I have always religiously and fanatically written in limited third-person (multiple viewpoints) but my next novel demands less perspective. I originally chose to write in third person limited (single perspective) especially because in the sci/fan gen it seems increasingly popular. However, the thought struck me like [insert cliche similie here] and I am being wooed by the lusty temptations of the old siren "first person..."
My question therefore is how much of a market is there for first person literature, and basically if you would contrast the "at-the-end-of-the-day" effects of choosing between the two. [1st and 3rd-limited-single]
I've always kind of seen first person literature as red-headed-step-bastard child of fiction writing, not sure why. Do yous hare this view or is it unwarranted?
Would YOU read a sci-fantasy about identity and redemption if it was written in first person? In third? Which is more appealing?
I think I've beaten it enough. That should shomewhat resemble my question by now.
The average reader out there will just pick up a book, like the title and the blurb on the back and decide whether or not they'll read it. I doubt the average reader will care what perspective the novel is in, as long as its an entertaining story with likeable charactors.
Now, I say "average reader" for one reason, a normal person who can't tell a bad piece of writing from a fantastic piece of writing.
I recently read a book that I thought was a good example of first person POV until the end...it was "A Hunger in the Soul" by Mike Resnick. The first person narrator spends the entire book describing the reprehensible actions of a popular journalist who the entire galaxy views as a hero but who the narrator knows to be a fraud. ***SPOILER*** I figure he was writing the story to set the record straight and so despite the fact that he went along with a lot of what the reprehensible character did, I thought he would redeem himself in the end. But in the last chapter he destroys all the audio/video evidence of what has happened and then the story is over and I just can't get out of my head, "Wait a minute! But you wrote it all down!" Who was he writing it for? What was the point? ****END SPOILER***
If it was just to have the word "I" appear all over the plac einstead of "he?" Because if that's the only difference between the two, then what's the point? With "I" I can almost never remember the narrator's name so you may as well go with he/name. With limited omniscient viewopint available it's not as if I feel any closer to a first person narrator. In fact, I often feel closer to a well-done third person narrator.
No, first person narrative, done well, is there for a true purpose.
Other than that, it's mostly a choice of style. As with most things, you should use the voice that will be best for the story you want to write. If you do it well, there will be a market for it.
Third person is popular in SF/F because there's this anthropological element to it, describing whole cultures and societies. Tolkien is the model for this. Third person stories take place in a world.
First person stories take place in someone's head. They are popular for horror and mystery writers for this reason. The main thing you have to think about in first person is the "unreliable narrator" -- the person telling the story may be crazy, or lying, or just someone who really doesn't get it.
Edgar Allan Poe, H.P. Lovecraft -- getting inside the mind of a crazy person! Yay!
Agatha Christie, Murder of Roger Ackroyd -- just read it.
Herman Melville, just about anything, but in particular Moby-Dick & "Bartleby, the Scrivener" -- both have central characters made more mysterious & intriguing by the fact that the narrators really fail to understand them.
In my example above, when I got to the end I was completely taken out of the story because, in a sense, the AUTHOR turned out to have been the one to write the story, since the CHARACTER calling himself "I" decided never to tell anyone about his experience. I didn't need a dramatic last chapter in which the character explains his reasons for revealing the info to the world (or galaxy, in this case) but what I didn't need was a chapter saying that he never did any such thing because here I was, reading the story he was telling...or was I?
Does that make more sense? You don't have to spell it out necessarily (although I've read very good stories in which it IS spelled out) but neither can you do something to actively negate the impression that someone is telling their own story. It breaks the illusion of closeness and leads to author intrusion.
The biggest problem with first person is that it can read like a brag, which become very dull.
There are times when first person works better, but for longer works, the first person has a harder time keeping the immersion with the reader. It's too easy to make the reader feel like they are on the recieving end of a conversation. If the first person gets to that point, the story is lost. (ok, so some authors have made a conversational first person work)
I will use first person for up to about 30,000 words, but I find that third person is a much more engaging voice.
Another observation I've made is that first person immediatly drops the education/sophistication level of an MC. First person is very blue-collar/commoner/peasant. Of course, this can be worked around with language choices.
First person is better if you want the reader to really get inside the head of one character. For that, you sacrifice some of the depth of knowledge for your other characters. Also, the viewpoint character must be around for very nearly all the important action. If the character is somewhere else while important plot is happening, it will have to be explained to him, and that's usually less interesting than experiencing it.
Also I was wondering about this:
If you write in first person you have the danger of people being very confused when the publisher leaves off your last chapter.
Now I have this question what is the marketing difference between the persons? Are tehre fiction publishers who only publish in third person, etc? Are there statistics that say readers generally buy more third than first?
Might just save me time.
In other genres, this illusion is usually taken to the point of pretending (at least internally) that the account is non-fiction. During a significant period in the development of western fiction, it was necessary that most publishable works, even the most fantastic, appear to be non-fiction. First person was used extensively, since it is the only way an ordinary writer could have knowledge of important story elements like the internal thoughts and reactions of a primary character.
As the market for fiction evolved to prefer (and be capable of enforcing) a sharp distinction between fiction and non-fiction, first person lost much of its appeal. If you watch the actual development of this, it's rather interesting. During the transition between first and third, you see a lot of third person stories "framed" in a first person story. The Princess Bride is a wonderful modern example. The author doesn't claim to have witnessed the story personally, he's just retelling the story based on a synthsis of existing accounts (Black Hawk Down is a good "real life" example of this, the book is written in modern third person multiple point of view based on the author's research and interviews). Eventually, the greater versitility and "transparency" of third won out for most fiction.
Third person can be used to write about the kind of character who isn't likely to write his own account. It can also be used to reveal things that the character would not necessarily admit in telling his own story. Because you aren't identifying the character with yourself as the writer (and this is what first person does) the reader is free to identify with the character more closely. And it's substantially easier to master than first person.
First person still works very well for characters who could and would writer their own stories, and have an interesting "ethical" perspective on the story. Motive and opportunity are just your basic requirments for writing in first person. The real payoff only comes if the reader is going to be more interested in how that character is distinct from the audience.
If you want the audience to see themselves in the story, then don't use first person (the exception is when the audience is composed of "literary" authors). Do keep in mind that a good text can appeal to multiple audiences, and that you don't really control who ends up reading your story. Maybe you'll end up being taught in EngLit for the rest of all time.
The book in question is THE LIGHTNING THIEF by Rick Riordan and it's another in the YA fantasy sub-genre of "young hero learns that he is not what he thought he was" (see also Harry Potter and anything else that rides on his coattails).
My problem with this book, and the reason I want to talk about it here, is that the first person POV doesn't work for me in this book. I really had a hard time believing that the narrator was truly a twelve-year-old boy.
And I think this is an important aspect of POV that we could discuss here.
Consider all of the YA books out there that are in third person and compare them to those that are in first person.
I submit that if you are going to write something with a main character quite a bit younger than you are, you would be wise to stay in third person unless you really can put yourself back in that mindset.
First person when you can't get into your I character's head just doesn't work.
Has anybody read Eric Garcia's _Anonymous Rex_ or its sequels? Those are first person accounts of a dinosaur detective who is part of an underground dinosaur culture that masquerades as part of human culture. I'm totally different from that -- I hope -- but I had no problem with it being in the first person.
I think I'd actually have an easier time with first person dinosaurs than with first person young adults.
Everything else I write is 3rd POV limited. This also allows me to switch to a different POV for brief periods, to provide information not available to the MC.
So, each style has its place. My Depression era stories would read like a history book (boring!), but from an 11-year old POV, it's a personal and intimate view of the time period.
quote:I would say that if you really want to get into the head of a character, third person is better. You can go as deep as you want. In first person, the narrator is present, telling you what happened. In 3PL, the narrator turns relatively invisible, and there's no looking back; essentially, this is what's happening now (past tense or not).
First person is better if you want the reader to really get inside the head of one character.
I use 1st when I want a particular voice. I'm not sure that's the best reason.
I tend to write my mysteries in first person for that reason.
[Detective Harris is writing a book. Detective Chano reads over his shoulder.]
CHANO: You've got some nerve. "Me," "myself," "I," "me."
HARRIS: Hey, it's first person singular. It's literary licence. Everybody uses it.
CHANO: Okay, how would you like to be cornering some suspect in a dark alley, and suddenly find yourself both first person and singular?
Just don't try it unless you're K. A. Applegate. Actually, even if you ARE KAA, don't. You've already used up every possible method, and proved it can be done, if you set the stage up well enough.
The thing with first person is that it often is told from a time in the future, whether it be days or years after the events take place, but that's not always the case. Just because you can say, "later, I would realize what a terrible mistake that was," doesn't mean you should.
And there are times when an immediate past (relaying the story as it happens) is a good idea, particularly if you're going to be using a lot of dialogue. Who remembers every word of a long discussion that took place ten years ago?
Agley, it seemed, was how things had ganged.
then it's the narrator being funny, not Wooster, and it would draw the focus to the narrator.
Bertie reflected that agley, it seemed was how things had ganged.
just doesn't have the punch, to me.