You can go here to see the maps and images I have already created.
Go here to see info about this shared world. You must be a member of The Notebored to do so.
For those that aren't, go to the forums at and look to the right of the 4th crayon to see a link to register.
Public forums:
Front Porch
New Members
Help Desk
Turn the Page Magazine
Private forums:
There are various types of challenges: short story, flash, polishing, one-off, poetry etc. They are run on a semi-regular basis.
General Ramblings
Kinda like this forum.
Liberty Hall (updates)
Just what it says, updates on what is going on over at LH. The Notebored is our sister-site.
Writer's Workshop
A place to get your stuff critted, exercises, resources, etc. As these forums are private, you can get crits on your ENTIRE piece.
Like the workshop above, but for drawings and photography.
An ever-growing list of markets and comments on them.
Writing Skills
Regular writing exercises.
Novel Workshop
For novel writers. Groups tailored to speed of writing/submission for critting. Rules to enforce the way you do things.
NWG - FTL (novel writing group, faster than light-speed)
NWG - Supersonic
NWG - Hypersonic
NWG - Squirlcage
[This message has been edited by mikemunsil (edited October 14, 2007).]