Now, of course, he thinks I'm a total idiot. *bangs head violently on keyboard*
He was going to send me a rejection anyway because by reputation he never takes clients over the transom. *sniffles* But I did't want it to be because I'm stupid.
Edit: I SO hate this whole query process. (I'm alone, right?) Send out queries and see who bothers to even send you a rejection. Then those few that want a partial you send out and wait MONTHS to see if they want a full and then wait more MONTHS to see if they want you as a CLIENT FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE.
I have one partial out at the moment and three rejections on my current effort. At this point I honestly need tranquilizers.
[This message has been edited by JeanneT (edited March 06, 2008).]
Because, essentially, it's your writing that's going to get you through the slush pile. If you didn't catch it, and proofreaders didn't catch it, there's a decent chance the agent will either not catch it, or skim right on by and head straight to the sample pages you sent.
Once again - calm down, don't stress. It's so unlike you to be so high-strung.
Jayson Merryfield
[This message has been edited by Wolfe_boy (edited March 06, 2008).]
Never! Yes, chocolate. That would be a really good idea. Either that or liquor.
Edit: It was to Joshua Bilmes, for heaven's sake. I made a mistake in my query to JOSHUA BILMES! *has hysterics*
There. I feel better now.
[This message has been edited by JeanneT (edited March 06, 2008).]
Jayson Merryfield
No wonder he hasn't answered my query! He thinks I'm too stupid to bother answering.
Edti: Bottom line: when kissing up to an agent--make sure of what you're saying.
[This message has been edited by JeanneT (edited March 06, 2008).]
"Then those few that want a partial you send out and wait . . . "
This refers to a person requesting a partial. A person is a "who" and not a "that." So it would be "Those few who want a partial . . . "
This reference probably was not used in your query, but I read it and hear it spoken so often that your reference made me wonder how many mistakes like this are made in queries. So my point is that sometimes the rejection is not so much about the story or what you think went wrong, but the misspellings, word choices or grammatical errors that get in the way. This one is especially common.
[This message has been edited by JeanneT (edited March 07, 2008).]
Of course, I wasn't trying to get an agent. But this was the author. You can bet she noticed it. However, Ms. Shinn is so nice she just smiled and said "Thank you."
Of course, then I really put my foot in my mouth and said, "I don't know why I haven't read any of your other books."
She laughed, and I talked with her for about half an hour.
[This message has been edited by rickfisher (edited March 09, 2008).]
I hope Chaldea and Rommel Fenrir Wolfe 2nd never meet in a post...
are you saying my gramer is incorect?
as i said before i am using militery computers which dont have a good word prosser and i dont speek english, i speek american, and not too well. also human languedgs are quite aquard to remember how to spell.
anyway. try some morepheen, works wonders, when i was hosiptalized in 01 for a knee ingory i got in school morpheen was my drug of choise to numb the pain and help me sleep.
And take heart--you already have some books under your belt!
And yes, nit-picking Rommel Fenrir Wolf's posts should pose a challenge. *grins*
[This message has been edited by JeanneT (edited March 07, 2008).]
JeanneT. Good luck. Although I am wondering why you sent a manuscript to an agent unsolicited? Perhaps he just rejected you outright and it has nothing to do with your missquote?
Three rejections on your current isn't that bad. I know of some folks that could wallpaper a couple of rooms with theirs.
Again, good luck.
*examines post* Huh. I didn't.
And if I ever post a work here to be critted, you or Chaldea are welcome to pick it apart. People who do that to posts tend to get a less friendly reception.
[This message has been edited by JeanneT (edited March 07, 2008).]
what is wrong with books of 200,000 words. it took me the better half of 6 years to write my book of 200,000 something words. my friend who is editing is having trubble with that, with work and all. makes me laugh.
in less than 90 days i will be back to the states and using word 03 so my grammer and spelling will be better than usuil
(But very glad you'll be back in the states from over there)
[This message has been edited by JeanneT (edited March 12, 2008).]
I once called a regional manager of a store I was working at "ma'am" on the phone. His name is Rob.
When I started a job for the gov't doing grounds maintenance (cutting grass), I broke an expensive piece of equipment every day for a week.
I accused an interviewer and potential employer of running a scam (I'm still convinced he was). Needless to say, I didn't get the job.
I would start listing ridiculously stupid things I've done in my academic career, but I should get back to trying to salvage my academic career.
Thanks for the encouraging words.
[This message has been edited by JeanneT (edited March 13, 2008).]
Adding to stupid career errors, I once sent a job application to a school with a different school's name on the top.
PS Is it just me or are there a lot of books which are called The Someone-of-other(male)'s Wife/Daughter. To add to the two that are already mentioned, I have been trying to listen to a book on tape of The Timetravellers Wife (first tape is broken, need to return it to the library).
Ok just also remembered, The Bone Doll's Twin (the Bone Doll being male and the twin being female).
[This message has been edited by Grant John (edited March 18, 2008).]
[This message has been edited by Grant John (edited March 18, 2008).]