For those who don't know, Theiftess is Alethea Kontis, the author of Alpha-Oops. OSC just wrote a little review of her book in his column. Whoo-hoo!
And if anyone hasn't read it, it's enjoyable whether or not you have little kids. I urge you to give it a read.
Posted by Rahl22 (Member # 1411) on :
I just got a copy for my mother this past weekend, and Alethea has the BEST autograph conceivable to humankind. A definite BUY.
Posted by DeepDreamer (Member # 5337) on :
Yay for Thieftess! I also am going to get a copy for my mom, who illustrates children's books. Of course, I have to wait until payday. After DragonCon, I am so poor its not even funny.
Posted by Alethea Kontis (Member # 3748) on :
Thanks, everybody!
(I decided it was too much work to remember to sign every Thieftess post "Alethea", so I re-registered as me. I'll still be Thieftess on the Boot Camp boards, though.)
I am so honored that Scott took the time to mention my little book...and I'm doubly glad he liked it!
Right now I'm hugely nervous because I've been invited to be on TV in Memphis on Friday -- I'm going to be interviewed on "Live at 9" (Channel 3, I think) to talk about the AlphaOops reading and signing at the Davis Kidd this Saturday at 10:00am.
Bigtime nervous. Bigtime.
I'm staying at a friend's house in Memphis tomorrow night. I guess I should go pack now...
Posted by Leigh (Member # 2901) on :
Wow... congratulations Alethea Well done, especially to be mentioned by OSC. I wish one day to get published, but for now that's pretty far off.
Plus, don't be nervous. I've been on TV, the local news broadcast for fixing old computers and my school giving them to an underprivilidged primary school. My face was the main one seen But everyone saw me chewing gum.
Posted by Valtam2 (Member # 3174) on :
Congratulations! If I still lived in the state, I'd drive across to Memphis to see ya. Good luck with that!
Posted by Elan (Member # 2442) on :
It seems a darned shame that no one is putting up the link to Alethea's website, so I shall rectify the oversight:
I'm having a fantastic time in Memphis -- I've never been here before! After the show we went to see the famous Peabody Hotel ducks come down the elevator, ate ribs at Rendezvous, and drove over the bridge to now I can say I've been to Arkansas.
Tomorrow after the reading/booksigning (which will be a piece of cake after the TV interview!) my friends and I are going to the Greek Festival.