But not familiar enough: I have not lived there. I can take a little time to visit, find out what they've got in the grocery stores and pick up some slang, but...what I really want is to be in a British community for a short while. Lonely Planet Great Britain has for each area I look at (I'm going for rural England): Getting There, Walking, Sightseeing, Eating, Sleeping. Tourists don't do what I really want to do. They see things; I want to talk to people.
There are bunches of writers here. What might you try? Where might you look to decide what to try?
If you're in the UK, Ireland, or Iceland (Mary!)...what would be a good way to get quickly into the community? Mission trips, anything else you can think of? Especially if I could do it in January.
An odd resource I might recommend in your research of Great Britain are the books and videos about artist Andy Goldsworthy. Goldsworthy is from Scotland, and his art consists entirely of natural materials assembled in nature. He is inordinately conscious of the living land, and the rural countryside, and is very articulate (in the video Rivers & Tides) about that connection. If you haven't seen his stuff, you are in for a treat. Do a GOOGLE image search on his name. Our local library has the video "Rivers & Tides" and books on him and his work.
[This message has been edited by Elan (edited November 23, 2006).]
Every English village has a public house, this is the lifeblood of our culture, and has been since Celtic times at least (There are pubs all over Britain named after Celtic myths i.e my Dad's local is called the Green Man)
IMHO there is no better way to integrate yourself into a local community than over a few pints.
[This message has been edited by Zoot (edited November 23, 2006).]
[This message has been edited by Zoot (edited November 23, 2006).]
over a few pints
The other thing to look at is the church community and it's structure.
WBRIGGS: perhaps you should watch some episodes of Little Britain
[This message has been edited by hoptoad (edited November 23, 2006).]
I suggest you pick a town that suits your intentions and study its website. It can be painfully boring to begin with but creates a great insight as you start piecing together who is who and what's going on ie local people and dynamics.
I did this for a town called Lesmahagow in Scotland and it proved very useful -- to me.
[This message has been edited by hoptoad (edited November 23, 2006).]
I think I know how to get as involved as I can at the pub . The church, hm. My impression is that the church is always closed now.
The tepid pint thing is a myth spread by evil Antipodeans to smear their English cousin's good name
As for the brand of beer thing we do have that here. Certainly in rural areas the locals tend to drink Guiness or Ales rather than your Buds or Fosters.
[This message has been edited by Zoot (edited November 24, 2006).]
If your folks are going to be driving, you can look up the British Highway Code: http://www.highwaycode.gov.uk.
I tried to memorize that code the week before renting a car in England--one of the scariest things I've ever had to do in my life. (There's an essay about it in Apex Digest #7 called "Much Ado About Driving.")
{Edit:] You can also always turn your telly to the BBC and leave it on for a while. Soak up a bit of the pop culture, and the newer shows like Doctor Who and Torchwood (if you can get your hands on those). Catch a few episodes of Most Haunted. Let the vernacular soak in.
Isn't that how they do it in the movies? Aliens (or mermaids or whatever) watch a bit of television and suddenly they can speak English...
I love the pub culture. Pubs are a bit like very beautiful and comfortable Sports Bars that you could hang out in for hours. So you do.
[This message has been edited by Alethea Kontis (edited November 24, 2006).]
I wish there was something of the pub culture here in the states. In some areas maybe, but not where I live. The taverns in my town are scary places, and only the hard core alcoholics hang out in them. In order to get the "pub culture" you have to hang out in coffee shops. Fortunately, in bigger cities like Portland and Seattle, they are often conveniently built adjacent to book stores.
Ultimately it was designed to poke fun at modern British culture, albeit in a very abstract way. Not sure if would translate so well across the Atlantic though.
As for Pub culture, it's not all good however. Most crime here is alcohol related, especially in more urban areas, and we top the charts in Europe for death by sclerosis of the liver.
[This message has been edited by Zoot (edited November 24, 2006).]
[This message has been edited by Zoot (edited November 24, 2006).]
[This message has been edited by Zoot (edited November 24, 2006).]
Depending on the era you choose I would recommend Margaret Stewart, Rose Cottage or Before Midnight (?) for a gentle take on post-war british country life.
I think I know where I can find one... mail me with questions and I'll see what I can do.
I second the watching BBC bit, and I would combine that with some online chatting before you go. Maybe hook up in advance with someone in the area you will be visiting, then meet in person while there and you have a native tour guide. I'm sure there are forums available that are mostly frequented by Brits.
And, during and after your writing, try to get a native to help critique it for believability.
Oh, and reading books written by Brits will help too. I know I learned a fair amount about the culture from reading James Herriot's veterinary books, and there are a lot of more recent things to read as well.
[This message has been edited by autumnmuse (edited November 28, 2006).]
The other option might be the Shetlands, which again is very different from the rest of the UK, and still harks significantly back to its norse roots (geographically, they're closer to Bergen than to Edinburgh, let alone to London).
If you're going to go visit those areas, you probably will be able to talk to people (especially if you explain you're an author) and get something of a feel for the local culture. Most accommodation in those places will be bed-and-breakfast, which are both very reasonable in price (quite different from American B&B) and a great way to meet people.
But under no circumstances go in winter. The weather will be lousy and you'll have three to four hours of daylight.
There is a lot of idiomatic language in the Shetlands too, isn't there? That all may be very helpful building setting.
edit: spelling
[This message has been edited by hoptoad (edited November 29, 2006).]
Personally, I think the first thing to do is to pick a definite location and concentrate on that. If going for the Orkneys - try something like the film Local Hero (in which an American working for an oil company is sent to a remote Scottish community to buy up all their land for a refinery. It's also one of my favorite films and made a phonebox famous) or the Wicker Man (please, the original, please!)
Guidebooks help a bit. Research some local authors perhaps, to get more of a view from the ground up. The community website is a good idea. Bill Bryson's Notes from a Small Island gives a good outsiders view of Britain as well.
Little Britain is more urban humour. You could try Leage of Gentlemen (not the "extraordinary" gentlemen film, but the tv comedy series or even Wallace and Gromit - Curse of the Wererabbit, for a twisted view of village life. Detective series like Midsommer Murders or Miss Marple will give you the same thing (but with a higher body count).
Whew! I watch too much tv.
Another alternative might be to take several of these communities and create an island. That way the exact position of the post office might not become an issue. If you have the general feeling of the place the rest would follow.
And if you are going on a field trip, let me know!