Today marks ten years since Roger Zelazny succumbed to cancer.
I found a link that I found interesting in regards to writing, an interview that Zelazny gave in the final months of his life. He has interesting tidbits on writing, some that I’ve heard before, but he gives it an interesting slant.
Partly they are buying the name, I might as well be honest about it. They
aren't just saying "Oh gee this is a wonderful story", they're saying "Gee,
this is a story by Bob Silverberg or Roger Zelazny. Welllll, it's not his
best story necessarily but it would be nice to have his name on the
magazine". There's a certain amount of that; I'd be lying if I said there
I think I'd like to try that feeling on for size and see how it fits.
Wow! I had no idea it has been that long.
Neither feeling is exactly good but one is worth trying out just for kicks and the other should not be looked on as potentially fun.
All right, he did have a share of clunkers; the second Amber series was, all things considered, probably a mistake, and I couldn't get into "eye fo cat" atall. But the sheer poetry in much of his work was wonderful, and he still had it right up to the end - I absolutely adore "A Night In The Lonesome October".
Zelazny is probably the author (in SF) whose work is most strongly represented in my attic (hardly any of my fiction stays on the downstairs shelves these days), and one I will revisit time and time again. "To Die In Italbar", "The Furies", "A Rose For Ecclesiastes"... the man was a wondrous wordsmith, and one of the reasons I can still read and enjoy his books (and those of Alfred Bester) is that I know I could live and write for another century and not be able to convey so much with so little as he could.
That said, I had a hard time getting into the first Amber series. Corwin was a difficult character to enjoy by the end of Nine Princes in Amber and the story itself felt like it was just one short story after the other with no real point. It didn't flow well at all.
The Guns of Avalon was better but by then I was getting tired of Corwin. He was just too shallow to keep me interested.
I haven't tried anything to do with Amber since (though I absolutely love the world he created). I may pick it up again after I finish the rough draft of my novel.