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Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on :
This is probably inappropriate because it doesn't have to do with writing. Well, not strictly. But if you would please indulge me I am very curious.

Where do we hail from? As citizens of Hatrack, I mean. I am curious to know how diverse this forum is. And to tie this to the subject, what your local writing market is. Obviously we can all submit a novel to Tor. But on a local basis do you have a writing market?

I am from Salt Lake City UT, and I am ...somewhat unfortunately, stuck at BYU for the time being. I am 20 years old and no, we don't have a large writing market, that is strictly local, other than the newspaper of course.

Posted by trailmix (Member # 4440) on :
I am currently living in Las Cruces, NM. Im originally from New Bedford, MA but spent most of my life just north of Orlando, FL. Im 26 years old, married and currently seeking a degree in finance from New Mexico State University. I am currently and Engineer at White Sands Missile Range but am looking for a career change.

We have absolutely no market for writing here.

Posted by Leigh (Member # 2901) on :
I see no problem with this topic as long as we tie it into writing.

I'm 20, from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. I'm not sure about the writing market here, but since it is a major city in Australia, I'd believe there would be quite large. I also believe that several of Australia's most successful authors got their big "breakthrough" in Melbourne, so I may be lucky to be here

I don't study and all I've learnt about writing is done outside of school. I've been writing since around August '04.

Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on :

Leigh, That's cool. I thought I was the youngest person here. Now I don't feel so...overwhelmed, and I have two friends in Melbourne.

trailmix, I respect engineering. My father is an electrical engineer, and I can understand completely why you'd want a career change. But the fact that you muscled through so much math, well, that says something.

Posted by Leigh (Member # 2901) on :
Zero, on a forum you should never feel overwhelmed. Some people who act all mature may be seriously immature in real life, like myself I'll admit it! Anyways, but we're all the same here, writers or if you're on a fansite, you're a fan of said site. On Hatrack we're the same, writers striving to improves ourselves and make the strides to get published, some of our ambitions are beyond merely being published and I don't doubt that any of us could do that. So don't feel overwhelmed, we're all in the same situation.
Posted by cll (Member # 3673) on :
I'll jump in. I'm 37 and living outside Grand Rapids, MI. I've written since I was ten but never considered it more than a hobby until last year. Unfortunately this means that I write in short spurts around other obligations (my four young children). Still I have the goal of publication on an ongoing basis- as the stories keep amassing in my head. I'm not worried about markets in my general area. That's what the post is for. But I am only two hours out of Chicago so that's always good.


Posted by DeepDreamer (Member # 5337) on :
I also am 20 years old. I live in Warrensburg, Missouri, a college town, but I'm not going to college. Instead, I work long hours at the local hospital as a nurse technician. Very long hours. 60+ of em just this week.

Oh well, at least I'll have no trouble paying my bills.

There are several newspapers in the area that I'm interested in writing for. I just don't feel like I'm ready to take that step with my writing yet.
There's also a few local magazines, but none that I'd want to write for.
There's a writing club out here that self-publishes an annual collection of their stories and poems. I don't know how good the group is, but it meets during the day (bad for me, I work nights.) And the youngest person in the group is twice my age. I'd feel a little intimidated amidst that group, I'm sure. *nervous grin*

Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Well, right now I'm forty-five, writing since I was fourteen without selling, but still plugging away at it. One of these days I may be more mature than I am, but it seems in certain aspects I'm still waiting. Some of you younger types seems to have made more progress in this "maturity" thing than me...

Right now domiciled in Cape Coral, Florida...but moved long ago now from Poughkeepsie, New York. Like a lot of people 'round me down here, I'm a transplant.

Posted by Elan (Member # 2442) on :
I'm 50 years old (been on Hatrack for nearly two years) and live in The Dalles, Oregon. My current WIP has been a fantasy novel, but I'm increasingly getting an itch to write a historical novel set in this area. The Dalles was once one of the most bustling towns on the west coast, the end of the overland Oregon Trail, the location of Fort Dalles and the military during the Indian wars, goldminers hunting gold in central Oregon and Idaho, Chinese railroad workers, mountain men, and was also a central site for Native American fishing at Celilo Falls for over 10,000 years. Kit Carson, Mark Twain and General Grant all passed through the town. There HAS to be a great story in that somewhere. While I have access to archived history documents, the amount of research into writing an accurate historical novel is daunting. But the story in my head began speaking to me thirty years ago and hasn't gone away.
Posted by ChrisOwens (Member # 1955) on :
I was born and raised in Richmond, Virginia and have lived here all my life, with the expection of a temporary 2-year move to Baltimore. My father came from Grundy, a little town deep in the Appalachia. My mother's parents came from Saluda, a town not too far from the Chesapeake.

Unfortunately, I am ignorant of writing markets, even locally. I haven't reached the point where I need such awareness.

Addendum. 35. Married. The only thing close to being published was when the local paper printed my response along with several others in regard to an article on outsourcing and globalism.

[This message has been edited by ChrisOwens (edited January 25, 2007).]

Posted by Hookt_Un_Fonix (Member # 4783) on :
I have been on this earth for almost 32 years. My father is a German immigrant, and he joined the Army to get his green card. He met my mother in immigration, she hailed from Ireland, Ulster to be exact

My father being in the Army we moved around a lot, but was born in Detroit. At 18 while living in Colorado, I joined the Navy. Six years of service, retired in San Diego, but continued to move around, taking sales job after sales job.

Finally last years I got tired of moving around so damn much, I settled in Denver. I love the mountains, ad Colorado is exquisite. Me and my business partner/girlfriend are opening our own coffee shop/bookstore.

Denver has a lovely market, mostly self help and western. Sci Fi has a bit of a growing market here, being the host of the Mile High Con. Three universities in the area feed the need for people to read. And we even have a big time old New York agent that opened an office downtown. Several Newspapers on the front range, but no magazines that I know of.

[This message has been edited by Hookt_Un_Fonix (edited January 25, 2007).]

Posted by Lynda (Member # 3574) on :
I'll be 57 in less than a week and live near Dayton Ohio. The writing market is what you make of it. I've published articles in local newspapers and national magazines (often with "copies" as pay, but it's still being published) and national newsletters. Some of the articles were interviews, some investigative, some educational ("how-to" type things), etc. I haven't published any fiction except fanfiction (years ago, before the Internet, in hard copy. Since the Internet, online). I'm working on a series of fantasy novels aimed at real-life publication, the first of which is actually the fifth novel I've written (others were fanfiction and one was a children's book I wrote years ago that I didn't market to the right kind of publisher. Now that I know more, I may try rewriting it and marketing it again). I also ghost-wrote a memoir for my father, which I'm thinking of either making a novel or a screenplay. And I'm self-taught as a writer - my degree is in music, but I've been a professional sculptor for 11 years, and am now combining scuplting and writing. (And the writing helps the sculpting career - I write great press releases for my art business. )


Posted by J (Member # 2197) on :
28. Married, one child. Currently and temporarily live in Atlanta, Georgia, but dying to return to the sweet promised land of the upper midwest.

As an attorney, I have the privilege of writing for a living. Not fiction--per the ethical rules of the bars of all 50 states and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure--but a lot of it is still crafting narrative. After I get home, run, work the heavy bag, hang out with the wife, and play with the kid, my nightly struggle is to stay awake long enough to apply some of that practice and crank out a few hundred words in my WIP.

Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
"Hailing" here used in the sense of "transmitting"?

I'm in Provo for the time being. The locality doesn't affect my writing. It does seem to reduce the degree and severity of my interpersonal conflicts with most humans, though. Particularly with cops. Provo cops seem somewhat more tolerant and feel less fear of the unknown, which reduces considerably the degree of nuisance they present.

Posted by djvdakota (Member # 2002) on :
Actually, Zero, there's a fairly broad market/community (considering the size of the population) here in Utah. Several publishers, a few locally published magazines, BYU's own spec-fic quarterly (I forget the name). Local book publishers--like Deseret Book and (brain flatulence, I'm not coming up with the other one) are open to more than just church-related material. More and more so. Deseret Book recently expressed interest in expanding their publication arm to include a broader range of genres--all adhering to basic principles of morality, of course.

Shimmer is a fast-growing market for spec-fic that's published out of SLC, though it's not strictly a local publication.

The State, through it's humanities office, holds an annual novel contest for local writers only.

BYU holds its LTUE Conference with loads of great classes for writers.

There's the League of Utah Writers with chapter groups in many counties, Westminster College hosts the Writers@Work workshop, Kathleen is (or has been) on the board of an LDS writer's organization--sorry KDW, the name has slipped my ever-more-slippery mind.

I'm in Ogden, Utah and I'll be *GASP!* 40 in a month. And there shall be wailing and weeping and gnashing of teeth! I'm a mom with three home-schooled kids.

And, at 20, Leigh is not the youngest here. Not by far. Remember two things: 1. No one but the angel on your shoulder checked your ID when you registered here. I'd probably need more than my fingers and toes to count the teeny weanies who are lying about their age; 2. Age in a community like this one is not nearly as important as maturity, and anyone who lies about their age to be here shows an extreme lack of either.

Posted by dee_boncci (Member # 2733) on :
Age-wise, I am the answer to the meaning of the life, the universe, and everything (42 for non-Douglas Adams fans).

I've bounced all over the eastern part of the country, but started in Illinois and am currently in Alabama.

There seems to be very little writing activity nearby, but I don't spend much time looking for it.

Posted by GalaxyGal (Member # 4755) on :
I live in a small Ohio town, population 1031. The largest town in the area is Lima. I belong to a small writers group, which is run by the senior editor of the county newspaper. There are reporters in the group, three writers with published historical novels and a few people like me--unpublished, but hopeful.

I started writing for pleasure in high school and didn't pursue publication until a year or so ago. I've written a series of six fantasy novels plus, but not on purpose. The story started out "just for fun" and has kept on going. I tried getting the first novel published, but no luck. Getting this series published is my dream, but I've backed up for now and am working on short stories. I'm not sure if this is the right way to go, but I have to get my name out there some how.

I'm 37 years old, with two young children. I'm a stay-at-home mom now, but I've had several jobs and two careers before this. I was an elementary school teacher for a while, but found the job more rewarding in theory than in reality. I later took a job in insurance and finance. That was more suited to me. I wrote a couple of manuals for my employer related to annuity laws and technical procedures, so if I can count these, then I've been published twice. LOL.

Posted by rcorporon (Member # 2879) on :
Am I the only Canadian here?

I'm 27, and live in Northern Ontario. Also lived in Japan for nearly 2.5 years.

The writing market in Northern Ontario is tiny at best, but I stick to novel writing so it's not much of a problem .

Posted by franc li (Member # 3850) on :
I'm 36 and I live in the sub-Baltimoreal zone of Maryland. I don't know that I will ever submit anything to TOR, though their Forge label is a possibility. I sometimes have interesting spec-fic ideas, but Card is pretty much the only spec-fic author I've read much of. I'm more interested in his character works, and I'm afraid I'm leaning toward Christian Chic Lit at the minute. I don't know if there is such a thing as Christian Chic Lit, but I bet it will be huge.

If I'd done better in that screenwriting competition, I might have gone in the feature screenplay direction, but I think for now I'll go back to working a novel.

Posted by Spaceman (Member # 9240) on :
41, Phoenix, swamped with too much to do. Can't attend the Arizona Authors meetings because I have conflicts.
Posted by JasonVaughn (Member # 4358) on :

I'm 23, from Scotland, UK. I just got into writing recently and I find this forum very useful. There isn't much of a market for SF/F in Scotland but it's a small country so I expect to look further afield when I finally manage to finish writing something.


Posted by dee_boncci (Member # 2733) on :

Don't know if you're the only Canadian or not, but Northern Ontario is among my very favorite places to visit. You folks up there are very lucky.

Posted by RMatthewWare (Member # 4831) on :
I live in Independence, MO, right outside of Kansas City. I've been here for most of my life. I'm 25 now and I've written a fantasy novel (hopefully will finish it soon and start shopping for a publisher). I've also written a few short stories. Nothing published yet, I've been married for a year and a half, and I have a new baby. So, very busy, but I try to keep my writing going.


Posted by rcorporon (Member # 2879) on :

I didn't feel so lucky yesterday when the temp dropped to about -35C.

Posted by Corky (Member # 2714) on :
Yow! Isn't that down there in the dangerous-to-breath zone? (Though maybe not, come to think of it. I can remember being in Chicago one time when we heard the wind chill was down around -70. Can that be right?)

Anyway, I'm in Salt Lake City, a grandmother, cat-lover, and not the oldest one here (yay!)

Posted by dee_boncci (Member # 2733) on :
-70 wind chill is certainly possible in Chicago. I lived west of there, and once with a -75F windchill (temp -25F or so) they even let us out of school. Don't think it's gets much worse than that though.

-35 is rough, C of F. Brrr. I think that's cold enough that you can throw liquid in the air and have it turn to ice crystals before it hits ground.

Posted by starsin (Member # 4081) on :
Bah...I'm probably going to get banned for this, but Zero, you're not the youngest here...I more likely than not am the youngest.

I'm almost...almost 18 (which is...sadly...the minimum age for this forum, but I've wanted to contribute so much and be able to discuss things with people who can help me along with my hopeful writing career) and I hie from the DFW area of Texas. I have no idea about the local writing market, but the few people I've either told about or shown my stories have loved them and thought that I should continue writing. Which is half the reason I, sadly, lied about my age to get into this forum to discuss things. I'm an avid reader and would love to be able to contribute to the literary world someday.

Please Ms. Woodbury, I know I'm not yet the minimum age for this forum, but please don't ban me. But if you must, I won't feel offended and I'll merely come back when I've turned 18. My apologies for my lying.

Posted by rickfisher (Member # 1214) on :
Well, all right, I'll do this too (especially since I haven't posted anything for a few months and there are doubtless people here who've never seen my username before).

I live in North Carolina, and I peddle my knowledge for money (sounds somewhat filthy, doesn't it?). That is, I'm a private tutor. I'm 53, and I don't think I'm the oldest person here--I know there are times when I haven't been, but I don't know for sure if any of those other people are active right now (I haven't been reading any posts for a few months, either). I've been writing off and on (but mostly off) for about 40 years, have finished one novel and am about halfway through the second. I was an OSC Bootcamp attendee in 2001.

I should say that, even though I'm an old geek, I tend to act like an immature, goofy kid, but only off-line, so I don't feel bad about participating on this forum. Here I tend to be reasonable, staid, and perhaps downright boring. Sorry, I can't help it.

Oh, local markets? I don't even think about it. With the internet and mail, everthing seems local to me, aside from local papers and such.

[This message has been edited by rickfisher (edited January 29, 2007).]

Posted by Kolona (Member # 1438) on :
I'm still here, Rick, so I still out-age you. I may even out-goofy you.

My WIP, a space fantasy, is ready for market. At least that's what I keep thinking until I start fiddling with it again. And again. And again. I think it's a form of deer-in-the-headlights syndrome.

Cll, I'm near Port Huron, but I've got family out your way. Would you be interested in meeting for coffee?


Posted by Max Masterson (Member # 4799) on :
Hi, I'm a 28 year old guy from Newcastle, in the North-East of England. I hadn't written anything for about five years but recently decided to get round to writing my own book. (something I've meant to do since I was about 15)
This site has been extremely usefull so far.
Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
I want to clarify the "18 and over" "rule". It was never intended to restrict access. It was simply intended to make it clear that this forum was for the benefit of adult writers, and therefore members under 18 would only be tolerated as long as we found them reasonably mature and capable of meaningful contribution.

Since KDW has decided to take a somewhat firmer approach with the registration process for a while, she's apparently decided that the "for writers 18 and over" notice isn't necessary.

Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
Actually, that "for writers 18 and over" notice has been gone for a while.

I don't think it would have made any difference with respect to our recent adventure, though.

Posted by Slartibartfast (Member # 4673) on :
I'm 18, male, from Hudson, OH. It's freezing here and we're on the edge of the (lake effect) snow belt. I never thought about writing markets. Not a problem in this day and age? Besides I'd have to write something first.

The way I found this forum, the 'Writers Workshops' button, still says it's for 18 and over:

Posted by WanderingQuill (Member # 4843) on :
37 here. Busy mother of three children ages 14, 11 and 8. Hm, divorced..quite happily at that. I live in Pleasant Valley, NY...about five minutes away from Poughkeepsie, NY. I actually grew up in Poughkeepsie; so yeah, I am fairly rooted here I think.

I have always loved writing and reading for as long as I can remember; but I think I was far too busy being immature to really focus on my dreams. I was busy as well, having children..that's always fun! Well, now that I have the desire and am currently working my brain on a regular basis studying to be an Educator, I thought it time to settle down and see how far I can go with my dream of being a published writer.

As for the market..well..there is the Journal as well as some independent groups; but then I am not very far from NYC either. Too bad the tall buildings and city life makes me claustrophobic....

Oh's pretty frigid up this way too!

Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
I'm 35yrs old and for the last ten years have been living in Maine. The wife and I have three children, 10, 7, and 4 (in two months).

I've lived in New Jersey, Michigan, Indiana, Florida, New Hampshire, and Maine.

I don't know of any local markets, but I'm not really interested in local markets. I'm writing more for myself, and I'm not worried about trying to publish until I'm happy with what I've got. As a perfectionist, I doubt that will be any time too soon.

Posted by thayerds (Member # 3260) on :
I'm a 48 year old wood worker from Gig Harbor, WA (that's Washington State for those of you east of the Rockies). I make custom furniture one piece at a time for individual clients. My other art is writing. I am struggling with it, I will admit, but hope springs eternal.

I have one wife who somehow remains devoted after more than 25 years, and one very talented daughter who at age 21 has graduated from college and started her own buisiness (and yes, now earns more than I do.) Go figure.

[This message has been edited by thayerds (edited January 28, 2007).]

Posted by BruceWayne1 (Member # 4604) on :
I'm being held captive in the hinter lands of mid Michigan. (both families live there and the boss, wife, won't let me leave) I'm 41 father and husband. I am a professional speaker and live out of hotel rooms four days of the week all over the US.
Posted by tigertinite (Member # 4803) on :
Me? Heh I'm from hot sunny Florida. I am 18 and planning to be out at Provo this fall unless the world ends. Seasons, mountains... a winter longer than two weeks in January...
oh yeah writing market... thousands(1.5 to be exact)OK so maybe it is the school and local newspapers, but it's still a writing market, sort of...
Posted by discipuli (Member # 3395) on :
I live in an island in the caribbean , google 'Trinidad and Tobago' . Not sure what my equivilant to your education system level i would be at , but i'm 1 year away from starting a university degree so i guess last years of high school?
Posted by hoptoad (Member # 2145) on :
I live in Tasmania and work in a Botanical Gardens.
3 Kids 14,12,9.

I am tossing-up joining the Tasmanian Writers Guild right now.

I'm a bloke.

[This message has been edited by hoptoad (edited January 29, 2007).]

Posted by kings_falcon (Member # 3261) on :
Okay time to join the fray and take a break from trial prep.

I'm 37, with two monsters, I mean boys ages 8 and 6. A lawyer when I need to pay bills. Hubby's a lawyer too which means we have some fun war stories. Before you ask, we work in different law firms. We decided a long time ago that working together would end in divorce and/or murder.

I've been living in Northern Virginia for about 15 years now.

ChrisOwens - there are actually people who were born in Richmond? When I went to U of R and the year pre-law school seemed like everyone I met was a northern transplant. It was a proud day when a native told me I was a "damned Yankee" - defined as living in the south for 5 years and refusing to leave.

My folks have a Cabin near Augusta, Maine. So summers are spent "down Maine." I grew up in Dedham, Ma. which has the distinction of having the oldest wood frame house in the U.S.


Posted by ChrisOwens (Member # 1955) on :
>there are actually people who were born in Richmond?

Yep, a handful, but they're there. I do consider myself more 'Mid-Atlanic' than a true 'southerner'. I think the blending northern and southern cultures is very positive--with the expection of rising home prices.

Posted by Ray (Member # 2415) on :
I'm currently living in Northern California, farther north than Sacramento by a couple hours, and it's a totally different world than the rest of the state, if only because it's quiet. I'll hopefully be out of here in a few months, but until then, I'll enjoy the quiet.

There are a few local writing markets, but none would be interested in what I write. Or I'm not interested in writing what they would publish. <shrug>

Posted by 'Graff (Member # 2648) on :
Well, I haven't been a regular participant here in quite some time, so I don't know how valid my contribution to the census is. But let's play anyway.

I'm nineteen, and I joined up here about a year and a half ago. Since that time I haven't disciplined myself enough to actually write and revise and get stuff out. I'm trying.

I live in Chicago.

Posted by RillSoji (Member # 1920) on :
I'm 24 and I hail from Kansas City. I've no idea about the market here having just moved here fairly recently. ^_^
Posted by RMatthewWare (Member # 4831) on :
Hooray, another Kansas Citian. So far I count three of us.


Posted by Inkwell (Member # 1944) on :
Hah! My first post of 2007.

Anywho, I was born in Baltimore, franc li, at what is now the Seamen/Sailors' hospital (or whatever the heck they renamed it), 21 years ago this past Tuesday.

Yay. I'm legal. Yaaay.

Now I habituate my habits in southeastern Pennsylvania. Yep, Amish country. One becomes acclimated to the smell...eventually.

[Note: edited to include something that involves writing]

Subsequently, most of the local market is consumed by farmers' almanacs, a piece of seemingly Mennonite literature called the 'Fish Wrapper,' and a horrid local newspaper. On the other hand, there is a local who has published children's fiction...can't seem to find the card she gave me, though. Oh well.

"The difference between a writer and someone who says they want to write is merely the width of a postage stamp."

[This message has been edited by Inkwell (edited February 09, 2007).]

Posted by Nicole (Member # 3549) on :
Though I haven't posted in ages, I'm still around.

Well, I live in Montevideo, Uruguay. Always have, no idea if I always will. I'm 23-years-old and I for reasons yet unknown to me, I quit writing original fiction and switched back to fan. Yeah, I'm a bad, bad girl.


[This message has been edited by Nicole (edited February 09, 2007).]

Posted by kmckendry (Member # 4936) on :
I'm a 42 year old geek, does it matter where?

I was born in Southeastern Wisconsin.
I attended school in in Southeastern Wisconsin.
I met my wife in in Southeastern Wisconsin.
I went to college in in Southeastern Wisconsin.
I now live and work in in Southeastern Wisconsin.
I plan to retire in Alaska.

It appears I am here to reduce diversity.


Posted by Spaceman (Member # 9240) on :
Keith, what county? I was born and raised in Waukesha county.
Posted by kmckendry (Member # 4936) on :
My wife and I both grew up in Cudahy (Milwaukee County). I went to Carroll College (by you).
Posted by electricgrandmother (Member # 2713) on :
I just turned 31, and live in SE Idaho.

We have one local fiction publication, associated with the university. They veer towards literary work, and I, um, don't, so I don't go knocking there a lot.

And Dakota is right, as usual -- Utah has a wide variety of publication options. BYU publishes The Leading Edge, a great little spec-fic 'zine. (The name of the 'zine she couldn't remember off the top of her head.) Also, CONduit, the con held in SLC over Memorial Day weekend, has a spec-fic writing contest. Life, the Universe, and Everything (at BYU) may, as well.

Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
Speaking of Life, The Universe, and Everything (the BYU SF Symposium), it's this week, 15-17 February.

I'll be going. Will I see any of the rest of you there?

Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on :
I might be there. I have some job interviews but otherwise it's a distinct possibility.
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
Well, please introduce yourself, okay?
Posted by Zoot (Member # 3176) on :

I've just turned 30. I was born in Sussex U.K, though I've worked in London as an I.T consultant for the last ten years.

There are tons of local writing markets, though I've not reached the level of expertise to submit to any of them yet.

One day I'll be pubished in Interzone...

[This message has been edited by Zoot (edited February 13, 2007).]

Posted by Rommel Fenrir Wolf II (Member # 4199) on :
I am presently in Ft Riley Ks going to the sand box in a few months.
I have 20 years and I have the best job for some one like me, 21B Combat Engineer.
There are people who read in my unit especially who read: Sci-Fi, fantasy, etc.
As for writing no, they just don’t care.

Posted by rcorporon (Member # 2879) on :
Still the only Canadian?

I feel so lucky.

Posted by Rommel Fenrir Wolf II (Member # 4199) on :
I get it now HAHA, Zoot was the name of the keeper of Castle Anthrax in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Good one.
I had to much to drink last night and watched the movie it just now hit me.

Posted by mikemunsil (Member # 2109) on :
I am 52 and I am here to add to the diversity.

I was born in Chuquicamata, Chile and still retain my Chilean citizenship, as well as my US. I was raised in Panama and graduated from high school there. I acquired various science degrees from Arkansas, Florida and Oklahoma. I've lived in 3 countries, worked in 15 and have lived in 10 or 12 states of this country.

I currently live just north of Houston, Texas. There is no local market here; Texans don't read. Well, kinda.


Posted by Sara Genge (Member # 3468) on :
I'm a tweenager from Madrid, Spain.
I've lived in France and Spain, and I've worked in the US.
Posted by Grandma_Jan (Member # 4788) on :
"There is no local market here; Texans don't read."

But Mike, surely you knew that Texas schools gave up books for high school football! I'm not sure what year it was, but by 1976, when I moved there, books were already only a distant memory.

Oh, yes - the main question . . .

I'm 50. Currently stationed in South Florida. Born in Western New York, lived in Mississippi, Texas, Wisconsin, Germany . . .

Posted by tnwilz (Member # 4080) on :
Lets see. Born in Mildenhall Sussex in 61 to a british mother and a USAF Yank father. Lived in Grand Forks ND for a few of my baby years but then back to UK in 67 where I was brunged up in Cochester Essex. Worked as a keeper at Colchester Zoo after I graduated. Moved to California by myself in 82 to work at Lion Country Safari in Irvine. Now live in Murrieta in socal with wife and 2 kids 18 & 19. Been interested writing for last decade but was opposed to being too influenced by convention. Not so much now though, learning from the experiance of others gives you a massive head start and really does not prevent you from being original.

Think I'm starting the mid-life, why the hell am I so emotional about everything, stage of life. (no corvette yet)

Oh and my name is Tracy so you can tell right there that my father was American. Growing up and going to school in England with a girls name is not a fate I would wish on anyone.

Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on :
A man named Tracy even here in America would strike me as strange.
Posted by tnwilz (Member # 4080) on :
I try not to strike people, especially if thet're bigger en me. But strange... yeah I hear that one a lot, from the polite ones.
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
Tracy Hickman
Posted by tnwilz (Member # 4080) on :
Tracy Morgan, Tracy Lawrence, Tracy McGrady, Tracy Byrd, Tracy Silverman... yeah, good point Kathleen, I actually feel more secure in my masculinity now. Thank you.
Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on :
well... I'm from Utah, and the west side, and in my bubble of an existance it is weird. Not that you should dislike it for any reason, just strikes me as odd. And notice I am the one being struck.
Posted by OMAGAOFTHEALPHA (Member # 5163) on :
Lived my whole life in FLA. I do a lot of traveling been to almost every country in Europe, some in Asia, and South America .
There is a large writers market here mostly high school students and grads.

Posted by KayTi (Member # 5137) on :
I'm just outside of Chicago, IL - I'm sure there's a great local market. I am new at this and haven't gotten that far yet.

I'm celebrating one of the anniversaries of my 29th birthday tomorrow. It's a single-digit anniversary, and that's enough about that.

I have two kids, two cats, a husband, and a mini-van. In a way, it's rather like one of the circles of Dante's Inferno, but then again, it's the greatest gig on earth. Depends when you ask me.


Posted by zotius (Member # 6457) on :
Near Cardiff, S. Wales.

Managed to see quite a few scenes of Dr Who shooting this year. So many takes. Fascinating. Rumbling bellies at home were not amused though.

[This message has been edited by zotius (edited October 08, 2007).]

[This message has been edited by zotius (edited October 08, 2007).]

Posted by baduizt (Member # 5804) on :
I'm 21. I live in Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK.

There have been a number of zines circulating throughout the city, for which I've written, and a number of newspapers and magazines, for which I've done the same. I started a column at the Leeds Guide when I was 19, due to an invitation from the Deputy Editor via a referral from a local author named James Nash (who helped me an awful lot with my first novel-length ms). Then, aged 20, I was headhunted, of a kind, by Bent magazine, and left for pastures new.

I'm doing my MA in Writing for Performance and Publication, starting up a new alternative arts journal and taking a senior position at a local publishing company run by local cult author R. L. Royle.

I do far too much, go out clubbing 2-4 times a week, and exploit all the free holiday opportunities I can get through my job (which has been 3 so far this year, with another holiday to Key West coming up in 12 days).

When I write on here, it's usually 4am (as it is now) and I really should be getting on with something else ;-)



Posted by Antinomy (Member # 5136) on :
Cincinnati, Ohio -- chili capital of the world.

I stopped counting years when my birthday cake set off the fire sprinklers.

Posted by I am destiny on :
I have lived in Utah all of my life. I am currently living in Tooele with a rather large writing community. There are three writers groups that I know of and am a member of one. I was exited to get more invoilved and even start to go to a reading group with a friend. But my DH pulled a fast one on me and we are moving to Orangeville in less than a month. I hear there is a writers group at CEU I hope the rumors are true.

I am 38 and the SAHmom of 6; 1,4,6,10,13,15 I write when I get the time.

BTW, KDW I am going to LTUE SO I'll introduce myself... I cant wait!

Spaceman.... my best friend just moved to AZ (Bullhead City) can you give me any info on AZ groups? you mentioned AZ authors...


Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
I've met a few other SF/F people in the Tooele area, and I look forward to your introducing yourself, I am destiny. See you next year, then.
Posted by tigertinite (Member # 4803) on :
Hmmm. . .I don't think I saw this the first time around. . .I am a native Floridian who now hails from BYU Provo as I scramble to get a degree before my mission.
Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on :
A degree before you mission? That's awfully ambitious. Whether you're 19 or 21, that's impressive. Since, I believe BYu doesn't offer degrees shorter than bachelors.
Posted by Rommel Fenrir Wolf II (Member # 4199) on :
Hay another Floridian.. witch part of FL. Me I am in JAX now.. not the airport but the city.

Too bad omega is not down here. He is in Americas Hat.. Northwest territories some where now..

Rommel Fenrir Wolf II


Posted by wrenbird (Member # 3245) on :
Hey, Antinomy, I'm from Columbus, Ohio. Home of the Buckeyes. Though, I have to admit, I'm not into football (I know, I know, that's heresy in these parts)


Posted by tigertinite (Member # 4803) on :
Small world, I'm from St. Augustine.
Posted by Lorina Stephens (Member # 6196) on :
Looks like two Canadians now. :-)
I'm 52, living in mid-Western Ontario where we get monumental lake-effect snow, although we're now in a glorious autumn, warmer than usual.
We live in a 130 year old stone house which we're slowly restoring. I'm the writer. My husband is a glazier by day, an historical cooper when the house doesn't demand his time.
Posted by HeIsDeads (Member # 6330) on :
25, Orlando FL, but soon relocating to Washington D.C. for school. (Hopefully GWU) English major, and writer hopeful.
Posted by MrsBrown (Member # 5195) on :
41, Chesapeake VA, happily married with 3.5 year old son. Don't care about markets; I have a long way to go writing my WIP. In fact I've been taking an unplanned break to gobble vast quantities of fiction.

Survivor, your post sounds liek a story!

[This message has been edited by MrsBrown (edited October 10, 2007).]

Posted by Rommel Fenrir Wolf II (Member # 4199) on :
i lived in Fairafax for 16 misibral years.

i love FLA. not too many hippies like DC.

i was just in st augisten. i was at the fort and then went down the shopping street thing. king gorge st if i reamber right..

I'm not drunk egnough

Rommel Fenrir Wolf II

Posted by quidscribis (Member # 2240) on :
Three Canadians. I'm from everywhere western Canada. But I now live in Sri Lanka. I blame my husband for that.

The non-fiction market locally is small, and yet I've managed to be published in three local mags with regular columns and am the assistant editor of one of them (the geek one). Fiction markets locally are completely available, although very small, as long as you're willing to pay. There is zero question of local publishers publishing anything without payment up front first. I don't consider the local fiction market my primary target.

Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :

i love FLA. not too many hippies like DC.

What? Are we talking about the same Florida? In the Southeastern USA, right?

Maybe I'm missing your definition of hippie.

Posted by meg.stout (Member # 6193) on :
I current live inside the beltway in Northern Virginia.

As for ethnic (which this thread doesn't actually ask for) I was born in a state where inter-racial marriage was still considered "void and prohibited," although my parents' marriage (Chinese-White) was legal since they got married in a state that viewed inter-racial marriage as legitimate. The state of my birth legalized inter-racial marriage when I was two months old. I was four before the U.S. Supreme Court made inter-racial marriage legal country-wide by their ruling in LOVING v. VIRGINIA (1967).

Posted by Rommel Fenrir Wolf II (Member # 4199) on :
but of corse we are speeking of fl in america. there are few hippies in JACKSONVILLE that i have seen or ran into.

now in south Fl there are many hippies expicily the Keys...

Rommel Fenrir Wolf II

Posted by Rommel Fenrir Wolf II (Member # 4199) on :
PS: if you Canadians are speeking of Omeaga he is there doing work for my Empire. he dose not conder himself Canadian, he dosent even consider himself human.

i shall drop him a line and ask of him to post here. if you wish

Rommel Fenrir Wolf II

Posted by RMatthewWare (Member # 4831) on :
I live in Independence, MO, right outside of Kansas City. I've been here for most of my life. I'm 25 now and I've written a fantasy novel (hopefully will finish it soon and start shopping for a publisher). I've also written a few short stories. Nothing published yet, I've been married for a year and a half, and I have a new baby. So, very busy, but I try to keep my writing going.

That was in January. I'm 26 now. My 2-year anniversary is this month and my baby boy turns 1 as well.

I've finished my novel, given up on short stories, and still haven't published anything. But I'm still trying. I've also finished a first draft on a new novel.

Posted by Sparrol (Member # 5734) on :
Fourth Canadian, teenager. Lived pretty much all over the country, from the plains to BC to Quebec and back again. Just haven't been to the territories.
Posted by debhoag (Member # 5493) on :
Do it, Rommel.Omega sounds like an interesting person!

Posted by JamieFord (Member # 3112) on :
(( As for ethnic (which this thread doesn't actually ask for) I was born in a state where inter-racial marriage was still considered "void and prohibited," although my parents' marriage (Chinese-White) was legal since they got married in a state that viewed inter-racial marriage as legitimate. The state of my birth legalized inter-racial marriage when I was two months old. I was four before the U.S. Supreme Court made inter-racial marriage legal country-wide by their ruling in LOVING v. VIRGINIA (1967). ))

Wow. Cool info. Especially since I'm the same, 1/2 Chinese, from my dad's side. My mom was from Arkansas, another state that probably had some funky laws back in the day.

On the diversity thing, I'm 39, living in Montana.

Posted by meg.stout (Member # 6193) on :
Hey Jamie, we're twins. You can google "Loving Supreme Court" I think and find a list by state of when which laws were changed. If you're 39 now, then you were probably conceived after the whole thing was legalized.
Posted by Rommel Fenrir Wolf II (Member # 4199) on :
if you insist. he was banned from here a few mounths ago. i shall drop him a line. he is much like me we are werewolves

Rommel Fenrir Wolf II

Posted by Rommel Fenrir Wolf II (Member # 4199) on :
well it seems that KDW has denied omega to post.

he just tryed to and was denied. that should teach him.

i just called him and he just left Ellesmire 2 days or so ago.

i will keep in contact.

Rommel Fenrir Wolf II

Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on :
I never really could tell the exact difference between you and Omega. Making the banning tendencies on this forum seem a little... inconsistent.
Posted by Rommel Fenrir Wolf II (Member # 4199) on :
the difference between Omega and i is i am the last Christain Werewolf. he is a Peagan (i think that is how it is spelled)
2 he is not as vilont in action as i when it comes to winning.he also is slow at politics.
other than that there is not much different personality wise.

Rommel Fenrir Wolf II

Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on :
When it comes to entertaining yourself(s), remind me, which of your personalities is it that likes to watch tv, and which is the one that likes to watch movies?

Because I know both of your personalities like to troll our forum.

[This message has been edited by Zero (edited October 15, 2007).]

Posted by Rommel Fenrir Wolf II (Member # 4199) on :






Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on :
My point exactly.

[This message has been edited by Zero (edited October 15, 2007).]

Posted by Rommel Fenrir Wolf II (Member # 4199) on :
listen i do not have more than 1 user name. NOW DROP IT OR YOU WILL FEEL THE RATH OF MY EMPIRE.

God forsaken Human


Rommel Fenrir Wolf II

Posted by Rommel Fenrir Wolf II (Member # 4199) on :

are you PMSING? you have realy p me off today and that is not a bright thing to do.


Posted by RMatthewWare (Member # 4831) on :
Zero, I usually abide the saying, "Don't feed the trolls."

/It doesn't always work.

Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on :
Matt, you make an excellent point.
Posted by Rommel Fenrir Wolf II (Member # 4199) on :
are you calling me a troll?

i am not a troll, i am a Werewolf. got that?

Rommel Fenrir Wolf II

Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
Rommel Fenrir Wolf II, Omega was banned from posting here because he posted something that broke the promise he made when he registered.

You are getting close to doing that yourself.

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