This may not be entirely a science question. For a side-project I'm writing, I need a device/technology that meets the criteria below. I've been assuming it would have to be made up, but I thought I'd see what ideas are out there, first.
1. It is a bomb (but was developed as a cheap energy source)
2. It's powerful enough to level a city the size of LA
3. Once discovered, a high school student could build it with some training
4. It's made from cheap materials
5. It's portable enough to be carried by a single person
It's more of an ethics/philosophy piece, so I'm okay if I have to go the made-up route. Mostly, I'd like some authenticity when I reference the technology behind the device, if possible.
Suitcase nuclear devices are certainly in the news, but this fails the "could be made by a kid," rule, but perhaps not the "could be stolen by a kid" rule.
cheap and highly effective
(small and cheap) and highly effective
(small and highly effective) easy to build
(small and easy to build) and highly effective
(cheap and easy to build) and highly effective
(cheap and highly effective) and small
Now to science. Take the first law of thermodyanmics and that alone gives you some headaches then add in Newton's Third Law of motion and that gives you still more headaches.
Let me give you a brief primer on explosives.
Energy is how explosions are effective. The more energy the bigger the explosion. However as Heinlein noted in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress nuclear weapons are not exceptionally efficient. There is in fact a lot of wasted energy in a nuclear explosion that could wreak much more damage if it was so unbridled.
This is in part why in most "smart" thrillers the guy using Semtex/C4 isn't just throwing around chunks and exploding them. Rather a proficient munitions expert should be taking the time to create shaped charges in order to make the most efficient use of the energy stored in the Semtex.
There exists currently only two known ways to generate enough energy to level and entire city and still fit in a suitcase or backpack.
The first is obviously nuclear warhead ala Peacemaker (starring George Clooney and Nicole Kidman) and the second is the slightly less obvious anti-matter (ala Angels and Demons by Dan Brown).
Neither of these will ever likely be plausibly do able by basement chemists.
That being said why do you need to threaten the entire city of LA/NY?
Would your story work to just threaten around a 1 mile radius? or less?
I suggest this because the amount of energy required is less thus the need for a super bomb.
For example it is currently possible for a private citizen to get their hands on a large quantity of hydrogen gas either through purchase or through a home system that pulls it out of the air in order to power the house.
Hydrogen is a highly combustible gas and provided it was highly pressurized and enough other "conventional" explosives were applied the devestation could be quite severe.
Likewise if you really wanted to "make up" stuff the only way you'd get a cheap energy source that claim that Acme Home improvement now sells a create your own anti-matter kit or something.
Really though your 5 needs are really stretching the bounds of credibility. Space opera (ie fake science) could do this but really its not something that sits well in modern settings, especially when the setting of the story is in the US.
I mean really in a post 9-11 world there's no way 16 year old kids (even smart ones) will be given access to even the most fundamental elements to make super explosives.
I mean nukes really aren't that hard to make but it just requires some enriched uranium or plutonium and that's where the nukes for everybody theory breaks down.
I mean really in a post 9-11 world there's no way 16 year old kids (even smart ones) will be given access to even the most fundamental elements to make super explosives.
That's actually the point of the story. It's not so much about the technology, as the threat of such technology and the suppression of knowledge. I realize its not the most original theme.
Thus, stealing really is out of the question, too.
But a smaller detonation would still get the idea across.
Everything you stated, Matt Lust, is why I assumed I would have to go with Bolognium in the first place.
[This message has been edited by debhoag (edited July 20, 2007).]
What about a cold fusion bomb?
I considered that, but I really don't know much about it. I did a little reading, but I'm sure I'd end up revealing my lack of knowledge.
The more I think about it, the more I see that such a huge size isn't important. In fact, subtlety might be more effective in this case.
Thanks for the information everyone--especially Matt Lust--it's been enlightening.
The fusion thing has been done to death, though cold fusion has some possibilities. You mix margarine and cold cream, and ... no, never mind.
I do have one thing that would work, but I'm saving it for a story of my own.
Here's an idea I'm willing to share. Everybody knows about wormholes, but nobody has given much thought to the worms. A kid who never comes out of his basement except at night and who reads biology books and breeds silkworms (whenever he isn't playing Worlds of Warcraft or masturbating to internet porn) discovers an insect (not really a worm, that would be too obvious) who mates by being in two places at once. Since the method is biological, he doesn't need expensive hardware, he just needs to breed a particular bug that can join two very distant points.
He points the bug at the heart of the sun. There goes Los Angeles.
[This message has been edited by Rick Norwood (edited July 20, 2007).]
The "worm" aspect of it is fantastic, though.
But if you go the science route, consider something beyong chemistry and neuclear physics. Maybe dark matter or energy from a parallel universe would do.
I think that is the conclusion I'm coming to, actually. While there are many close option from science, none really fit all my criteria, (though some criteria are more flexible than others.)
Energy from another universe--interesting idea, actually. I may mix that with another idea that was lingering from above.
Thanks again, everyone
I was thinking the most cost effective way to destroy an entire city was either
A) join the nuclear club and make a bomb yourself. Trouble is getting the materials for splitting.
B) Pump some sort of extremely volatile chemical into the water and sewage system. (a smell could be noticed) Trigger it will a smaller more controlled explosion. You can also ties this into the various refineries in the LA area. Who knows if done large enough and properly you might even give the fault line a bit of a nudge but I would not know about that much.
I mean really in a post 9-11 world there's no way 16 year old kids (even smart ones) will be given access to even the most fundamental elements to make super explosives.I mean nukes really aren't that hard to make but it just requires some enriched uranium or plutonium and that's where the nukes for everybody theory breaks down.
Hello. Smart kid here. Here's where I'd go to get my 80,000 cpm uranium ore. (Highest legal radioactivity.) And look, same site taught me how to extract it...
Sleep well tonight.
Note for those paying attention: Yes, I realize those instructions are for ore in carnotite, whereas the samples are in a torbernite matrix.