I've been to THE MARKET LIST site. No problem. However...everytime I try to get the various magazines' guidelines, I get a message that the server cannot find the page/
It happens with every single one of the magazines.
tried that, went there but it wasn't a list of open markets like the market list is, even if out of date
Are all those magazines closed? I mean, I can't even get to the ASIMOV'S and F&SF guidelines from the market list.
That's what I'm looking for -- a list of markets looking for submissions with their guidelines and whether pro, semi-pro or other.
Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
Are you sure you went to www.ralan.com? That has exactly what you are looking for. Duotrope does too, you just have to browse the tabs a bit.
Posted by JeffBarton (Member # 5693) on :
Oops. I stand corrected.
[This message has been edited by JeffBarton (edited July 25, 2007).]
Posted by tlmorganfield (Member # 3461) on :
On Duotrope, you can select to search only open markets (there's a check box for that at the bottom of the search form.)