For me, The answer is Yes. I have written. It has been a while since I did one of these posts. Been busy and not getting posts on one board was a bit frustrating. I now don't care on that board.
I've written 12 new Waxy Dragon stories this year. Well actually, ten of them are co-written by an on line friend and one of us would write the base story, then the other would edit it into shape. for those who don't know, Waxy Dragon is a cat-sized baby dragon. I had 37 stories written, and then ten, so far, stories written with my on line friend about a wonderful vacation we shared. We converted it into the point of view of our two baby dragons, rather than ours. It is funner that way. Forty seven short stories is pretty good for less than two and a half years of writing. My intension is to edit these to be a series of children's and young adult stories. Right now, they are written for some on line friends, and for me. I have over a dozen more Waxy dragon stories to write. I have some to go in between stories that exist already. Others will come later.
I am continuing my story ideas. So far this year, I am one idea ahead of the game. I aim to have at least an idea a day for every day of the year. I go by my totals at the end of each month. I posted an extra idea for February. I am an extra idea ahead at this point this month, but I will have a couple days off so I cannot depend on that. I will really know at the end of the month. When I get a story idea, I write something on a piece of paper to remind me of what the idea was. I then dig into my stacks when I need an idea for the night. Usually, one of the newest ideas gets posted first. I have three stacks of ideas. One stack has 170 ideas in it. These are ideas I am not going to throw away, but may never see the light of day. My second stack was created when I dug through the first stack and I took out anything that had the slightest chance of being written and there are 16 ideas in that stack. The third stack is my new stuff. I come home, empty my pockets of idea notes and add them to the stack. When I first separated out the ideas, this stack had 18 ideas in it. It now has 42 ideas, and I have been posting every day while building this stack up. Getting ideas is fun and I hate losing a though when I cannot write them down in time. Posting my story ideas is really fun. They say that writing is one percent inspiration, and ninety nine percent perspiration. My story ideas are the inspiration part. I am telling what kind of story would envelop the basic concept, showing how it might be used. I get to get started, and finished with an idea, usually in an hour, two hours max. that is fun. Getting results, working on a number of different kinds of stories. You can't get better than that, except to be receiving checks....
I hope you are writing, and having fun at it. So I come back to the proverbial question again,
Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
Yeah, I wrote. It ended up being drivel.
Posted by RMatthewWare (Member # 4831) on :
Good job, rstegman. Even if those stories never see the light of day, or at least not in that form, it's good that you write. I don't know if my short stories will ever make it, but there's experience in writing them.
I find I have to do the same thing with ideas. I have to write it down immediately, or I'll lose it. Sometimes I'll come back to an idea, and wish I'd lost it, but a lot are good. It's the process I follow when writing a book. It starts with a lot of loose pieces of paper, with a small idea on it. These get combined into a short summary of the book. As more ideas fill in, they start an outline. The outline becomes a first draft. After that, more ideas go in. The book I'm writing, the third and fourth draft are radically different than the first two. The base story is still there, but it's just so much richer.
Posted by Spaceman (Member # 9240) on :
1250 words toward my novel. Why is 5/14 so special?
Posted by Antinomy (Member # 5136) on :
I managed 1500 words on an erotic close encounter between strangers on a crowded commute train.
Did another 1500 on a man who goes home after a 12-year absence to find another man has taken his name and place in his home.
I was planning another on a missing hatrack, but it was recovered before I got started.
Posted by rstegman (Member # 3233) on :
as to the date, I originally posted it on six other boards on that date, and when I saw this back up, I copied it here and forgot to change the date.
On my story ideas, what I do is a take a concept like "Never go inside. Lost in a tropical island. It turns out to actually be the back yard of a wealthy person. They like it out there so much they never go inside." I then write about a page or two, showing how this idea could be used. I am actually TELLING what the story is about, as opposed to showing the story. One of my boards crashed last year. I copied the notes back on there from another board. I found myself re-reading about two out of each month's posts because they looked so interesting. I have used some of these story ideas for my own work. My baby dragon stories were based on four posts I did as story ideas.