Am I asking to have my book burned because of an inequality amongst my cast? I also have a shortage of minorities. Does this cast an unwanted light on my writing. I am neither cheuvenist nor racist... sometimes I hate trying to understand all the social politics around me.
For example: I am a son and a brother, so I could already write believably about family relationships before having a wife and children. However, I also believe that my writing has deepened in regards to the dynamics of those relationships, now that I am married and a father. At least I hope so.
At any rate, don't wait until you fully understand something before you start writing about it. Just make the motivations believable enough and the reader will buy it. Also, you have to actually write to get good at writing. If you wait until you have adequate understanding of the female psyche before you write from a female POV then you never will. Heck, sometimes I don't even understand why I do the things I do. Which simply means that I am human. ;-)
Most men who write female characters tend to do one of two things:
1. A man in a woman's body.
2. A stereotyped, weak or flighty woman.
For that matter, most women who write male characters tend to do one of two things:
1. A woman in a man's body.
2. A stereotyped, macho man.
Minorities are worse. I can tell if you don't understand minorities if you try to write about them and you don't really know. It will sound more prejudiced.
This doesn't entirely excuse you from writing these characters. You will particularly have to write women in most stories and you should try to do a good job. I suggest reader literature WRITTEN BY WOMEN for an insight into the way their minds can work.
Why do we assume that any writer understands something, anything, about anyone else?
We pretend to know, but we just make it up. We create simulacra from woodpulp and ink.
What woman on earth would get another woman to read over her story to see whether the female characters were convincingly female? None, they assume they know and vice versa for male writers doing male characters. We just assume we know because we are men (or women) and must know, mustn't we?
Truth is we only know what it is like to be us.
I have read many stories where the male characters are not convincingly men but they were written by males and others written by women where the female characters are not convincingly female.
Most characters that are unconvincing males or females are usually just plain unconvincing. That's the heart of the problem.
[This message has been edited by hoptoad (edited August 07, 2006).]
If you are intimidated by this, then create some characteristic from your imagination. Consider the female characters from Frank Herbert's Dune. Lady Jessica, Princess Irulan, and the Reverend Mother were wonderful chracters, but not ordinary women. By creating the Bene Gesserit, Herbert gave himself a situation wereby he could write convincing characters, yet the reader really cannot tell how well he understood the 20th centruy women around him. One might even make an argument that Herbert didn't understand women at all, yet his books still sell by the bazillions.
What woman on earth would get another woman to read over her story to see whether the female characters were convincingly female? None, they assume they know and vice versa for male writers doing male characters. We just assume we know because we are men (or women) and must know, mustn't we?
There is one HUGE problem with this -- I can almost always identify the gender of the author through the writing, without having been told in advance.
I agree that no one really understands anyone else, though.
My first big-break story is from a female POV. But in my current WIP, I kept finding that my female PoV characters were boring and too stereotypical. I took a friend's suggestion: I moved them to bit-part status, and I did a sex change on a major male character. She ends up being more interesting as a woman than as a man. Is she still at heart a man? Well, no. It actually became easier to write parts of her action with her being female. I recognize that as a danger, though.
I haven't read Robt Jordan, but I have heard that he's PC because although all his major female characters are strong, um, [w]itches -- so they're strong. I don't like that solution. I want some variety.
Other, more minor excentricities are easier for the reader to overlook. I think I lot of authors worry about this more than they need to. As someone already said, most people really are pretty similar under the superficial surface.
The type of story you're telling will have a lot to say about what kinds of characters are represented. In the novel I sold, the main character starts off as somewhat depressed and undergoes some changes to boost her self confidence. It works in the story I'm trying to tell, but if I tried to put her in the middle of an epic struggle for the fate of mankind, I'm afraid she'd get squashed before she had a chance to feel better baout herself.
Female intuition, though? Nah...more like *human* intuition.
I also know *I* sound like a woman when I write. I use that. Maybe some of my men sound like women in men's bodies but I do, at least, have my husband and dad take a look at them to make sure they don't sound like sissies.
But, even women write about women as stereotypes. Avoid Mercedes Lackey as a lesson in writing from a gender perspective. All of her MC's, especially in her early work, have vague gender identities.
For fantasy, read Sara Douglas and pay attention to the parts about Azhure or Faraday. Robin Hobb's Mad ship series also has a good example of the female PoV.
Contrast this to David Gemmel, whose writings are so masculine that I have yet to find a woman fantasy fan who enjoys his work. His few female characters are very oversimplified.
Or, you could learn about women by spending time with them and talking to them. That's pretty much how I do it.
Or, you could learn about women by spending time with them and talking to them. That's pretty much how I do it.
I like a lot of anime flicks' female characters. They might beat the crap out of someone or shoot a gun the size of a cannon, but you'll find them griping about their boyfriends or giggling with other women a scene later. That's extreme, because instead of having one stereotype, they blend them, but it's still better than all-kill or all-giggle.
As an exercise, you could always think of a female you know really well, put them in your character's shoes, and try to figure out what they'd do and what they'd think about it.
There is one HUGE problem with this -- I can almost always identify the gender of the author through the writing, without having been told in advance.
Go on test it out. I bet you're fifty:fifty
Granted, fifty:fifty can sometimes feel like "almost always".
(PS: 3-7 out of ten is usually considered within the realm of law of averages.)
all she knew how to do was scream, cry, and look good in wet clothes.
For a lot of young guys, that's enough. Us older types look for a little more...
I can only echo a lot of what has been said here already. Don't think about trying to write a "convincing woman" or a "conovincing man", becauyse you'll probably end up with a stereotype. Just think about making your characters three-dimensional, rounded, realistic people. Then they'll be accepted by a reader, even if they're atypical.
Regarding David Gemmell (who died recently); yes, I don't think he wrote many convincing female characters, but I do know at least one female fan of his work.
One final note. This topic crops up (not just in writing circles, but in Fantasy Role-Playing) on a regular basis. A lot of people seem to be very nervous about whether they can write a character of the opposite sex. However, no-one ever bothers to discuss whether people can write an elf, or a dwarf, or a talking horse, convincingly... they just go ahead and do it.
And that's the best advice. Just go ahead and do it.
If you don't understand women, then try making that part of your POV character's appeal. Go ahead and show him as someone who's always a little confused about what exactly the women around him really mean by the things they do and say. Chicks dig that
I haven't ratd my successes but I'd say 9/10.
Just don't make them like the female character in the Spiderman movie, and I'll forgive almost anything. That movie was ruined for me because all she knew how to do was scream, cry, and look good in wet clothes.
Are you serious? Spiderman is my favorite of the superhero movies in part because I liked the female character. Yeah, the wet t-shirt was for all the teenagd boys out there. (And teenagd boys at heart.) but she screamed at appropriate times -- when there was nothing she could do as opposed to screaming in lieu of real action. She tried her hardest to climb back up on that balcony, too. In the second movie, she tries to fight the bad guy at the end. Also, she was smarer than most of the other women -- she figured out who Spiderman was and he wears a mask. Lois Lane just had the distraction of tights! I'm not saying she was awesome or anything, but really as far as superhero women go, she was the best.
Are you serious? Spiderman is my favorite of the superhero movies in part because I liked the female character. Yeah, the wet t-shirt was for all the teenagd boys out there. (And teenagd boys at heart.) but she screamed at appropriate times -- when there was nothing she could do as opposed to screaming in lieu of real action. She tried her hardest to climb back up on that balcony, too. In the second movie, she tries to fight the bad guy at the end. Also, she was smarer than most of the other women -- she figured out who Spiderman was and he wears a mask. Lois Lane just had the distraction of tights! I'm not saying she was awesome or anything, but really as far as superhero women go, she was the best.
She was more tolerable in the second one than the first, I do admit that. But give me Laura Croft over MJ any day (or better yet, the chick in Alien vs Predator).
If people kept tossing me over the edge of high buildings, I'd go looking for the darn spider who bit my boyfriend and offer it an arm. That way, I'd be able to look after my own self. Yeah, I know, trying to acquire super powers never works out too well in comics, but what the heck? It has to be better than dangling from a ledge, screaming bloody murder and waiting for my boyfriend to show up.
This attitude is almost certainly why I'm single, and likely to stay that way forever.