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Posted by Hookt_Un_Fonix (Member # 4783) on :
I received this response to one of my many queries;

"Unfortunately our production schedule is currently full so we are not accepting new projects.
Thanks for thinking of us."

This seems to be a common theme. How do you get to the publishers before their schedule is filled, or is this a standard break up. Do they even read the query or is it sent out automatically? In theory their production schedule should never have an opening, because thats how they make money. I noticed a few request submissions during a certain time of the year, and others ask that you send the whole manuscript at that time. I like the window, but should you really send your whole work to them? Also are agents really agents or are they publishers in disguise? I get letters from them that are very much like the publishers.

Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
Agents aren't publishers, but they are part of the publishing industry.

Getting a book published is a matter of building up contacts within the industry. There are a variety of ways to do this, the best rely on having someone read your prose and think "this could be a best seller." Sending queries is one way to try and make this happen.

I don't think it's the best way. I'm a proponent of the short fiction markets as a way to break into print and build up contacts. There are a couple of reasons for this, one of the most important being that I think that short fiction writers tend to build up their basic skills more and thus produce better literature with less work over the long run. Less work for everyone involved.

Posted by Hookt_Un_Fonix (Member # 4783) on :
good advice as usual.
Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
One important rule you want to remember, don't ever let the frustration that is commonly associated with rejection lead to you act like a complete @$$hole towards people that are in the industry. Not even online. Perhaps especially not online.
Posted by Hookt_Un_Fonix (Member # 4783) on :
Yeah don't burn the bridges right? Rejection is part of the industry, more so then I have seen in my career in sales. Its simple, you refine your work, you make the best it can be, and then get it front of every agent and publisher you can. Don't bad mouth them unless they honestly go out of their way to screw you. I am trying to learn though, I am trying to figure out the best way to get my work out there and get it into print.
Posted by Spaceman (Member # 9240) on :
Many new people here come in with an attitude. Once they learn that Hatrack has members that have appeared in major genre magazine like Analog and Asimov's, has members with book contracts, and has members who actually know what they're talking about, the attitude either goes away as they learn to listen, or they are ignored.
Posted by Hookt_Un_Fonix (Member # 4783) on :
published or not I came here to learn. I think I can learn from those that have not been published because they are typically the audience, and can be as critical, if not more critical then a publisher writer. I do try to learn what I can from those that have played the publishing game, because after all they have succeeded. I try to take on as much advice as I can, and to be honest you guys here have been great on Hatrack. I am so glad to have found it. This process though of the query seems to be the most difficult, and being I still have a WIP, I want to learn as much about it before I start the mass mailing process to get me an agent, and/or publisher. So I am experimenting here and there with electronic queries and noticing the different types of rejections. Form my sales back ground this is a common theme, over coming objections. To be able to overcome them is what gives you the sales. So I research to find the objects and try to write a query in a way to overcome them. Hopefully through a process evolution here, I can write a very through and effective query when I finish my MS. I know this does not guarantee success, but it can't hurt.
Posted by Chaldea (Member # 4707) on :

I agree with Survivor. A good way to break in to publishing your full length novel is to submit your short stories to magazines that publish fiction. Once you have a few of those under your belt, you can mention your publishing credits when you send out queries.

One example of this approach is Amy Tan, author of The Joy Luck Club. She had several short stories published in assorted magazines when an agent saw her work and phoned her to ask if she could put them into a longer, novel format.

I believe a good short story is harder to execute than a story in longer format because you have less pages to tell it. A good agent recognizes the value of an author who can get well crafted shorts published. It's not a bad place to start. So many aspiring authors feel their story will be the next great American novel. And that may be so. But it's a big gamble, much like playing big bucks in the stock market. Short stories are more like money saved up in the bank. It's the long, slow, safe method to success.

That said, there's nothing wrong in my opinion, in trying to get an agent interested in your work. If you can't find an agent who's interested, more than likely you need to keep honing your craft; voice, mechanics, etc.

Posted by Chaldea (Member # 4707) on :
I reread your posts. Each publishing house or agent you send your stuff to may only have one generic rejection notice for all submissions, even though they say yours did not fit their production schedule at the moment. This is their tactful way of saying "No thank you." You just have to keepd perfecting your writing and keep submitting.

I learned a tremendous amount about queries, cover letters, and the publishing industry by simply setting aside time to go online. I also learned a lot about it in writing classes, at conferences and book fairs (the L.A. Times Festival of Books I find invigorating and informational with its many author and publisher discussion panels. These book fairs can be found all across the States, promoting literacy. And they're free!) Networking and being a member of local writer's organizations is another great source of gleaning tidbits of info on breaking in. Are you writing SciFi? If so, have you checked out Science fiction Writers of America (SFWA).


Posted by Hookt_Un_Fonix (Member # 4783) on :
The SFWA is loaded with good intel. I am also looking for personal experiences here. I am refining my work, and making it as clean and neat as possible. I know though that it will required marketing skills to get it out, get it published, and then get it bought. As for writing shorts stories, do they have the same level of difficulty making it to print? Do you need an agent for those works to appear in credible prints? I mean, if I write a short story, can I just submit it directly to Analog? What is the ratio of success for those works? I am sure they are bombarded with millions of short stories yearly?
Posted by Chaldea (Member # 4707) on :

I highly recommend purchasing a copy of Writer's Market 2007. In it you will find every magazine and literary publication and what their submission rules are. Many of them have a range of months in which you may submit. They also list what type of material they are looking for, and to whom you would submit it, what they pay, their address, method of submission preferred, and many other useful bits of info. I can't imagine submitting anything without this guide. I believe the cost is about $15-$19, but it's been awhile since I bought one.

Edit here. They also provide info on how many submissions they receive per submission period and how many of those they publish. Also there are yearly contests that are listed and related rules.

Your chances for publication vary greatly from one pub to another, depending on whether the pub accepts mss from previously unpublished writers, or from only those who've been published. Sometimes they take either, but a publication such as Atlantic Monthly or The New Yorker may only take experienced authors.

Also, I would add to make sure you keep a submission log, so you can track your mailings (or emailings). Many or most pubs don't want you to submit the same story to another pub while they have it and are deciding if they want it. If they do, there may be copyright problems if the other pub also wants it. This may keep your story out of circulation for up to a year or more, depending. If you keep a log you know which story is where and for how long it's been out.

[This message has been edited by Chaldea (edited January 21, 2007).]

Posted by Chaldea (Member # 4707) on :
Just make sure it is the current year because info changes so quickly these days.

[This message has been edited by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (edited January 24, 2007).]

Posted by Hookt_Un_Fonix (Member # 4783) on :
Well I am on way to the library on Monday. I have already started a short story that branches off from my MS idea. This WIP can stand alone, but if it gets published it could help breed familiarity with the world my novel is based in. With that in mind do contest help in this matter to, or just paid works? Someone sent me the link to the L Ron Hubbard's Writers of the Future contest. This seems like a good thing to have on a resume. Are their other legitimate contest out there that do not exploit your efforts, and what are the signs to watch out for in the bad ones?
Posted by Chaldea (Member # 4707) on :

Yes indeed, contest winnings are great credits to put on your queries. The things to look for are how many years the contest has existed and if you have to pay to enter. The ones that have only been around for a year or so and you have to pay to enter, I'd ignore. Sometimes you have to pay for a well established one, and that might be ok, but they usually don't have a fee, especially if they are run by a university or college. Sometimes a contest run by a foundation and funded by an estate does not charge for entries, either. The Writer's Market will tell you all these things.

Posted by Hookt_Un_Fonix (Member # 4783) on :
I got this reply today. I think it was the best rejection I had yet.

Thanks for your query. Unfortunately, I do not feel that I could be the best advocate for your work. Please keep in mind that mine is a subjective business, and an idea or story to which one agent does not respond may well be met with great enthusiasm by another, and I encourage you to continue writing to agents. Hopefully you will find someone who will get behind you and your work with the conviction necessary in this very tight market.

very positive indeed, but it had me wondering. What is the more effective and constructive rejection? As a new writer, I am hungry for critique. I know these agents field a lot of quires daily so getting a lined response would be asking a lot. I think I would be happy with a letter that at least hinted they read the whole query and perhaps a bit of the body of the work. How do you all feel about this?

Posted by AstroStewart (Member # 2597) on :
I was thinking along similar lines. A rejection that says "your work seemed great but unfortunately it just didn't enthrall me. Oh how I wish that I could represent your wonderful work. I hope you find a wonderful agent soon" when the agent *really* meant "you lost me in the middle of your synopsis" doesn't help.

So how do we tell the difference? It's not like agents have varying degrees of form rejection letters for "heck no," "almost there," "I was really liking it until ...." etc. (unless they do have such scaling degrees of rejections... do they?)

Take, for example, a rejection I got this week:
Thanks for sending along the opening pages of Omn's Tears. Truth be told, I'm afraid these pages just didn't draw me in as much as I had hoped. I'm pressed for time these days and, what with my reservations about the project, I suspect I wouldn't be the best fit. Thanks so much for contacting me, though, and for giving me this opportunity. It's much appreciated, and I'm sorry to be passing. I wish you the very best of luck in your search for representation.

This is a very kind rejection, and it initially got my hopes up. (This was actually the very first rejection I've gotten, I only last week deemed my novel "query worthy" and began sending out queries to agents.) But is the kindness just standard? Could I have sent in a rediculously horrible query letter with a grammatically incorrect, cliche synopsis and misspelled the agent's name and still gotten this kind reply? These are the questions that haunt my dreams.

(Ok not really.)

Posted by Hookt_Un_Fonix (Member # 4783) on :
That rejection seemed to say they read it. The title was in the rejection, so if it was a form that at least added that. There is a lot of information in that rejection. The agent knew the title, and he stated he did read your synopsis, but ti did not grab him. Perhaps it was not his type of work, or it just was not that interesting. There is something to work with there.

Was this a fantasy agent? Did he have a specialty and you missed it? Do they have a website stating the format in which they want their queries? I thinks it positive your first rejection appeared to be writing and not a form letter.

Posted by AstroStewart (Member # 2597) on :
Well I should have clarified that this was an email-query. This particular agent works in fantasy, yes. I looked up her information/website prior to sending the query. She also specifically prefers email queries, unlike most agencies. So the "your title was in there" isn't as big as you would think for an actual, physical piece of paper rejection. It just means she has a rejection via email form with like [NOVEL TITLE] in there somewhere that she slapped the appropriate title into.

I am, nevertheless, glad that she at least responded. Many agents don't bother to reply to email queries to reject them. They just let the days/weeks of silence speak for itself.

Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
Don't read anything into a rejection that isn't there. You'll just make yourself, crazier. I guess wanting to be a writer already marks you as a bit weird
Posted by Chaldea (Member # 4707) on :
>Truth be told, I'm afraid these pages just didn't draw me in as much as I had hoped.

Not to be harsh or cruel here, but it seems like this is the gist of the rejection? This is probably the nugget that answers your question.

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