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Posted by I am destiny on :
Okay I have what Star Trek at least in tng and ds9 call worm holes if I remember right. I need these I can't change it, they are integral to the story. I gave my chapters to a reader that said continum tunnels were too Star Treky. I'm confused I thought they were worm holes in ST and that the actual science community had adopted the term continum to describe the theory... So am i wrong? What are they called and what can I use and not sound like I'm stealing.... and can I use the theory of being "open" w/o sounding too Eragon/Eldest? I was using martial arts theroy. And what is another word for offworlders? AAAAAHHHH Help?
Thanks for any info. ~Destiny
Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
Worm Holes, Gray Holes, Continuum are all used, from what I have read. Offworlders are pretty common, too.
Posted by KayTi (Member # 5137) on :
You might want to delve into the "science of sci-fi" research. There's a lot out there, including several published books that have titles similar to what I put in quotes.

Additionally, I have found these links helpful (probably all from Hatrackers!) (NASA living in space study)

while you're out there, check out this one for common mistakes in sf/fantasy writing: - Science in SF: Making it Work


Posted by I am destiny on :
Thanks guys. I just dont want to get it to a publisher and have them say um....

I am going to see if "Portal" works.

and a diferent word for open. sigh THANKS!!!!!!

Posted by tigertinite (Member # 4803) on :
Worm holes are actually a term used by astro physisists and philosophers, but I won't hold it against them.

Instead of looking at 'Sci fi science' I'd take a look at the real deal, some of the science I've encountered is far more bizarre than even the most creative mind could come up with. Also if you go to your library there are these nifty tomes that I've found, if they have names like 'the science of (place name of popular book/movie title here)' they tend to have great information that may take you weeks to find on the internet.

Posted by HuntGod (Member # 2259) on :
Are you just moving through space or is there a temporal component as well?

If your just moving through space, Pandora's Star and Judas Unchained by Peter Hamilton explores them well.

If you are involving time travel it's a stickier mess depending on your stance on Paradox.

Posted by I am destiny on :
I am moving two months on one side and not moving at all on the other. I just dont want to sound like a trekkie that is writing fan fiction.

Does it have to be explained? or can it be a suspension of belief/reality?

Posted by HuntGod (Member # 2259) on :
So long as you remain consistent and don't have the tech existing in a vacuum, you shouldn't have a problem.

My biggest gripe with Star Trek was inconsistency, due to poor continuity directors, and technology existing in a vacuum.

You'd have a technology like Transporters, but not the ancillary devices and technologies that would exist because of it. You would also frequently have story conflicts that should not exist because of estsblished technology within the canon of the show.

Anyway sci-fi readers tend to me kind of anal so having tech existing without the underlying technologies or it's ancillary off shoots is generally a big no no.

One of the things I liked about the Hamilton books I mentioned earlier was that the core teleportation technology completely changes society and because it exists alot of other technologies, which are viable, are obviated because they are made moot by the gate tech.

I guess this was just a wordy way of saying be consistent and have a solid underlying logic to the way things work.

Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
As far as I can tell, wormholes are a fun concept for scientists and SF writers to play around with, but as far as evidence goes, also as far as I can tell, the mass sucked into a gravity well with escape velocity greater than that of the speed of light stays right where it is in this universe and doesn't go anywhere else. (Enlighten me if you've heard otherwise.)

None of that would stop me from using them...faster-than-light flight is a scientific impossibility and I use that all the time.

Posted by Lord Darkstorm (Member # 1610) on :
Black holes have an event horizon and lead you to the path to nowhere....or does it? Are there white holes somewhere that spit out the things sucked down a black hole? No one knows, but besides a speculation, common acceptance is that black holes are galactic vacuums and nothing ever leaves.

Worm holes are tunnels through space and time. Most of the time they are used to move from point a to point b in space negating all time requirements to get there. Worm hole is a term that was used in scientific magazines long before star trek came along with their drivel of a Babylon 5 competitor. Ignoring star trek, worm hole will be understandable to most people who read scifi somewhat regularly. The above mentioned books by Perter Hamilton does use wormholes and adjust society around them. The books could have both been half the size and been much better. It is a good example of how not to follow every whim. But I think if you are really looking to get an idea of what space and time are about, then you need something a bit more relevant to it. Black Holes& Time Warps by Kip Thorne is a space physics book that is more understandable, and enjoyable, by people who lack a physics degree. It not only explains the ideas behind the science, but some of the history behind the discoveries. I thought it interesting that Einstein's theories created the possibilities of black holes, and he was one of the ones most heavily against it. There is also a writing book that deals more with planets and the physics of how solar systems work, but that is a bit math heavy, and you have to have more than a passing interest to get past the first chapter.

I think the prime examples for how to write scifi is to read good scifi by those who make a living off of it. Niven is one of my favorites, and ringworld is still an incredible concept.


Posted by RMatthewWare (Member # 4831) on :
My advice? Steal it. Just don't ever claim it was your invention.

OSC didn't invent the ansible or hyperdrive, yet he uses them in his novels. And he doesn't take credit for them either. In fact, he used the term ansible out of respect to the author that created the term.

Star Trek, Stargate, and Farscape, to name a few, all use worm holes as a term to describe their function. So again, steal it. People know exactly what you're talking about.

It's like dragons. Just about any high fantasy novel has dragons or references dragons. If you want to use dragons, USE THEM. And don't apologize. If you make it interesting enough, you won't have to.


Posted by I am destiny on :
Thanks you guys. For the info and the links. I needed some reasurance. You are great when I need advise and help.

[This message has been edited by I am destiny (edited June 02, 2007).]

Posted by Rommel Fenrir Wolf II (Member # 4199) on :
just read a book on qutam physics it helped me a lot.
or make something up that sounds right. that helps as well
Rommel Fenrir Wolf II

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