For any of you who were interested, I just thought I'd let you know that the edits are in for the novel I sold to Twilight Times. It looks like they are actually expecting some revision ... I'm going to call it a moderate amount. I'm hoping it won't end up being too major, at least. They want me to try to work on my dialogue a bit -- give some of the characters different voices and maybe ramp up the suspense here and there. Also, they spotted a couple of plot inconsistensies -- not big ones -- sort of the blue eyes in one scene, brown eyes in the next variety.
The publisher suggested that I join a writing forum -- find one, introduce myself, and use it as a resource to ask for advice when I needed it.
Hi, my name is Christine and -- what's that? I've been here for over three years? Well, all right then, but that only means I might trust your advice because I know you all are usually so dang good.
Posted by Lord Darkstorm (Member # 1610) on :
Thank you, I needed a good laugh.
I wonder if one will be good enough, think you need a few more?
Posted by ken_hawk (Member # 2647) on :
Congrats Christine. I'm looking forward to buying a copy of your novel.
Posted by rjzeller (Member # 1906) on :
Sounds to me like you're already doing some of what the publisher wants, which is surely a good thing.
Good luck to you, this sounds most exciting!
Posted by pantros (Member # 3237) on :
Yay. another Newb!
Um, welcome to Hatrack, If you look very carefully, there is some interesting and education stuff here.
Don't forget to introduce yourself in the new members forum!
[This message has been edited by pantros (edited July 25, 2006).]
Posted by oliverhouse (Member # 3432) on :
Christine, that's really exciting. What can you tell us about the novel? (I assume that any critique work was done before I joined.) Is this your first? Do you have any interesting feedback about the publishing process so far?
Congratulations! Oliver
Posted by pixydust (Member # 2311) on :
Wow, so the work begins. Let us know what we can do to help to lighten the load, Chicky.
Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
Oliver -- this novel is called "Touch of Fate" and is a supernatural suspense/thriller. This has been a popular genre of late, but I think that these stories usually emphasize the mystery/suspense and do a poor job on the magic. I used Card's advice in "How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy" and came up with a price for magic -- and then used that to create a character novel at the heart of the suspense. I'm hoping that it can appeal to scifi/fantasy readers as well as mystery/suspense readers. (The more readers the better, right? )
It is my first COMPLETED novel -- by no means my first novel or stab at a novel. It was an interesting one to finish first because it is somewhat unlike any of my other projects with the possible exception of the character story at the heart of it (I enjoy stories of character transformation and self-discovery).
The publishing process so far has been slow. It seems like a long time since my husband threw me that acceptance party and until two days ago, I barely heard a word from the publisher. She sent out e-mails to all her authors regularly, mostly with suggestions on how to promote our work which I do take seriously but which I have little to no power to implement until the novel is finished and hot off the presses. (That won't be until early next year -- although it's coming to e-book much sooner -- as near as I can tell, as soon as I'm done with the edits.)
Posted by Leigh (Member # 2901) on :
Congratulations! I'll read your novel if it gets released "Down Under", which I hope it does as it costs a lot of money to import from America.
On the bright side, your future is just beginning Christine, go for it!
Posted by Pyre Dynasty (Member # 1947) on :
I'm keeping my eyes open for it's release.
Posted by Louiseoneal (Member # 3494) on :
Congrats! The wait might be annoying, but you're in, you did it!
Posted by TMan1969 (Member # 3552) on :
Felicitations, Awesome! Well Done...all the best - really, I mean it
[This message has been edited by TMan1969 (edited August 01, 2006).]