It's a pleasure to say that my first official purchase was written by a Hatrack author: "Xoco's Fire" by Oliver Dale.
I'll be heading up to VA with Scott next week for the first few days of his Boot Camp; that will give us a little more time to go over a few last details, then he says he’s stepping out of the process entirely and leaving it in my hands.
I'll start sending out those first "Dear Contributor" letters as soon as I return so those authors can get their stories back out to other publications, and plan to have the backlog cleared out by the end of July and the next issue on-line the first week of August.
Scott also told me about some of the upcoming "Ender" stories he has planned, and I think you are absolutely going to be blown away when we publish those. I can hardly believe he's even considering some of what he told me, but since this is a tease, I'll have to leave it at that...
Congrats to Oliver Dale.
Looking forward to seeing what IGMS's form rejection looks like. It's been interesting, seeing the differences between editors in their forms.
I'm looking forward to see what the "Dear Contributor" letter looks like, too. Coming up with one is next on my To Do list.
Dear Contributor,Your work sucks. It was so bad that we had to take a 15-minute break afterward just to stop laughing. Spencer ruined his keyboard by spitting Coke on it through his nose.
Thought you'd like to know. Oh, and it's not getting published. Not just here. Not anywhere.
Edmund Shubert
Editor, IGMS
I've got plenty more where that came from. You can have one of them for a small fee.
[This message has been edited by trousercuit (edited June 08, 2006).]
Keeley, you reminded me.. this story was critiqued here a couple of times. Thanks for all the help. Vive le Hatrack
[This message has been edited by Rahl22 (edited June 09, 2006).]
The dirty litte secrets o the publishing world are coming out...
Congrats to Oliver, and I'm also curious to see what those rejection letters look like. Not to mention what you look like, Edmund, since we're going to be in the same corner of Buena Vista for a couple of days
Silver3, who's frantically packing stuff for Bootcamp
I wonder if I could find one that bests The Eye of Argon.
Oh Edmund, you'll be spared the worst of the slush pile, but it is highly amusing--until your brain starts to bleed.
Please do introduce yourself when we get there. Looking forward to meeting you.
[This message has been edited by Silver3 (edited June 09, 2006).]
An interview with OSC and me (mainly OSC) about IGMS. It's a podcast by a gentleman out of Atlanta and the sound quality isn't the greatest, but it's a good look into the mind of OSC with regard to IGMS and short fiction in general.
[This message has been edited by Edmund (edited June 25, 2006).]
Tim said he thinks "Dream Engine" is one of the best stories he's ever written. He also said, "Scott was one of my earliest teachers (I did a workshop with him way back in 1996 -- a decade ago!) and it means a lot to have something of mine appearing in the magazine that bears his name."
[This message has been edited by Edmund (edited June 29, 2006).]
If you're not a Boot Camp alum and submitted thorugh the web-site, know that the assistant editor is now reading subs that came in in March and April, so if you're still waiting for an answer from her, that's where she is in her reading. If you're not a Boot Camp alum, but got an e-mail from Kathleen or Sara (the asst. editor) saying your story had been passed along, go ahead and mention that in this thread so I can check it against my list.
And speaking of subs, given the fact that some things are changing, I'll also mention here that all subs from former Boot Camp students (only) will still be eligible to bypass the slush reader. Just don't send anything directly to me; send them to Kathleen and she will forward them to me (that's part of our new system for tracking things).
And lastly, here's the official word from OSC on the subject of my reading subs that had previously gone to him. This quote will also go into any rejections I send on Boot Camper stories, but I thought you'd like to see it and have the full story ASAP.
"Because I have been so buried in teaching and writing assignments, I was seriously neglecting my job as editor of IGMS. Therefore I fired myself and replaced me with Ed Schubert, a very good writer and experienced editor who understands my vision for the magazine. I don't want you to have to wait any longer for a response, and so I've asked him to read and consider the work you so kindly offered me. Please forgive me for the long delay and then for handing your story off - but remember, I handed your story to somebody I trusted with my whole magazine!" Orson Scott Card
[This message has been edited by Edmund (edited July 03, 2006).]
Sorry, I forgot there were two of you...
[This message has been edited by Edmund (edited July 04, 2006).]
It's titled "Blighted Heart", by Aliette de Bodard.
[This message has been edited by Silver3 (edited July 04, 2006).]
Actually, now that I think about it, that disappointed me. I want my aspirations shot down like a clay pigeon, dangit!
"Daddy, listen to this new idea I had on how to introduce hash tables..."
Scared us silly.
[This message has been edited by Edmund (edited July 15, 2006).]
The next issue of NC Career Network Magazine (the other magazine I edit) gets uploaded to the printing company today - finally. What a change this was from the last issue. Last time we put the whole thing together in a 4-day blitz that nearly killed me, and I swore it would never be that way again. This time the process managed to string out over 5 weeks and you know what? I'll take the 4-day blitz over this Chinese water-torture every time. But it's done. It has to be; it's off the printers. Thank God.
That means now I can focus a lot more of my time and attention on the IGMS pile of stories. I've been chipping away at them all along, and I'm about 40% of the way through the pile. Of those stories I've read so far (for those of you keeping score at home), I've rejected about 2/3 of them, and contacted the authors of the other 1/3 letting them know I liked their story enough to put it in my "read again" pile. I've bought 5 stories (and "let" Scott buy 1 more), and am working with one author on rewrites of a story I think is very close to being ready. I've got enough stories to fill one issue of IGMS and am working on filling the next one. We are still waiting on some of the art for issue #3, as well as Scott's new Ender story, but hopefully that will all be done soon.
P.S. For the record, Yes, the "read again" people are being notified.
[This message has been edited by Edmund (edited August 01, 2006).]
[This message has been edited by Edmund (edited August 07, 2006).]