not able to relax and write more. Catching up on other work prevented any thought of adding to what I had. I like the way the story is coming along, but see I don't have the skills needed to really bring it into proper shape. I know where my weaknesses are, but don't know how to gain the education of what I really need. It is not a worry. I have all the rest of my life to rewrite these stories and bring them into shape.

I am keeping up on the story ideas. It is fun to write these. I got quite a few story ideas the past week and am concentrating usually on the worst of the new ones, leaving the "bit more" exciting ones for later.

I talked that vase the hurt me last week. I won. sort of. It is not as good as I hoped it would be, but it is one of my more interesting pieces. I have a lot of work to do to get it presentable, but that is strictly a time thing. I have most of next month before it has to be ready.
I was at a dollar store and picked up stylized deer. I liked them so much I decided to try copying them. Neither one was exactly what I needed, so I modified them slightly. The results are quite good. I have more work on the pair I made, but am quite satisfied with the results. I now have a Christmas ornament for this year.
My writing partner visited Amish country and saw something in a antique shop that looks like it might be something I can make. I am going to give it a try. I will tell about it next week if it works. It will end up another Christmas ornament, but is useable too.

As to the question of the day,
I can definitely say,


Did you write?

Posted by arriki (Member # 3079) on :
Yes. I wrote out a critique or two. I've been honing my WOTF entry. And I've been out in the Oort Cloud in a small ship with a very puzzled pilot who is about to be less puzzled and wishing he could return to that pleasant state.
Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
Yes. I have (Broken 50,000 words so far. )

[This message has been edited by InarticulateBabbler (edited October 28, 2008).]

Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Still nothing. But I'm hopeful. I've got a crowded day today, but tomorrow I don't plan on doing anything or going anywhere.

I think I'll dig up one of my printouts and start putting something in second draft---I've got a couple I started tow ork on and put aside to work on first drafts of other things. That could get me back in the groove.

Posted by Rhaythe (Member # 7857) on :
Yup. Made up for last week.

Yes. I have (Broken 50,000 words so far. )

Got an end number in mind? Or going until the story ends/wrist sprains?

Posted by LAJD (Member # 8070) on :
Yes, I did write this week.

I finished and posted for review my second draft of A Beautiful Day for a Sail.

I critted lots of work this past week from the Sudden Fiction contest, the WoTF Q1 early group, part of a hatrackers novel, and works from a different board.

I worked on my outline and characters for my NaNo Novel.

I have been working on a Zombie concept, an after the heroes come home from the quest story idea and a what happens to all the airline execs when instantaneous travel makes air travel only for fun.

A good week!

Posted by Crank (Member # 7354) on :
Agents of the Fourth Wind got another major workout this past week.

I'm attempting to follow the pattern of 'one chapter per week'. Sunday, I concluded my work on chapter two.

Uh...not really. As is my tradition, I came up with all my most creative and coherent ideas a day after the self-imposed deadline, meaning I spent all of last night's writing session transcribing a 25+ minute digital file I dictated during yesterday's commute. Now, chapter two makes more sense.

Tonight, I begin work on chapter three...albeit a day late, but it's a relatively short chapter.

That'll last 'til about Wednesday.

Also...I spent a brief portion of time on Saturday reviewing a short story I never quite finished, quickly remembered why I never finished it in the first place, then went right back to work on the novel.

Still...a very good week.


[This message has been edited by Crank (edited October 28, 2008).]

Posted by steffenwolf (Member # 8250) on :
Yes! God a new story out the door, and half of a new flash story finished. I'm quizzing my brother for details on small aircraft, and then I've only got a couple pages til I finish.
Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :

Got an end number in mind? Or going until the story ends/wrist sprains?

Between 100 - 150k.

Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on :
Yes, I wrote little more than three pages of story material over the whole week. I was ill at the start of the week and learning about new friends and the world of publishing for the later half.
Posted by sjsampson (Member # 8075) on :
Another no. But I'll make up for it in a few days when nanowrimo starts.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Have to put it off for today (I'm consumed by reading Philip Norman's new biography of John Lennon), but I'm hopeful for somewhere later in the week, either tomorrow or possibly not till Saturday---it's sometimes a spur to make a fresh start on the first of the month.
Posted by tempest (Member # 8242) on :
yes, i finished a piece i had been laboring over and put it away to marinate a while.

i've tried to do some planning for nanowrimo, but i think i have no idea what im in for. most of the work i've finished for it has been nail biting, sorting through discarded ideas, some hair pulling, scanning forums for a clue on what to do, and more nail biting. i think somewhere in there was a bit of nervous laughing as well. oh well, experience right?


Posted by MrsBrown (Member # 5195) on :
Posted by Rommel Fenrir Wolf II (Member # 4199) on :
I wrote 150 words on paper to transfer to my computer later. It was a love poem for a story I thought of. Now I need to figure out were to put it in the story?????



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