Hi all, it's been ages since I've been around and there are a lot of faces I don't recognize. I've come bearing a request.
I’m trying to figure out what percentage of eligible writers belong to SFWA and what lies behind the percentage. To that end, I've put up a poll and am trying to get as broad a range of genre writers as possible. If you have a chance, would you mind answering a poll? It shouldn't take more than 20 seconds.
Posted by PatEsden (Member # 3504) on :
Thanks Mary. I saw this on your LJ but took it here.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Either I did something wrong or something's screwy with the poll, 'cause it took longer than twenty seconds.
Either way, I'm not a member and don't meet the requirements, though I do take the SFWA magazine in the, what'd they call it?..."associate membership," I think...
Posted by MaryRobinette (Member # 1680) on :
Sorry Robert, I wasn't counting the time it would take to do the essay portion of the poll. And thanks both of you for participating!