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Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Last night I dreamed a dream that seemed to make an interesting story. Then I dreamed that I had gotten up and gone to my computer and written it all out.

It's like those annoying dreams where I'm at work---the last place I want to be when I'm not there, and usually the last place I want to be when I am there.

Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on :
The worst part is that feeling of satisfaction, which all too real, "ahh I'm done," but is blasted into oblivion when the rooster crows.

But at least you have a new idea, though.

Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
I lucked out on that, too. When I got to thinking about it, it started looking like one I worked on about ten years ago. It varied only in details---and I may just add them to the file.
Posted by Pyre Dynasty (Member # 1947) on :
I've got one more on ya. Once I was looking at a horrible day coming up. (It was in highschool) There were many things that would come to a head on that day. I knew exactly how the day would go so I dreamed it. Then I woke up and had to live it. Then when I got home my brother hypnotized me and made me relive it.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Of course it's equally discouraging to realize that, in all essentials that matter, I dream the same dream, over and over again, throughout my life.
Posted by Tricia V (Member # 6324) on :
It's like Groundhog Day, only smaller.
Posted by Grant John (Member # 5993) on :
Back when I was a struggling actor (before the transformation into stuggling writer :-P) I used to have dreams where I got my big break, wake up thinking it had happened, then got very disappointed.

Then I become more negative and started having dreams that I missed auditions, so one night I woke in the early hours of the morning thinking I had missed an audition for Disney Land, and decided to no go back to sleep in case I slept through it. Only to remember it was 5 days away,


Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
I hate those dreams where I'm at work and in desparate need of help, but everybody else stands around and nobody helps. It makes it that much harder to know where my dreams leave off and my real life begins.
Posted by lehollis (Member # 2883) on :
This brings one thing to my mind....

"Mitch Taylor: The weirdest thing just happened to me.

Chris Knight: Was it a dream where you were standing in sort of sun-god robes on top of a pyramid, and there were hundreds of naked women screaming and throwing little pickles at you?

Mitch Taylor: No...

Chris Knight: Why, am I the only one who has that dream?"
--Real Genius--

Posted by Leigh (Member # 2901) on :
I'm all to familiar with those sort of dreams. Right now I am head over heals in love with a girl and I once had a dream where I had her as my partner. I woke up as optmistic as anybody could be, only to discover when I spoke to her we weren't, though I was lucky not to make any mention of it.

I have the dreams about work... I'm up at 4am tomorrow for work and I swear I'm going to have a bad day, as I dreamt last night as I will. No feul for a story there, I hate the place I work at.

Posted by Chaldea (Member # 4707) on :
Anybody have dreams where the dream is about exactly what should be done or written next in your story? That's happened to me, though not often. It's a really bouyant feeling and fits with the story perfectly. And the best part is that it still fits the next day and the next week, etc. Wish it would happen all the time!
Posted by darklight (Member # 5213) on :
I've had dreamed about the characters from the particular novel I am writing at the time; they look exactly how I imagine them and have gotten some inspiration for the novel.

However, the other night, I had a dream with a word in it that kept repeating, I even saw it written down so have the spelling. It was Cybelyne. I have no idea what that means

Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Ah...more frequently, I dream of real people or characters from TV or comic strips or books---and since I've put my Internet Fan Fiction period behind me for the time being, I can't use them.

(Come to think of it, Geraldo Rivera was in the dream that I started this post with---something that my mind was apparently aware of when I dreamed I was writing it up, 'cause I remember writing down something like "a reporter that resembles Geraldo Rivera (in the dream, it was Geraldo.)" And I don't even like Geraldo.)

Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
"It was Cybelyne. I have no idea what that means."

'Cymbeline' with typos? (Can dreams even have typos?) It's Shakespeare.


Posted by wrenbird (Member # 3245) on :
I had a dream just last night that I sent my manuscript to HarperCollins and it came back with tons of suggested revisions, and said they wanted me to make the changes and send it back in a week. I was so excited.
Then I realized, I haven't even finished my novel. It's only halfway done. So I was in a PANIC trying to slam out the rest of the story, and make the revisions.
I woke up in the middle of the night to feed my infant son and I was still in a groggy state of half sleep, so I was sitting there trying to work out how to finish my book.
It was crazy and stressful, and I was totally exhausted when I woke up this morning.
Posted by darklight (Member # 5213) on :
Well, I got up pretty angry this morning. I dreamed I got a reply from the agency I'm waiting to here from. Three different agents had written on the letter saying how much they enjoyed the three chatpers I had sent them, and how good they thought the story was, but... there didn't appear to be any conflict later in the story and sorry, because of that they will not accept it. I was fuming (in the dream) saying there's plenty of conflict, and I was going to call them up and tell them that. Then I noticed on the letter they had said they will publish the novel (so, they're agents, not publishers, but this was a dream) IF I pay them two thousand pounds!

As you can imagine, I wasn't so happy when I woke up this morning... late too, because of that stupid dream. I only hope it doesn't come true!

Posted by Pyre Dynasty (Member # 1947) on :
Dude, I had the best dream the other night. It was the Dreamies! An award show for dreams I have had in the past. I totally agree with "Green Acid" winning the best overall, and "Kender Saves the World" in the fantasy section but "Bugs Bunny Vs. The Easter Bunny" was robbed in the comedy section. Who on earth voted for "Can-Can Karate"?

Oh and there was one time I dreamed an entire lifetime. (No surprise that it won the lifetime achievement award.) I was born in Colorado and spent my adulthood in Wichita, Kansas. I married a wonderful woman and raised three kids. Then I died at 73, stray bullet I never figured out where it came from. It is a strange thing to wake up one morning as an entirely different person. (Man I've got to write that story.)

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