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Posted by djvdakota (Member # 2002) on :
...who said their WIP was a 'soft fantasy' with no typical fantasy elements, more an alternate universe kind of story set in a pre-industrial, possibly medieval type setting?

Minister? Goatboy? Who?

Mine is similar and I was wondering if you'd consider exchanging chapters a bit.

Posted by Beth (Member # 2192) on :
I believe that was Rick Fisher's Pandir Uncloaked.
Posted by Dude (Member # 1957) on :
I am not the person who mentioned this to you, but I have a WIP of the type you mention. I would be happy to exchange a few chapters for critique. Of course, I understand if you were looking for a particular individual.
Posted by Minister (Member # 2213) on :
I do have a WIP along those lines, though it hasn't had much attention lately. I think I've mentioned it on these boards, but I think someone else mentioned something along those lines more recently.
Posted by djvdakota (Member # 2002) on :
I THINK it was Minister. It's been a while ago.

My finished first draft WIP has been sitting doing nothing for quite some time, and I think it's time to get it going again.

What I'm looking for is a mutual motivation society. We don't have to work fast. Just work and exchange, bounce ideas off each other. That kind of thing.

So Dude? Minister? Both? What'cha think?

Posted by Minister (Member # 2213) on :
I would be _delighted_ to work with you again. Your feedback has alwasy been valuable, and your work is enjoyable. I can't promise anything over the next few days (things are a little crazy right now; even crazier than usual), but it sounds like something I'd definitely be interested in.
Posted by djvdakota (Member # 2002) on :
I'm not in a hurry either. Just something I'd like to do--carry on a dialogue with someone who writes in a similar genre (which, by the way, we need to come up with a snappy name for). It just isn't the same to have a sci-fi nut read my chapters that he's not particularly interested in.

Looking forward to it. Sometime. Any time. Whenever.

Posted by Elan (Member # 2442) on :
Describe "soft fantasy" for me....

My stuff might fit into your niche. It's medieval in theme, not pre-industrial. I've got about 8 chapters of my novel just about ready to be sent out for a first critique.

Posted by rickfisher (Member # 1214) on :
That could have been me, too. Mine isn't medieval, and it's more non-industrial than pre-industrial, but there are definitely no typical fantasy elements (no fantasy elements at all except alternate worlds, which are just as much sf as fantasy, and knives and horses). I think you already read what I have of it.

But I've gotten delayed a bit.

Posted by djvdakota (Member # 2002) on :
Wow! The Soft Fantasy Club! SFC!
Dude. Minister. Elan. Rickfisher. Dakota. The Magnificent Five! Four Guys and a Doll! Anyone else?

Y'all interested in doing some low-key (and I MEAN low key as I work very slowly), low pressure (as in, I send you a chapter and you take as much time as you need to get to it) exchanges? Just kinda, "Hey, Minister, I just finished a chapter. Could you read it for me?" Or, Hey, rickfisher, what would you think if I killed off character Z who everyone seems to love so much? Would I kill my story along with him?" That sort of thing.

I just think it might be valuable to have the specific feedback of someone writing in the genre rather than posting for just anyone on F&F.

Whatcha think? Who's in?

Posted by Minister (Member # 2213) on :
I'm in. *looks furtively from side to side, then in a bad imitation of old B-movie gangster* What's the plan, doll? *clears throat and goes back to normal. Or as normal as normal ever gets for him*
Posted by Dude (Member # 1957) on :
I'm game. If anyone has a stray chapter they want looked at -- send it my way. Just for the record, my email of choice is
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
I believe that should be three guys and two dolls.
Posted by Elan (Member # 2442) on :
Instead of describing me as a "doll" you could call me a Babe In Total Control of Herself.

I'm also up for "low-key" as I am preparing to begin a new job and it is simply a maniac's pace right now at the old job while I transition out. Plus I have a writing assignment I am committed to finishing before I do any more critiques. But I'm up for some group love. (and constructive bashing.)

[This message has been edited by Elan (edited May 18, 2005).]

Posted by rickfisher (Member # 1214) on :
I think I can handle low-key. If it turns out not to be low enough I can change my mind, right? I mean, I figure that wouldn't be any worse than saying no to start with.
Posted by Elan (Member # 2442) on :
Well, these are all a rousing group of enthusiastic commitments!
Posted by rickfisher (Member # 1214) on :

If I were high-key, I'd have finished 10 novels by now.

Posted by djvdakota (Member # 2002) on :

Deepest apologies to Elan--SHE-lan. And yes, we are enthusiastic--just very slowly! And a definition: Soft Fan-ta-sy: Noun; A story consisting of non-real elements (such as author constructed worlds, clultures, etc.), but that is largely (LARGELY may mean 'completely' or 'mostly') devoid of the typical hard fantasy elements such as dragons, elves, wizards, magic, dwarves, fairies, etc.


Elan--babe in total control of herself
Dakota--doll just barely hanging on to control over ANYTHING!

Rick, no contracts here, no signing in blood, no oaths or covenants. I'm as low key as they get.

Minister, the plan...plan? Am I supposed to have a plan?

OK. Maybe...well...hmm...

Ah, heck. Just put everyone in your address book and send at your leisure.

Maybe, however, it would be a good idea to start with a short (like one page) synopsis of your 'soft fantasy' WIP. Write it up, send it to everyone. After that, whatever.

[This message has been edited by djvdakota (edited May 19, 2005).]

Posted by Elan (Member # 2442) on :
Hmm. Well, you guys can decide if my stuff is soft fantasy or hard fantasy. It might be simply poached, I'm not sure.

My story is a medieval setting, alternate world. There IS magic to it, but the magic we use is an exaggerated form of the stuff you will find in real life. Things like astral travel, remote viewing, energy healing, and such. So far no fireballs, although I can't promise we won't eventually go there.

We have no elves, dwarves, dragons or other Tolkien or Dungeons & Dragons fare.

Still interested?

Posted by Elan (Member # 2442) on :
Oh. And what the heck is a "WIP"?
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
Work In Progress
Posted by Elan (Member # 2442) on :
That occurred to me after I posted. Ok... just getting up to speed with all the acronyms. I should catch on quickly - I used to work for the government.
Posted by djvdakota (Member # 2002) on :
Sounds OK to me, Elan. Just as long as you don't resort to the age old fantasy device of the magic only working when it's convenient.

"Sorry, Frodo," says Gandalf. "I can only use my magic when you DON'T need it."

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