Does anyone have a good suggestion for how to organize revisions?
I'm dealing with my WIP and I've taken several runs at the first three chapters, usually saving each version because there are bits I like out of each. Now it's getting out of hand. I'm wondering if anyone has a clever system of file organization that they use to track changes?
Posted by TheoPhileo (Member # 1914) on :
Ditto that request. I have many versions of each chapter of my WIP. I number them, so generally the higher number is the most recent.
I know MS Word has some sort of version tracking feature, but I've never really explored it (I'm not sure I trust Microsoft enough for that, anyway, hehe)
Posted by Beth (Member # 2192) on :
I do a lot of my writing in a program called KeyNote, which makes it very easy to organize multiple versions of things. The text editor is very primative, though, and I usually take the final version into a fancier word processing program for formatting.
Within each version, label the paragraphs with numbers.
In your first version, say that you are certain of paragraph 8. It would look something like A-8. You could even go so far as to label the sentences with a lower case letter, if you're desperate.
If you have a certain pararaph(s) that you are absolutely sure that you like, jot that down on a scrap piece of paper or on a sticky note, and eventually make a list of them. You can add those in to your latest version.
I don't know if this will work. It may just be really confusing. But no matter! Good luck ~Fetch
Posted by wbriggs (Member # 2267) on :
I do the easiest system I can think of: I make periodic copies, label them with the date, so I've got a long train of revisions. Also, if I take something out, I put it in a file called "extra text" so it's not really gone.