quote:You said it is classified as Unknown, I say Other.
quote:Can it be used for recreation? You said Yes, I say No.
you've never dug holes in the ground just for the sake of entertaining youself?
quote:Is it dangerous? You said Yes, I say No.
it has a hard metal edge on the bottom. whack someone hard enough with it, accidentally or on purpose, and it could make an excellent blunt weapon
quote:Do you clean it regularly? You said Yes, I say No.
uhm, fine, go ahead and let your shovel get rusty
quote:Can it make a sound? You said Yes, I say No.
of course it can make a sound! you hit a shovel against cement and it clangs. it clunks when hit against a softer object, and it clangs even louder when hit against another metallic object.
quote:Is it heavy? You said Yes, I say No.
well it depends really. some shovels are very light, and some shovels are very heavy. no matter what, however, i would definitely put it into a "heavy" category as compared to objects made from plastic.
quote:Is it smooth? You said No, I say Yes.
it all depends on what part of the shovel and how well taken care of the shovel is i guess, but i would certainly hope the handle at least is rough enough to grip it!
quote:Contradictions Detected
yup, you have much to learn, young grasshopper
quote:The opinions of the game are its own and are based on the input of people playing the game. It does not matter if our answers disagree, as over time the game will change its answers to reflect common knowledge. If you feel that the game is in error, the only way to fix it is to play again.
glad to have been of service
quote:Similar Objects a jackhammer, a harpoon, a chainsaw, a saw, an ice axe, a lawn mower, an axe, a bullwhip, a swiss army knife, a shotgun, a katana, a taxi.
uhh... sure...
quote:Uncommon Knowledge about a shovel Is it tall? I say Yes. Is it made out of wood? I say Yes. Is it a common household object? I say Yes. Does it require specific knowledge to use it? I say No. Does it have a hard outer shell? I say No. Is it found in mines? I say Yes.
uhm... cool?
that was fun
[This message has been edited by dpatridge (edited May 23, 2005).]
[This message has been edited by dpatridge (edited May 23, 2005).]
Posted by Pyre Dynasty (Member # 1947) on :
Wow, I had the same argument with a handheld version of this a week ago, shovel and all.
Try it with a Human being in mind, it has a really twisted sense of humanity. (I have at this moment proven that a human can be awake at night.)
Oh and I wonder if anybody can explain to me how a VCR is an animal?
[This message has been edited by Pyre Dynasty (edited May 23, 2005).]
Posted by dpatridge (Member # 2208) on :
i had some trouble thinking of an object to use at first, because i tend to think very abstractly, and so i was thinking of stuff like "house" or "amusement park" finally i decided to use shovel... maybe i should go again and use a towel this time
Posted by Void (Member # 2567) on :
Okay it guessed the sandwich bag, then it had this to say:
Uncommon Knowledge about a sandwich bag Is it slippery? I say Probably. Does it bite? I say Probably. Is it a predator? I say Probably. Is it a type of bird? I say Probably. Does it live in the ocean? I say Probably. Is it gray? I say Probably.
What the hay???
Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
Well, the responses are just based on what every other idiot on the internet put into the program, after all. I chose "rocket", and I can see why the program came up with most of the fairly rigid notions it held.
quote:You were thinking of a rocket. Is it heavy? You said Depends, I say Yes. Is it something you can purchase? You said Yes, I say No. Is some part of it made of glass? You said Sometimes, I say Doubtful. Is it tall? You said Depends, I say Yes. Can it be stolen? You said Yes, I say No. Does it break if dropped? You said Depends, I say Yes. Is it bigger than sofa? You said Depends, I say Yes. Is it used by the police? You said Sometimes, I say No.
The program did guess "model rocket", but I had to say "close" rather than "yes" since I'd already answered too many questions with the concept of "rocket" rather than "model rocket".
Some of the uncommon knowledge about a rocket was just silly.
quote:Uncommon Knowledge about a rocket Does it get wet? I say No. Do you use it in public? I say No. Can it affect you (cause an effect to you)? I say No. Can you buy it? I say No. Is it used with a computer? I say Yes. Does it have a shell? I say Probably.
Like I said, this program is collecting definitions of what things are based on majority opinions of people who happen to access it on the internet, for whatever purposes. I don't know if it has the chops to learn something like "'model rocket' is a subcatagory of 'rocket'". If it doesn't, then my responses were pretty useless (okay, they're useless anyway).
Posted by TaShaJaRo (Member # 2354) on :
Well, I was impressed that it guessed that I was thinking of "vampire." I did not expect it to get that one.
Posted by Stephen Wolfe (Member # 2561) on :
Yeah, this is pretty cool. It guessed cheeta, when I picked that, and then the second time, my object was Gold ball, for its first guess it said Ping-pong ball, but when I said "close" it imediately guessed gold ball.
Anyone have any idea how it works?
Posted by Jeraliey (Member # 2147) on :
Oh man! Try to get it to guess a corpse!
"Does it bear live young?" "Is it used for entertainment?" "Does it go hunting at night?"
Wow, do I have a sick sense of humor...
Posted by RavenStarr (Member # 2327) on :
I have that thing, my mother got for me for Christmas... it was amusing at first, but I can beat it pretty easy now...
Posted by MaryRobinette (Member # 1680) on :
It thinks puppets are similar to didgeradoos and bongos.
Posted by Pyre Dynasty (Member # 1947) on :
It's got an obsession with the banana pepper, I've played it twenty times and it guessed banana pepper half the time. I also think that it's Close and No buttons are switched. When it asked was it a human head I said close then it asked if it was a video tape. Then when it asked if it was a dog I said no then it asked if it was a collie, I again said no then it asked if it was a mutt!
Posted by MCameron (Member # 2391) on :
Boy, that brings back memories. I had to write this program in one of my programming classes in college. Although if I remember correctly our programs only had yes/no options. I just remember that it was a really fun project, and actually quite easy to pull off. It's all about binary trees.
Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
When you say you can "beat" it, you mean you can persuade it to guess the thing your thinking of or you can keep it from guessing something?
I settled for "mobile phone" when I wanted "cell-phone", then it listed "cell-phone" as one of the things that would have been close to a mobile phone. I feel kinda cheated.