For those of you who have been following my saga of FWG (to see what FWG is see my profile) A brand new kink has entered the building.
My magazine is released as a ezine and a magazine. I have had tremendous problems with printing companies. After a month of negotiations I decided to go with company "B" who after taking my order four weeks later tells me that they will be able to deliver my magazine in SEPTEMBER! Hair fell from my head in clumps! So I goto back-up printer company "c" who promises a seven day turn around plus shipping time. Only he tacks on all these extras. (like a hidden $4.50 for color cover charge) etc.
So I frantically search this week and find another printer who will match the other two guy's prices- if I will buy 100000 copies cash up front. AIIIGH!
So though I hate it and I go to b&w interior pages, color cover and go back to LULU for the june issue printing unless I can find an affordable printer.
This wouldnot be an issue if this were a book- where six months for the total printing process is expected- but that just won't work on a magazine that only has thirty days from finish to printing.
I know work six months in advance- THAT is easier said than done.
So the good news Issue 2 is done- bad news print is running $6.99 a copy almost $2.00 a copy more than it would have run if my printer "b" wouldn't have lied to me. Working 20 hours a day to meet their deadline and then being stabbed in the back! Oh you gotta love publishing.
Posted by Elan (Member # 2442) on :
Just a suggestion, but have you tried talking to newspapers about printing? Newspapers already have the equipment (and mentality) to print fast-turn around on web presses, and many of them will schedule outside brokered jobs to keep the press operators busy. Paper quality is merely a matter of what roll of paper they load on the press (and, of course, how much you are willing to pay.) Don't go through a sheet-fed printer; you'll go bankrupt.
Posted by JBSkaggs (Member # 2265) on :
Newspapers cannot handle the size of the magazine- number of pages. The other issue is in our area Memphis the minimum run is 50,000.
Posted by Beth (Member # 2192) on :
Hey, JB, how's been for the online version?
Posted by JBSkaggs (Member # 2265) on :
The online version is sold thru project pulp. As soon will be the print version once all my fightings are over. LULU does not do a good job with the online version - they resize it and eliminate the cover.