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Posted by RillSoji (Member # 1920) on :
I write to tell stories.
I write because it's invigorating to my imagination.
I write to explore my own creativity.
I write to find the depths of my memories and imagination.
I write for fun.
I write to give others pleasure.
I write because I want to.

How about you?
Why do you write?

Posted by Spaceman (Member # 9240) on :
Here we go again.
Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on :
I write solely because I am compelled to at gun point.
Posted by oliverhouse (Member # 3432) on :
Because ronging sucks?
Posted by Grijalva (Member # 3295) on :
I write because I love to do it, it's fun.

Whats ronging?

Posted by Leigh (Member # 2901) on :
My reasons are my own, but also like so many others.
Posted by Corky (Member # 2714) on :
Whats ronging?

The opposite of writing (it's a pun on right and wrong).


Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
I'm training myself to be a just and merciful killer, rather than just a dangerous but unstoppable lunatic. Umm...and I want to be loved by millions of adoring fans...perhaps even married to one of them. Yeah, that's it. It's all for the sake of my future children.

Posterity, you could say

Posted by CoriSCapnSkip (Member # 3228) on :
Because it's the most significant thing I feel I can do, and possibly get paid for.
Posted by MommaMuse (Member # 3622) on :
I write because my stories have captured my imagination, and the only way to be able to follow them fully (for me, anyway) is to get them down on paper.

I'm VERY A.D.D., so I can't just thing about something and voila, there, it's done! Only when I write it down can I fully enjoy the fruits of my disjointed and easily-distracted mind! lol

If someone else gets a kick out of it too, then the more, the merrier!

Posted by Slartibartfast (Member # 4673) on :
I have delusions of grandeur
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
For the money. (Though there hasn't been any.) For the glory. (Well, there hasn't been any of that, either.) And because it seemed a cool thing to do when I took it up. (Still does, but it's more a matter of habit now.)
Posted by cobane (Member # 4520) on :
If I don't write, I feel sick. The keyboard is my heroin.
Posted by RillSoji (Member # 1920) on :
hehe I love all your responses. I enjoy learning about people in ways like this. ^_^
Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
That's a terrifying suggestion whether or not it indicates that you're taking us seriously.
Posted by Chaldea (Member # 4707) on :
My ultimate goal is to able to write like Survivor.


I think i left something out. I'm still learning.

Posted by franc li (Member # 3850) on :
I feel it's my calling from God. But He may just mean it for my personal betterment. Nowhere did He say I'd be published or famous during my lifetime.
Posted by cvgurau (Member # 1345) on :
I write because there's nothing good on TV.

Also, to keep my grammar, spelling, and punctuation skills sharp for that day I finally snap and start writing stalker letters to the Hollywood elite. After all, why pine from afar, when you can pine from up close?

[This message has been edited by cvgurau (edited January 09, 2007).]

Posted by Mystic (Member # 2673) on :
I write because I bet a thousand monkeys at a thousand typewriters I could beat them in a race to get published...they are in the lead.
Posted by BruceWayne1 (Member # 4604) on :
I write because I do so enjoy my own thoughts, I hope someday others may enjoy them too.

I like to be heard, I am a professional speaker and like attention and approval, who doesn't.

I like to set and chase goals, I may lose the desire to write at all ones I get published, on to the next impossible mission, who knows.

Oh and I want to grow up to be just like Survivor too <wink>.


Posted by CoriSCapnSkip (Member # 3228) on :
Of course, the joke is that a thousand monkeys at a thousand keyboards will eventually produce every work ever written, as there are only so many combinations of words, but that the internet has now proven that untrue.
Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on :
That... and the fact that monkeys aren't completely random.
Posted by Arveliot (Member # 4734) on :
I write because the alternatives are all much, much worse.
Posted by wrenbird (Member # 3245) on :
I love this forum.
Posted by GalaxyGal (Member # 4755) on :
Since this is a writer's forum, allow me explain why I write with a little story.

Once upon a time Common Sense was walking down the street when he met a woman named Vain Hope. Vain Hope pulled out a gun and shot Common Sense in the head. Common Sense lived, but he is now permenantly paralyzed, unable to fend for himself. Vain Hope is on America's Most Wanted list. She is wanted dead or alive, but preferrably dead. As of this date, she continues to elude authorities.

The morale of the story is: I write because I have a lot of hope, but no common sense. Ha!

Posted by RillSoji (Member # 1920) on :
LOL! Great story! ~_^
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Somebody at work pinned up on a bulletin board a faux obituary for Common Sense along those lines.
Posted by Pyre Dynasty (Member # 1947) on :
I write because horrid things occur if I do not.
Posted by ken_hawk (Member # 2647) on :
I write because I spend most of my time alone. Pyre Dynasty, I'm curious, what are the horrid things you speak of that occur when you don't write?
Posted by tigertinite (Member # 4803) on :
Why write? One may ask why Breathe and I could give you a coherent answer, but writing is like placing a bit of your soul on a page and hoping that some one else thinks it is worth reading.
Posted by Alethea Kontis (Member # 3748) on :
I write because I was an introvert born into a family of storytellers.

It's hard to carry on the oral tradition if you're afraid to talk to people the first 25 years of your life.

Posted by CoriSCapnSkip (Member # 3228) on :
Well, for a long time I convinced myself it was my only way to make a living so I'd better get good at it. But then it was making me miserable because I can't seem to produce a work greater than anybody in the history of this planet ever wrote, and it takes so long to produce anything even acceptable to me. But then if I stop writing it feels like a cop-out, so I feel I should write in case that is what I am meant to do and quitting is just a cop-out. If I don't succeed I hope the world isn't missing anything truly brilliant.

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