What do you call the flat-bottomed boats that are poled around by one person(to navigate a marsh, for instance)? My memory says "barge", but my dictionnary is not very forthcoming on the matter...
For that matter, what is the name of the person poling the boat? Pilot?
I think you would call the person manning the pole the "boatman", unless you are in Venice, in which case he's the gondolier.
And there is nothing wrong with calling a flat bottom boat a flat-bottom boat.
Posted by yanos (Member # 1831) on :
I'd go for sampan and boatman. Definitely not barge though. Junks are bigger boats usually used for trading, unless I'm completely mistaken. The nice thing about sampans are that they are common on canals from China through to Thailand.
Posted by Silver3 (Member # 2174) on :
Ok, thanks everyone. I'm hovering between "sampan" and "flat bottomed boat"