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Posted by rstegman (Member # 3233) on :
Did You Write? Sept, 22, 2008

This note is intended to prompt everyone to write. It gives a weekly goal to aim for. A simple goal. Did you write sometimes this week? As simple as that goal is, it can be a hard one to keep. Life tends to get in the way during the year. The hope is that you will see this note is coming up and you get off your duff to write even a tiny bit so you can brag that, "Yes, I did write."
It also give you a chance to brag about your accomplishments, cry about your failures, and otherwise tell about your life.
My definition of what is considered writing is quite loose. You can include something else if you think that is writing. Anything new, is of course, writing. Editing, even if it is someone else's work, is writing. Poetry is also writing, along with Articles, blogging, school writing assignments. World building is writing, as long as something ends up on paper. Even E-mails can be writing if it is writing related and is quite wordy.

As for me, Yes, I did write. The stories I combined, passed through the two other people involved. I went over it, making a few changes, and we have discussed a few other changes so I need to give it one more look over to make sure changes I made so far work.

I also wrote on another Waxy vacation story, ending just on page four with 1837 words. I am combining several story ideas we discussed into this. One thing we are discussing is the secondary character of the stories. Waxy dragon lives with a person she refers to as Bubblehead. He is there, but never really described other than what he does when he passes through the portal. I have tended to avoid describing him. I write science fiction and fantasy story ideas and post them on line for other authors to use if they cannot come up with something. People love to read them even if they are not writers.
In the Waxy stories, "Bubblehead passes through a mainframe-computer operated portal, meets interesting creatures, sees beautiful places, observes outstanding events, then returns to write dry, humorless, unimaginative, descriptions of what he sees, and then posts his notes on line as outstanding science fiction and fantasy story ideas. He then waits for the applause." Bubblehead is also the "parent" for Waxy, letting her know when she has done wrong.
IN a few stories, he has been Roger The Woodworker, who is sort of like a young Santa Claus. Wood elves hide presents in trees where elfin children cannot find them. The trees form a pattern around the object. Good woodworkers look into the wood and see the pattern the object had left, and remove all the excess wood from around the pattern.
Now, we are fine tuning the Bubblehead character because it effects the story and the reasons for the vacation. I am not too happy the way he is becoming, but it is not outside what I have already established for him. Since he is based on me, I wanted him more like Santa Claus than what he is becoming now.

Tonight, I am posting story idea #32 for the month. It is only the twenty second. Last month, I only posted nineteen story ideas, and ended up twelve story ideas behind. I am taking some effort this month to make up for those missing story ideas. I have two more EXTRA story ideas to write, along with my normal once a day, and I will be caught up again. I was three story ideas ahead for the year, but I am not about to depend on them.
At one point, I thought I was not coming up with new story ideas. It then dawned on me that because I am posting more than I am coming up with, it just seemed as if I had gone blank. In reality, I am doing pretty good for the month, many of my story ideas never went to paper, typing them directly. The month looks good.

I am still waiting to find out what the insurance company will decide about my hand. If I had to, I could live with this, but I would rather not. For eighty percent of what I do, it is not a problem. I do see that because the finger does not clamp completely, my hand is not as strong. there are a few things that is just a bit difficult to do, things that depend on the bend of the end of the finger. There are a few others, some because of the scar tissue being tender yet.
I am using the time to get last month finished up. When I get the surgery, I likely will be typing one handed again.

As to the question of the week,

Did you write?

Posted by AWSullivan (Member # 8059) on :
About 1500 words, shy of my goal so far this week. Hoping to finish a story by Friday.


Posted by alliedfive (Member # 7811) on :
Guess I'll join this thread for the first time.

Yes, I did write. I finished Man in the Mirror at 4,500 words, and got 3,500 done on Shepherds Promise. I seem to be consistently a day or two behind on my 1-story-per-week goal. Hopefully one of those two stories is good...

Posted by LAJD (Member # 8070) on :
I wrote! I even submitted!

I am happy,


Posted by KayTi (Member # 5137) on :
I wrote another draft for my WOTF entry. It's getting there.

I wrote the answers to several questions for my new online Q&A expert gig on an online parenting site. They were well received.

I started a new project (work! where people pay you and everything!) and have been writing the content for that work, which is writing of a sort. More of the "fun" writing is coming soon - the narrative that goes with the case example. That's consuming a lot of my time which is making me stressed about fitting in my writing and other stuff. I'll get it all done eventually but perhaps at the cost of sleep.

Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
Of course. With the Novel Group in effect, I write everyday.
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on :
Yes, yes, I did write! I wrote roughly 9,000 words for four WIPs.

For Odal's Story, I rewrote chapter six (chapter seven, after today's outline revision). The first draft was terrible, as it fluctuated between screenplay moments and infodumps. I realized I needed to move most of the background information to other chapters, limit the number of characters in each scene, and focus on how the characters' relationships change. In the second version, the MC is less passive, his girlfriend no longer suffers from wild mood swings, and I show more of what I simply told in the first draft. Chapter eight needs minor revisions, which I can put off for now. I hope to finish drafting chapter nine this week.

Another novel-to-be, rediscovered during a reorganization of my electronic folders, distracted me working on Odal's chapter nine last week. The interaction between two of the second novel's MCs was far more interesting than I had remembered, so I stayed awake until 3 A.M. Sunday morning to add to two scenes. If you're wondering, I currently average only one page of rough draft every half hour and I focus better late at night.

Earlier in the week, I had drafted and revised Lucky Cumshaw. I also polished Gregg the Gnome before submitting it to a publisher.

Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Last Wednesday I wrote up a grievance statement. That was the height of my literary work this week---everything else was a washout.

Now I've got a lawn that needs to be mowed if the water goes down, some shopping to do, and some sleep to get. Plus an impending vacation that sucks up the time I have left in cleanup and preparation.

But the stories still are active in my mind---if only I could put in some time on them.

Posted by Rhaythe (Member # 7857) on :
I've decided to break my 'Did You Write' into relevant fragments:

Novel 1) Nope. Did not write a word, but it's on the shelf lately.

Novel 2) Yes. Wrote about 500 words to finish off a chapter that's been collecting rust for a while. I'm glad that one's finally knocked out so I can continue on from there.

Novel 3) Oh yes. Added another two chapters, probably close to two thousand words.

Short Stories) Not so much. I did a little tweaking based upon some editor feedback, but did not get to work on the current storyline much.

Flash Fiction) Yup! Got a new 900-word piece that's going through a quick editing phase before being sent out.

Posted by arriki (Member # 3079) on :
I'm struggling with polishing a story. So, yes, I DID write, but just attempts. Nothing added to the body of text.
Posted by TheOnceandFutureMe on :
I rewrote a chapter of my novel (2000 words) and wrote 2000 words of a short story.
Posted by sjsampson (Member # 8075) on :
Yeah, but my characters aren't behaving so I didn't get as much done as I wanted.

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