AS to the question of DID YOU WRITE?, I did edit on a story. Had a full week so did not do much more. In the story I am editing, written by my writing partner Nancy, I had to change the nature of a walk-on character for the short scene he was in. It took some doing to work out the best way to do it. the baby dragons visit with a cat that has an attitude. Getting things right is not easy sometimes. I may change it when I do another pass through.
I skipped a day on my daily story idea posts so I am running one day ahead for the month. I posted several story ideas that I especially enjoyed writing. Someone gave me a pat on the back by telling me that they took one of my story ideas and am turning it into something completed. My version was about five pages. Their version is about 38 pages. I love the ideas to be developed. I post them for that very reason. I cannot write 365+ novels and novelettes and short stories in a year. It is hard enough to write my 365+ story ideas a year. Well actually it seems to be getting easier as time goes on... My original and continuing intent is that writers take the ideas and develop them, and get rich... I cannot use them so I want to share them. Any time I learn one was developed, I smile. thanks.
This was not a weekend for woodworking. I accomplished little. I have another three legged stool ready for completion. I have some cleanup to do on the legs, then I will assemble it. It looks good. Not perfect but good. I made the first step of making a carving of a baby dragon. I cut out the blank, which is where the rough wood is remove before real carving is started. This is based on a candle figurine I have on top my monitor. I am aiming for something that looks like a baby dragon. If I get that close I will be dancing in the streets. I will be shocked if it looks like the figurine it is based on. I would love to actually be GOOD at one thing, but I am having too much fun at all the different projects I work on over time. I sometimes look back at various hobbies I have had and considered what would happen if I did not apply myself to those hobbies, but what I then realize is that most of those other hobbies lead to things I do now. My interest in model railroading lead to my first completed rough draft. it was a story about riding on a train, and everything goes wrong. It turns out to be a fast run. My writing lead to woodworking. I was working on a novel at my parent's house on weekends, and it dawned on me that my dad was in his eighties and I did not want one of those "I wish I had" situations. I took up wood carving, and later wood turning, just so I could be with him. I got a computer with the idea of freelancing CAD. I learned that there was something more to computers than drafting. I got hooked on the Bulletin boards, which lead to writing which brings me to where I am now - no life during the week.... <g> Writing is my most satisfying hobby, except for the bulletin boards. Writing takes up more time which is what one wants from "pastimes." They PASS TIME.
So, for the question of "did you write?" I can say Yes I did. How about you?
Posted by dee_boncci (Member # 2733) on :
Coming off vacation, family obligations, and a minor knee injury, I finally got back in the swing of things. Working on two new shorts, editing an older one, and revising the outline of my draft novel prior to the first big revision.
So, yes, if you mean last week. Not yet but soon if you mean today specifically.
Posted by Wolfe_boy (Member # 5456) on :
I futzed around with two stories.
1. An attempt at a story from a child's point of view. I liked it, until I realize the only way to end it was sappy and oversentmentailzed. Then I lost my interest (I was at about 2,000 words) and she went back into the virtual file cabinet.
2. More work editing a short story very close to being ready to send out to a few mags. I'm waiting on one more person to give me feedback and then I'll finalize, reread and edit again myself, and toss it in the mail.
Jayson Merryfield
Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
Worked on my new 1st draft, while I'm waiting on the rest of the crits to come back. Did one crit. Worked on layout sketches for a couple of paintings...
Posted by RMatthewWare (Member # 4831) on :
Yep, 20,000 words into my novel.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
I laid off after printing out my last first for a day, then stretched it to a week. But I plan to get back to it by the end of the week---I celebrate June 30th (in private, anyway) as the anniversary of my writing career, being the date on which I started the first story I intended to submit to a magazine. I always celebrate by writing something.
[edited 'cause I left out that last sentence]
[This message has been edited by Robert Nowall (edited June 26, 2007).]
Posted by RPulfer (Member # 5597) on :
Hello, new guy here.
I've written a lot now. I just finished the first two pages of my first paying comic book gig, and over the weekend I completed rough character bios to send to the artist (Lord knows, all I can do is stick figures).
I'm also planning to write a few concept pages of a mythic Western novella I'm planning, but even after I get my head around the concept, I have to find time to write the darn thing between two other comics, a memoir and a job search.
Posted by Hunter (Member # 4991) on :
Dear Lord, RMatthewWare! 20,000 in a day? I'm impressed with myself if I get 2,000. Are your hands smoking?
And no, I didn't write 6/25. I did write 6/26. Actually, I'm working on stuff now. I've REALLY slacked off. Need to get back into the swing of things.
Posted by I am destiny on :
I keep pluging along on my book i'm one capter closer to bieng done.... and have for the first time in my life an article idea for a magazine. ~D BTW where is the website with the ideas? I'd like to see it... thx
[This message has been edited by I am destiny (edited June 26, 2007).]
Posted by debhoag (Member # 5493) on :
only five thousand pieces of work-related paper and a fearless and searching moral inventory . I'm waiting for a friend to give me back the tail end of a book I just finished so I can final edit. On the plus side, I found Red Prophet at the Book Exchange yesterday.
[This message has been edited by debhoag (edited June 26, 2007).]
Posted by rstegman (Member # 3233) on :
I am destiny,
I post my story ideas on seven forums around the internet. Likely the best place to see the ideas are at the XProdigy forums