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Posted by wbriggs (Member # 2267) on :
I ask because I have a snippets of dialog from a Jewish character in a story, and I want to know if I have him saying something that doesn't sound right.

A response to a question "why are you helping me?"

"'The Lord delights in mercy,'" Ira said. "It's one of the most important themes in the Torah and the Prophets -- at least, I think so."


Posted by arriki (Member # 3079) on :
Makes me wonder -- how many of the people here are Mormon, like me? Since Card is...also.
Posted by Zodiaxe (Member # 3106) on :
Sounds good to me. "The Lord delights in mercy," if I am not mistakened is from Micah. Just don't have the Jewish guy quote the New Testament.


Posted by pantros (Member # 3237) on :
Since Card is...also

I too ended up here for having similar beliefs to OSC.

I stumbled across his review of "Serenity" and realizing we both believed it to be the best SCI-FI movie ever, decided to stick around.


Posted by dreadlord (Member # 2913) on :
YOU TOO? geez, I thought I was the only one. GO MORMONS! anywho, about the Jewish thing, unless you completely and totally insult the Jews, I dont see how anyone could get offended. (for those mormons out their, stay away from the Rolling Stone. one of the stars in it that said the BoM is a lie and anyone who believes in it is a fool.) then again, you always get those radicals who will not tolerate anything that has to do incorectly with their religion. when I sent my book, Deltron Experiment, to a publishing front I encountered that kind of person in the editor. He was a Humanist, meaning He thought we where the rulers of the universe and He said that He would not publish such a story. (deltron experiment has the Human race driven to near extinction.) be careful, but remember that you cant please everyone whith a single book.
Posted by Zodiaxe (Member # 3106) on :
WAIT A MINUTE! Let me see if I got this straight... A member of the Rolling Stones is handing out Religious advice?


Posted by pantros (Member # 3237) on :
Rolling Stone is a magazine.

The Rolling Stones are a group of undead who play rock music.


Posted by Beth (Member # 2192) on :
So I guess nobody's Jewish here. Will, I have a friend I can put you in touch with, if you'd like.
Posted by Jeraliey (Member # 2147) on :
I'm Jewish, but I believe I already gave my recommendations about that line. I forget if it was here or LH.
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
Jeraliey, it must have been Liberty Hall.

Could you please repeat it here for our benefit?

And unless you are asking who is LDS (Mormon) for the same reason wbriggs is asking who is Jewish (ie, to get a way of saying something correct in your writing), I don't think it's a good idea to discuss what religion you practice in this topic.

Posted by JamieFord (Member # 3112) on :
On a semi-related topic, has anyone heard of Matisyahu? He's a haddasic jewish reggae rapper. Great stuff.

(I now return you to your previously scheduled question.)

Posted by ChrisOwens (Member # 1955) on :
I learned that the hard way. Unfortunately, while things might appear all peachy on the surface, it’s amazing how quickly intolerance rears its ugly head.
Posted by apeiron (Member # 2565) on :
That's weird that you would mention that, Jamie. Just yesterday a friend told me about Matisyahu. Now I'm really curious to hear his music.
Posted by Miriel (Member # 2719) on :
From my point of view (though I'm not Jewish), the line seems fine, especially since he says, "I think so." If your character isn't a rabbi who knows everything about the scriptures, then I don't think it's crucial for him to be speaking exact doctrine. I guess it's an issue of characterization. If he's just a good man who's been in a synagouge now and again, or whose mother read him some verses when he was little, I don't see anything wrong with it. If he were a rabbi, or had studied the scriptures intensely, I'd expect him to be more knowledgeable and have a concrete opinion founded in Jewish doctrine.
Posted by Jeraliey (Member # 2147) on :
Sure, I'll repeat.

wb, from what I remember of your character and his situation, he's being asked to justify why he's saving someone's life. If that's indeed the case, it's my opinion that he'd be much more likely to quote from the Talmud than from the Torah. Specifically, he'd probably bring up the idea that to save a life is to redeem the universe. You might want to look up the actual wording if you decide to use it...

It's a little risky to say that anything is really "one of the most important themes" in Judaism, because there are just so many branches of the religion and all of them believe things to different extents. And even within each branch, beliefs tend to be very individualized and personal. You might want to figure out what flavor of Judaism Ira practices, and how observant he is...and then find someone with similar beliefs and talk to him or her about how accurate your portrayal is.

Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
Thanks, Jeraliey.
Posted by Jeraliey (Member # 2147) on :
My pleasure!
Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
I think you could be a rabbi and still say "I think so."
Posted by HuntGod (Member # 2259) on :
South Park did a very amusing episode on Mormonism...not sure if it was amusing if you were Mormon.

I did like that in the end, though they very obviously had issues with the foundations of the Mormon faith, they still portrayed Mormons as happy and tightly knit as opposed to the fractious and dissatisfied rest of us :-)

I'm actually curious if Mormons that saw the episode found is as offensive as it appeared to be.


Posted by pantros (Member # 3237) on :
fractious and dissatisfied rest of us :-)

don't lump everyone into your neurosis.

Most people, who are active members of a church of any kind, are happy with their religion.

Any church that promotes activism, will keep its members happy because giving people a purpose in life has that effect.

Posted by wbriggs (Member # 2267) on :
Thanks, everyone. I'm going to go with the "redeem the universe" quote, I think.
Posted by Elan (Member # 2442) on :
don't lump everyone into your neurosis

I'll have to remember that one. It's a keeper.

Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
And now that wbriggs has the answer he needs, maybe I should close this topic.
Posted by wbriggs (Member # 2267) on :
Fine by me. The story goes out tomorrow! Yay (and thanks)!

[This message has been edited by wbriggs (edited January 06, 2006).]

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