This is topic NaNoWriMo? in forum Open Discussions About Writing at Hatrack River Writers Workshop.

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Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
Is anyone here thinking about doing this?

I'm toying with the idea but it's pretty intense. However it may be just what I need to start being really productive.

I know that the NaNoWriMo site has its own discussion forums, but I was thinking fellow Hatrackers may want to stick together, since we're the ones with HUBs!

Any comments, particularly from any of you who have already done it? What was it like? How far did you make it? How prepared were you before you started? What did you do that worked? What would you do differently? Are you going to do it again?

Posted by Gen (Member # 1868) on :
I'm doing NaNoWriMo this year. I haven't done it before, but I've done similar writing challenges (ten short stories in ten days springs to mind). They're good, even if you don't finish (or, as in my case, you get the judge to count a page of doodles about SuperDuck and the Atomic Cheese of Doom as a story). Anything that forces you to write large amounts of stuff in a short period of time and get support whilst doing it is a good thing for a writer, regardless of what you wind up creating.
Posted by punahougirl84 (Member # 1731) on :
I'm debating it, but trying to weigh the benefits against the cost - I probably won't work on anything else at that point, and I have other projects.

You are allowed to make up notes in advance for whatever idea you have - I definitely would do that!

Posted by Rahl22 (Member # 1411) on :
I would LOVE to, but I don't think I can get a novel idea whipped into shape in time.
Posted by bladeofwords (Member # 2132) on :
I'm planning on doing nanowrimo, so if there will be a support group I'm all for it. I've realized that 2000 words a day isn't that much. After all the letters and posts and journaling and actual writing I do I am probably easily hitting upwards of 1500 thought out (mildly) words per day minimum. I've got some sort of basic idea for my novel but I am planning on letting it blossom as I go along. (The other novel I'm working on write now I'm comparatively doing a lot of prewriting and editing [sort of] as I go along). I think that the key is going to be not letting yourself slip at all. Just make it something that you are not allowed to skip, no matter how tired or unenthusiastic you are about it (that's straight from the website). I'm very excited about it, so I'll be a part of our support group.


Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
Whoo hoo, there's three of us! Maybe more, if the fence-sitters commit. I've decided to give it a try.

I have had a cool breakthrough, FYI. The novel idea I have that has been giving me fits, now has a potential ending!! This is a big deal because I just couldn't seem to figure out what happened past the midway point of the novel (and I have spent many hours over the past year pondering it). Yesterday I brainstormed out loud with my hubbie in the room, and he provided a couple of very cool ideas, which allowed me to figure out at least one, possibly two, feasible routes through the second half of the novel.

I now feel comfortable attempting the NaNoWriMo because I have a pretty good idea of what I want to write. Now my biggest problem is actually doing it, but I really respond to deadlines, so here's hoping. I should set myself some sort of consequence if I don't make it, I think . . . somehow 40 lashes with a wet noodle probably won't cut it.

2000 words a day does sound rather doable. Typically my short stories end up being between 1700 and 2000 words, and I write a draft in one sitting. So if I can make that my goal, or say 8 to 10 pages a day, I may be able to make it.

The most important thing for me, I don't know about you guys, is to not revise. I have a bad habit of revising a page fourteen times (or so) before writing the next one. But I read a book on revision which says even if you decide to change something really major, like POV character, just change from that point on and fix the beginning later. That really opened me up to just pounding it out without going back and tweaking.

Here's hoping!

[This message has been edited by autumnmuse (edited September 16, 2004).]

Posted by Gen (Member # 1868) on :
Personally, I'm a big fan of bribery. Got to the point (on the book before the one I just finished, and with the job before my current one) where I'd walk into my office with a smoothie or something from Starbucks and my coworkers would say "Oh, you finished another fifty pages today?"

Eeep. Signup in 14 days... midnight on the night of the IgNobel Prizes....

Posted by MaryRobinette (Member # 1680) on :
I'm planning on doing the NaNoWriMo too, but I've had problems writing since I got out to Iceland so it's a little more frightening than before.
Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
I'm doing it this year if I meet my goals for my current novel project....looks like I'll have draft done in 2-3 weeks and then have several weeks to revise and edit before sending it to readers. I'm hoping to start a rough draft of a new novel in November with everyone else as I bite my nails in anticipation of the feedback of my currrent WIP.
Posted by Goober (Member # 506) on :
I plan on trying again this year, last year I found out about it thanks to this forum, and I managed to get about 21,000 words in before I bottomed out. I hope to plan ahead a bit better, get a real story going.

Should be fun at least, I've been looking foward to it ever since last year November.

Posted by bladeofwords (Member # 2132) on :
I have no idea where I'm going to go about half-way through. He might end up in some sort of street battle or something (my stories tend to get violent at time). I've never had much of a problem with revision either. I tend to not revise enough. I'm more of an idea person.


Posted by SiliGurl (Member # 922) on :
I did Nano for the first time last year and plan on doing it again. I have a story idea (concept might be a better way of putting it) and will spend October prepping for actual novel writing. My goal is to really, no kidding write a bare-bones novel in Nov and then flesh it out in Dec. Last time, I just cranked out 50k without finishing the damn book.
Posted by SamiJo (Member # 2124) on :
I'm probably going to give it a try. I read an article about it somewhere (which I can't for the life of me recall) and it sounded like a good way to get started on a new project.

I have a concept for a novel wandering around in my head for a while now and am probably going to use nanowrmo to get it down on paper. Good luck to everyone who's going to give it a try!

Posted by teddyrux (Member # 1595) on :
I did it last year, but didn't do very well. I'm doing it again this year, and will get close to the 50k.


Posted by Phanto (Member # 1619) on :
I, by Jove, am doing it!
Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
Sign up begins Oct 1 at 3pm Pacific Time, folks!

Thought a gentle reminder wouldn't hurt.

Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
Sigh...I completely forgot about national novel in a month when I just went and made plans to leave the country the week of Thanksgiving. I did the same thing last year which is why I didn't participate.

Oh well...I'll do a novel in 3/4 of a month...just see if I can't!

Posted by bladeofwords (Member # 2132) on :
Just write faster :-). I mean whats an extra 500 words when you're already writing 2000?


Posted by SiliGurl (Member # 922) on :
Hey... Last year, some Nanos-- dare I say most-- had writing buddies. In fact, they called them enemies. Pals who would be no holds barred motivators to help pull through the daily goals to ensure 50,000 by 30 Nov.

Just a thought, but anyone here want to start a Hatrack based Nano circle?


Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
I was kinda hoping that's what this would be. I am very very interested in having an accountability circle. That would help me stay in line. I was thinking a kind of daily (or at least weekly) progress report.

Since I haven't written a novel before, that would let my extroverted tendencies express themselves, by being able to say things like "wow, I was totally stuck on that chapter but I just thought of something for my protagonist to do which gave me three more chapters of material" or something of that ilk; or "I'm totally stuck, any ideas for what could happen after x event?"

Does that sound too intense for you guys? If even one other person is interested in that level of accountability, maybe we could email each other. If a bunch of us, we could probably still do it under this topic, if that's okay with Kathleen. I am not including critiques at all, just stuff to keep us going till we cross the finish line.

Posted by shadowynd (Member # 2077) on :
I'm not going to be participating myself, but I'd be happy to be someone's "buddy": their moral support, conscience, personal pest and possibly even idea generator, if need be.


Posted by GZ (Member # 1374) on :
I just finished Chris Baty's book No Plot? No Problem! Fun stuff from the creater of NaNoWriMo. I need some Exhuberant Imperfection in my life, and definatly want the chance to send my Internal Editor off to the Kennel for a while. So I just signed up. 50,000 words in 30 days is going to be a phenominal stretch off my usual rate, but the whole idea of the craziness is so appealing, I just have to give it a try.
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
Autumnmuse, you all are welcome to use the forum for a progress report topic--and anything else that can help people meet their writing goals.
Posted by GavinLoftin (Member # 1966) on :
I just signed up as well. In general I seem to have an unfortunate problem with procrastination, so an accountability circle sounds fabulous. I'm in.
Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
One thing I couldn't help noticing from Nano's site that disturbs me . . . while thousands of people have completed the challenge, Chris Baty only lists three published novels from the bunch.

I fully intend to attempt to have my novel published (after revision of course, this challenge is just a first draft for me) but I wonder if doing Nano is signing a death warrant for publishability? Or is it just that none of those people try to publish?
Any thoughts?

Posted by Beth (Member # 2192) on :
Hi - I'm new to this site. I saw a post about it on the nano boards and came to check it out.

This is my 4th year doing nano. I don't think it's disturbing that so few nano novels have been published - that isn't really the point. nano is about just writing at all, not necessarily writing well. sometimes that's enough.

I've learned a lot from my nano experiences, and had fun, too. It doesn't bother me a bit that nothing I've produce from that time is even vaguely publishable.

mileage varies, of course.

Posted by punahougirl84 (Member # 1731) on :
I signed up last night. Why is my stomach dancing a jig???
Posted by Robyn_Hood (Member # 2083) on :
Like Shadowynd, I'm not participating in Nano, but I'll help cheer from the sidelines.

I'd be willing to be part of a support/idea team.

Posted by Marianne (Member # 1546) on :
I did NaNo last year and finished by Nov. 17. The novel is in the middle of a rewrite now, but set aside while I do another project. There is a EdMo(editing month) in March but I did not sign up for that. There are a lot more published than three. I read on the forum last night several postings by people who had contracts or pending contracts on their NaNo projects. I think it is a great way to get a rough draft done.

Christine-even if you go away for the holiday(as I am planning) go ahead and sign up. It is a great boost to writing productivity that goes on past November.

Posted by MaryRobinette (Member # 1680) on :
I'm signed up too, and love the idea of buddies.
Posted by Dea on :
I signed up too.

The bar is very high for what's going on in my life right now, but I will never get there if I don't at least REACH for it, ya know?

Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
Some sorry person stole my name!

So I have to be _Christine, but I signed up.

Posted by punahougirl84 (Member # 1731) on :
I signed up using punahougirl84, to make things simple. Glad to know we have each other to talk about word counts and stuff.

I called Books-a-Million to find out about my shipment since I ordered "No Plot? No Problem!" along with the book for Sims2 and Writers of the Future XX (EricJamesStone has his story published in it!). Turns out they were waiting for a new shipment of the Sims2 book! The lady apologized and set my other books to ship ASAP - maybe I should have ordered it sooner, but I wasn't even sure I was going to do NaNo... oh well.

Anyone have a plot yet? Or characters?

Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
Actually, I'm going to use the short story I wrote in boot camp 2003. I had it in mind from the start that I wanted to make a novel out of it, because the story was really too big for a short story, but I haven't goten around to it until now. I'm days away from finishing the rewrite of my mystery novel, will spend the rest of October brushing it off, and then will use November to push it out of my mind and move on so I can get a fresh perspective when the month is over.

I have a main character. I have some sketchy plot. I'm not doing an outline for this one (crosses fingers) but I've got a beginning, an end, and a few key scenes in mind so I'm hoping that I can make it work.

But as I understand, the novel in a month isn't supposed to be poetry but a rough draft, and that's exactly what I'm doing!

Posted by Dea on :
I signed up with the nic "DeaSis".

I am still trying to decide which story I am going to work on. I have a short story that I am expanding, and the basic outlines of another that's a little further developed.

A whole novel in a month eh? That bar is sooooo high!

Posted by punahougirl84 (Member # 1731) on :
I've got a thought, and a title, and some more vague thoughts...

I started a "Hatrackers" thread under the Writing Groups and Clubs forum at NaNoWriMo so we'd have a place over there too!

Posted by Dea on :
Very cool! I will see you there when I hit that board next then.
Posted by GZ (Member # 1374) on :
I've got very rough ideas of characters, plot, and setting based on a couple of ideas I've been stewing on a few months. I'm anticipating generating the most rough of rough drafts. The arrival of dancing squirrels at some point is almost a given.

I'm not to worried about the non-published percentages. Any book generated during NaNoWriMo probably needs serious revision(s) and polishing. That's going to cut of many people, who may not put in the rest of the leg work after the initial burst. Then add the long query/response cycle times, and the math would say that only books from two or three years ago would really have hit the place where "published" is possilbe. Factor in the usual odds, and you won't get a huge number.

BTW, I'm GinaZ over a NaNoWriMo. GZ was appearently too short (silly 3 character minimum!).

Posted by bladeofwords (Member # 2132) on :
I'm just good old bladeofwords (I love how nobody has ever had that name used). I'm planning on writing a memoir of highschool so I've got my plot and characters and everything buried down there somewhere I just have to drag them all back out again.


Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
I'm also autumnmuse over there. I'm feeling pretty good about my plot, characters, and milieu. I am making my goal to finish my first draft completely, which hopefully will be longer than 50k, we'll see how it goes. I am also going to shoot for finishing prior to Thanksgiving so I can enjoy the holiday with my folks. I haven't told my family (except my husband, of course) that I am doing Nano. Everyone is always getting on me when I talk about my stories, because they say I never actually write them down. Well this summer I have gotten a ton better about that, and I am looking forward to casually mentioning, around the turkey at Thanksgiving, that I just finished my novel.

[This message has been edited by autumnmuse (edited October 06, 2004).]

Posted by MaryRobinette (Member # 1680) on :
Does anyone know what percentage of novels are published in general? Not the NaNoWriMo ones, but just in general? 1% might actually be a reasonable percentage.
Posted by punahougirl84 (Member # 1731) on :
I'd love to finish before Thanksgiving - I also have not told my family other than my husband. But because I have other things I should be doing too, that might wait a month.

According to

.03% of submitted manuscripts are publshed (3 of 10,000). She's used actual research on her site (she writes sf/f). Her section on publishers is worth reading.

According to an article on, possibly only 1 tenth of 1% of submitted manuscripts are of publishable quality. Not that that applies to "Big Names" who can sell less than top-rate quality on their name alone.

It is hard to break in, but obviously it is done. Just be better than your favorite author!

Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
Oh, is *that* all?

Scary scary numbers. I rather assumed that novel sales would be held down by the small number of people ever actually finishing one, but perhaps it is that they finish and send it off before it is really ready to go.

Posted by Robyn_Hood (Member # 2083) on :
I have a solution for all of you worried about Thanksgiving interupting NaNo, just celebrate it this weekend like us Canucks! Then it's done and out of the way
Posted by Thieftess (Member # 1683) on :
Christine...I'm glad you're going to revisit your bootcamp story. It was a really good idea.

I'm going to work on Haven, a young adult paranormal novel. And seeing as I'm one of those unfortunates slaving away for the man over shouldn't be a problem (unless I've got a lot of catching up to do...)


Posted by Robyn_Hood (Member # 2083) on :
With NaNoWriMo only four sleeps away, I thought I'd revive this thread and ask if anyone would be interested in starting two threads.

The first for those who aren't doing NaNo, but are willing to help those who are. For example, if you want to be a NaNo buddy, put a post offering your services. Anyone needing a buddy can look at the list and e-mail a request for help.

The second for those who are doing NaNo. Asking for help on a particular segment, posting updates on projects, looking for motivation, etc.

What does everyone think? I know we talked about it a while ago, so are there people still interested in forming a Hatrack NaNoWriMo support group?

Posted by shadowynd (Member # 2077) on :
Well, I'll re-post my offer to be a NaNo buddy to someone.


Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
I'm curious as to what being a buddy would entail. Not that I'm necesssarily interested in becoming a buddy (I know too many people participating), more an intellectual curiosity.
Posted by Robyn_Hood (Member # 2083) on :
Being buddy would mean offering encouragement, asking for updates ("So, did you reach your goal today?" type things), helping with brainstroming, and other side-kick tasks.
Posted by MaryRobinette (Member # 1680) on :
I'm still going to try it, but since I've had to scale my writing goals back here I seriously doubt that I'll get anywhere near 50,000 words. Plus my husband is coming out to visit and I haven't seen him in two and a half months. A few other things might be occupying my time.
Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
I suggest that it would also help if your buddy is familiar with your genre. I'll be someone's buddy if they'll be mine! I'd prefer a buddy who enjoys the type of scifi written by people like OSC, Anne McCaffrey, or Sheri Tepper. (Hopefully I'm not copying these people, but they've all influenced me.) My milieu is probably closest to Anne McCaffrey's Pern, in that it involves a couple alien species who communicate telepathically and bond with humans, thousands of years after the planet is settled by colonists from Earth.
Posted by Warbric (Member # 2178) on :
I checked in with the Hatrackers forum over there at NaNoWriMo. I shelved the old stuff I was playing around with and pulled out another idea altogether to run with for November. This could go down badly, but it's gonna go down.
Posted by Rahl22 (Member # 1411) on :
I think those numbers were rather comforting. That means that all you have to do is write about 3300 novels, and you have a statistical chance of having atleast one published.

So, if you treated every month like NaNo... you'd have 12 a year. Thus, it should only take about 3000 years to get a novel published. And, if it sells well, you should have a decently stocked junk drawer that you could then resubmit.

Posted by franc li (Member # 3850) on :
:tents fingers: Excellent. Anyone at the Utah kickoff yesterday? I was there, and one of the vets mentioned an "enemy" support system. I'll have to look around and see if I can find that. I don't know if it's a "pray for your enemies" kind of thing.
Posted by GZ (Member # 1374) on :
<Snort with laughter at Rahl22's post>

Just 3000, eh? No sweat...

Posted by MaryRobinette (Member # 1680) on :
12:52 a.m. in Iceland. I started typing at 12:02 and have 901 words to show for it. I'm excited by this. With a 2500 word a day goal, I should be able to meet that during the rest of today without a problem.

Whee! Good luck my fellow NaNoWriMo-ers.

Posted by yanos (Member # 1831) on :
Well, I'm an Anne McCaffrey and Sheri Tepper type of guy, so if Autumnmuse needs a buddy, just give me a call. I'm not sure about the beneifts of NaNoWriMo. Sounds like an ideal way of burning out, but whatever cooks your oyster. I prefer slow and steady...
Posted by franc li (Member # 3850) on :
Once upon a time I posted that your chances of dying climbing everest (20%)are greater than your chances of finishing nanowrimo (10%).

The nano site is down- I wonder why. I can't imagine people are posting to it rather than writing. Though I guess if 90% of the people are following a losing strategy, that could explain it because there's a projected 50,000 involved this year.

P.S. I've been trying slow and steady for fourtten years and have squat to show for it. I'll let you know if I get anywhere with this.

[This message has been edited by franc li (edited November 01, 2004).]

Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
Let the games begin!
Posted by GZ (Member # 1374) on :

And the first day's quota is in!

Posted by Phanto (Member # 1619) on :
I chickened out ^^. Instead, I shall spend the month editing.

But best of luck to ya'll!

Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
Whew! I got started. Total word count so far: 2,209. This is going to be both harder and easier than I thought. Harder, because of outside distractions and my baby being in the same room with the computer. Easier, because once I was a few pages into it, it became easier to not worry about quality so much. As a consequence, I am sure I am producing drivel but I'm still determined to do it, and maybe when I'm done my first draft will at least be a jumping off point for the rewrite into . . . dum dum dum . . . the next great novel to appear on the scifi shelves in every bookstore, everywhere!
Posted by Jules (Member # 1658) on :
I'm up to 3,500 so far. Planning on getting to at last 5,000 in the first 2 days to get a good start on it.
Posted by Warbric (Member # 2178) on :
I was sailing along (okay, as sailingly along as possible when quantity trumps quality) when it struck me that I had come to despise my main character. Almost 3K words into the process and I hated the guy. I mean really could not stand much at all that I was discovering about him that I thought I knew differently. He was supposed to be cold and hard and he turned out to just be hateful.

I decided that his story is either not ready to tell or not mine to tell in the first place. I bagged it and rifled my filing cabinet for anything that would coalesce into a workable story, and I think I've found it. I had another 1K words in short order, then piddled about and got a few hundred more down after babysitting my granddaughter for a couple hours after work. I can already see some problems with some of the characters as I hastily outlined the basics, but I think I can work it out. I kinda have to now. I somehow dragged someone from work into the NaNoWriMo fold and she's the type who, though basically a nice person overall, will make sure I'm aware of her disappointment in any lack of progress.

Anyway, all that aside, good to hear some of us are off to good starts already!

Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
I've got a daily word count goal of 3k words...even with my week off, that will exactly make it to 50k by the end of the month and so far so good!
Posted by Robyn_Hood (Member # 2083) on :
Way to go you guys! Keep us posted with your progress.
Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
Unfortunately, today I'm getting distracted by politics. I'm hoping to write through it. At least tomorrow it's all over one way or another.


Posted by Robyn_Hood (Member # 2083) on :
Well, hopefully. Last time it took more than a day to figure it out.

However it turns out, the results won't really start coming in until later this evening, so you have alllllllllllllll day to reach your quota. Even if you only get 1500 or so down today, at least you'll only have to make up a little bit tomorrow.

Good luck.

Posted by GZ (Member # 1374) on :

NaNo ~2 days = 6345 words
Previous novel idea started last decemeber = 4300 words (after three starts, in all fairness)

Witness the power of a deadline and a good dose of Exuberant Incompentence!

[This message has been edited by GZ (edited November 02, 2004).]

Posted by Robyn_Hood (Member # 2083) on :
Way to go GZ. Keep it going.

It's amazing what a good ole deadline can do for your writing. Of course, others might say it is the power of setting goals.

Either way, keep up the good work.

Anyone else have an update on the days writing? Or did y'all get caught up in the election?

Posted by Rahl22 (Member # 1411) on :
Wow, GZ... you go girl!
Posted by punahougirl84 (Member # 1731) on :
Day 2 - up to 5637 words, would have been more but for this whole election thing...

Gotta get some sleep, since Ohio won't hurry up and make up its mind! (Uh, I won't mind, as long as it does what I want it to do...)

I'm almost done with my third chapter - got an mc I like, a potential hunky love interest (who will still be hunky when revealed for his true self), but realized I need an antagonist.

Maybe a big cicada...!

Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
Well, I just finished Chapter 1, at 4,529 words. I like the way it ends, but I think the whole chapter has far too much exposition. I'm just having a hard time avoiding that because my world is so different from Earth. Oh well, I'll leave it all in for now, and probably hack at it quite viciously come January. (I've already decided once November is over I'm not even going to look at it for a whole month, then hopefully finish my second draft by Feb.)

Overall I am quite proud. I have started this novel several times in the past, once writing 27 pages of it. This time, although only on page 22, I feel that I am already on the way to victory!!

Posted by shadowynd (Member # 2077) on :
You guys are all doing terrific!! Keep up the enthusiam! One day at a time, though. Can you match or beat your word total again today? I bet you can!!

Autumnmuse: January is a good time to think about that. For now... JUST WRITE! *g*

punahougirl84: Want some help in coming up with your antagonist? I and others would be happy to offer suggestions, if you like! Just email or post either what you have so far, or a short synopsis of the characters and the plot you have in mind.

Christine: No excuses now, election day is over. WRITE! *G*

Jules, GZ: Keep up the good work!

Warbric: Still going strong? Did you make up the first day's word count after you changed novels?

Anyone else doing it? Report, please!



Posted by Jules (Member # 1658) on :
I reached 6,740 last night. Haven't done any more yet today, though.
Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
Don't worry about exposition, don't worry about wording, just punch it out there!

I am pleased to say that despite getting highly distracted by politics yesterday, I managed to write 2866 words, only 134 less than my daily goal. I think I can make those up today...hope to tackle that challenge now!

Posted by Warbric (Member # 2178) on :
Yes, shadowynd, I am back on track. The election coverage kept my attention divided pretty much last night, but I still got some work done. Having huge difficulties with Chapter One, but Chapter Two is pretty straight and Chapter Three is poised to take flight, but I'm feeling strong reservations about going too far ahead without nailing down Chapter One. On the other hand, if I let that slow me down and lose the momentum on chapters that are being more cooperative and letting themselves be written, then I'll likely regret it. I may let sleeping dogs lie for a bit and charge on with what's working and fix that which isn't later.

If none of that rambling makes any sense to you at all, then you obviously do not make it a habit of mixing waffles and syrup, a couple cups of coffee, M&Ms and other chocolate candy and Red Bull into your diet all in the same morning.

Edit: Ack! So hyper I forgot to say that my word count (including the sparse and reluctant Chapter One) is now at 6,332.

[This message has been edited by Warbric (edited November 03, 2004).]

Posted by Robyn_Hood (Member # 2083) on :
Way to keep on track, Warbic.

If you need help brainstorming, or trying to find the "problem" with chapter one, let us know.

Posted by MaryRobinette (Member # 1680) on :
Has anyone else found the NaNoWriMo report card? I'm finding it a great tool for keeping track and a useful procrastination device. When I need to turn away from the page, I go input my current word count and the red numbers that pop up telling me I'm nowhere near my word count really spur me to go back to writing.

I'm at 5131 words, but I got distracted today and wrote very little. Still have an hour before midnight and only, um, 1500 words to write to stay on target. Yikes!

Posted by GZ (Member # 1374) on :
I love the report card, though I had made one of my own before NaNo started (I love Excel), so I just added some of the fun stuff off the the other one to that. Putting in the word count every 10-15 mintues this afternoon really pulled me through today's session.

(Word Count: 8647)

Posted by Robyn_Hood (Member # 2083) on :
I think there is a slight problem with the URL; no "www" and it should be "k" instead of "c" in eric.

[This message has been edited by Robyn_Hood (edited November 03, 2004).]

Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
Warbric, I am a strong advocate of writing chapters out of order if Chapter 19 is more exciting to you (or more ready to be written) than Chapter 10 (or whatever).

The important thing is to get the stuff down on paper. You can go back and sort it out and line it up and transition from one to another later.

Writing what wants to be written when it wants to be written makes what you write more interesting and fresh than it might be if you forced it to wait until you got around to it in a more linear fashion (that is, making Chapter 19 wait until you have written the eighteen chapters that come before it).

Movie scenes are not always filmed in the order in which they are edited together, and story scenes don't need to be either.

Skip over things--put in a note about what needs to go there, so you can write it later--and go on to the stuff you are excited about.

By the way, I don't

make it a habit of mixing waffles and syrup, a couple cups of coffee, M&Ms and other chocolate candy and Red Bull
, but I think I understood what you were talking about with your chapters. If I didn't, then my whole post here is off-base.

Here are some virtual chocolates, though, in case they help.

Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
I made my goal again today, barely. I am trying to write 2000 a day.

The problem I am having is because my antagonist has to seem like a really good guy to my protagonist, but the reader needs to figure out he's a slimeball. Problem is, my POV is pretty tightly on the protagonist, so I can't show anything he doesn't know. Right now I'm just going to let the reader discover right along with him that all is not well in this green Eden. But it is pretty hard.

Uncle Orson sure seems to make it look effortless, all his mental descriptions and characterization. I am fighting and fighting to make mine coherent. I fear that I am spending too much time explaining some things, and not enough time explaining others. Aaargh!

Morale a bit lower today. But I at least have 6600 words, so it is not a lost cause, even though it was like pulling teeth to get them.

Posted by yanos (Member # 1831) on :
The key to this Autumn is to stop worrying. Things can be changed after, but first you need get your story down. Now buck up and flow...
Posted by Jules (Member # 1658) on :
Keep in mind that the reader will likely start suspecting all sorts of characters, because they know that there must be an antagonist whereas your protagonist doesn't know he's in a novel, so may believe that the things going wrong in his life are coincidence, or something.

Just keeping the focus on the antagonist slightly more than he would deserve from his visible participation in the story so far can drop a pretty big hint.

Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
Show don't tell! Show don't tell! Show don't tell!

<Christine runs around pulling all her hair out.>

It's a shame, too, I have pretty nice hair...

Sigh, but for some reason I feel as if the first threee chapters of my novel have been almost entirely told instead of shown. I think it's because at the last minute I decided to start the story quite a while before I had intended to in the first place and it's not matching my outline and so I don't know what to show. So, I know the problem, but why can't I get it out of my mind and say, "Ok,then do better in the rewrite and keep writing this one!" Yesterday I ran out of steam and only wrote 2k words. Grrrrrrr

Posted by shadowynd (Member # 2077) on :
Christine, perhaps you should, as kdw suggests above, start writing at a different point? Latch onto a comfortable place in your outline and start afresh there. Don't worry about the gap; You can fill that in later. Just get those words out now!


Posted by Robyn_Hood (Member # 2083) on :
Autumnmuse: Are you putting your protagonist in every scene? If you insert a scene without your protag, then you have to use someone elses POV. It could be an opportunity to drop hints about the true nature of your antagonist.

Christine: Don't worry about "show don't tell" too much. One thing about "tell" is that it is faster than "show"; it takes fewer words to write and gets the jist of everything down on paper (or up on the screen ). As you work through the month, if you find yourself getting stuck while moving forward, you can always go back to a more "telly" section and re-write it so that it is "showy" instead. It will keep you writing, increase your word count and possibly inspire you for what can happen in future chapters.

And don't worry too much about your word count being down. Some days you'll write more some less. You only have to shoot for an average.

Everyone: Keep up the good work and keep us posted! Now stop lurking, reading or whatever and go write another chapter .

Posted by punahougirl84 (Member # 1731) on :
I hit 8179 yesterday, and gave up since I was so tired staying up with the election coverage... then spent 1 1/2 hours reading Chicken Soup for the Writer's Soul, a gift from a friend who can't wait to read my first published work... she'd better not be holding her breath!

Thanks Susan! The basic idea is there is this woman (27) who maintains a travel web site. Trouble is, she doesn't travel - ever since her best friend got killed when they went on their "post-graduation-travel-Europe" trip. Her site is great - she relies on tons of research, world-wide web cams, and sending her parents on trips instead.

Stuff happens, and she ends up trying out Hawaii's new virtual travel agency. Kind of a stepping stone to get back traveling. It will turn out to NOT be virutal, but a way to travel to other planets... The owner is a scientist/inventor on the run from the government (doesn't want to be the next Einstein/atom bomb guy), and the only travel agent is a guy from another planet (my mc figures out he's holographically enhanced to look like god's gift to women - see a pic of the guy who plays Horation Hornblower in the A&E series if you want to know the looks I'm basing him off of). He's actually more feline in nature, but she finds out later.

So troubles will happen as she travels, finds out what is going on, gets stranded, etc. The agent will end up with her (romance eventually). I plan to have her visit 3 different places.

I don't know if I should limit myself to antagonists at each stop or if there should be a main one, who might also be traveling the way my mc is.

I'm headed into Chapter Four, where she takes her first trip. Any thoughts on an antagonist for what is apparently an adventure tale (and I will go back and review some, like Indiana Jones)?

EDIT - now that I've written this, I just realized (duh) that I could have a government agent as an antagonist - maybe stumbles on the travel agency and somehow ends up following (having to follow?) my mc... Wow! Just doing this little thing makes that so obvious... though maybe some other less cliche ideas would be better.

[This message has been edited by punahougirl84 (edited November 04, 2004).]

Posted by shadowynd (Member # 2077) on :

First thoughts: It immediately struck me that your antagonist might be an alien who has a vested interest in keeping such a travel device from being used, or conversely, one that wishes to use it to travel to Earth for nefarious purposes. Of course that's an "off the cuff" thought that hasn't gone through any expansions or revisions, but in this case it's probably more important to throw something out to you than to sit and mull it over myself.

Perhaps someone here will have a better idea, or can take the thread of my idea and muchly improve it-- which shouldn't be too difficult!


Posted by shadowynd (Member # 2077) on :

Your antagonist could be a government agent sent to either supress the invention or to abscond with it for the government's own use. Either way that could allow you to strand your traveling pair for a bit.



Posted by punahougirl84 (Member # 1731) on :
Wow, Susan - you are quick - I must have been editing my reply when you were typing the same thing!

You are a great buddy :-)


Posted by Robyn_Hood (Member # 2083) on :
Well Punahougirl84, it sounds like you already have an antagonist. If the scientist is running from the government, then they are the obvious choice. You also have your mc struggling against her personal demons. I don't know if you want to try bringing the two ideas together and even have the antagonist responsible for the friend's death all those years ago.

Or the antagonist is the "dead" friend (of course she didn't really die...). I'm thinking a bit of the movie Sneakers with Danny Glover and Robert Redford.

Good luck.

Posted by shadowynd (Member # 2077) on :

The (not really) dead friend IS the gov't agent; The dead friend was killed by the gov't agent; The dead friend was killed by alien antagonist.

There are at least two antagonists, warring with each other (gov't and aliens), with the traveling pair caught up in the middle.

Gosh, there are all kinds of possibilities, and I'm sure we're barely scratching the surface here!

Okay, time for me to go do MY work.



Posted by punahougirl84 (Member # 1731) on :
Plenty of fodder for the horse now.

Thanks you two - happy writing!

Lee (I've been dancing with my twins - and this weird stuffed ballerina bear - odd face - not writing, but a great workout for body and mind!)

Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
*smiles yawns stretches*

4149 words today....I am now up 10 words for my goal to date and I might decide to write some more...right now, I'm getting some food and a breakt ho!

Posted by Warbric (Member # 2178) on :
I'm loving this! I thought I was thrashing about unproductively when I came here and see that I'm not alone... we're all gripped firmly in the throes of creation.

kdw: Yes, I see your point. I think that is what I'm going to have to do. I'm wrapping up Chapter Three, though I'm certain that Chapter One -- when it wants to be born -- may impact upon it, or maybe vice versa. Then I'll take a long look at my (sketchy) outline and see what jumps out and begs to be written right now. The remark about the syrup, coffee, chocolate and Red Bull consumption was a comment on my currently very high intake of simple sugars and caffeine which is probably wreaking havoc on my health and nerves, if not my communication skills.

Christine: I keep wrestling with that same monster. I feel the telling is taking over and the showing is lost in the shuffle, but I keep trying to stay in the mind of "just put it on paper" now and stress out about polishing it later. Not that easy to do, is it? I'm one of those guys with long hair and I find myself tugging on it some in my distraction... when the frustration begins to mount the temptation to start tearing at it and ripping it out is overwhelming sometimes, so I feel for you.

Robyn_Hood, shadowynd, and yanos: Nice coaching and great advice. I've been making it my habit to stop by here first each time I sit down to resume working on my project. I love the advice and encouragement.

Fellow NaNos: I'm motivated to keep at it by checking your word counts and reading your accounts of the process and your progress. Keep it going!

[This message has been edited by Warbric (edited November 04, 2004).]

Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
Remember the three conflicts they taught in English class in school?

Man against man

Man against nature

Man against himself

Lee, your antagonist doesn't have to be a character, it can be the problems your mc encounters in this not-so-virtual travel she's doing.

An antagonistic character can complicate things in a story, but stories don't need such characters in order to work. Stories just need obstacles and things going wrong that the mc has to deal with. The story is about the mc and what s/he does in response to what happens. It's not about the antagonist.

Posted by GZ (Member # 1374) on :
What I'm really loving most about NaNo is the total feeling of freedom I'm having. Just write it. Don't try to make it pretty. Just those words on paper, and as long as the plot keeps moving forward (more or less) all is good.

That and a certian psyco competive streak coming out that is really begin egged on by min word counts, quotas, and all those other bars on peoples names over and NaNo central (the 27000 guy excluded. Those people are just really crazy and I can't compete with that and go to work too (probably couldn't compete with that and not go to work, come to think of it)).

Spelling, grammer, typos, plot holes...
Those are problems that are meant for sometime after Nov. 30th.


Posted by RunningBish (Member # 2210) on :
I'm really liking this NaNo deal. 4 days in and I'm at 7,000 words, it really is crazy. Thanks for posting that reporty card Robyn_Hood, thats really cool and like the contest itself surprisingly motivating. My story is total crap, I don't know where the next paragraphi is going let alone the chapter or the book. But it's cruising along anyways.

Good luck to all those who are similarly engaged!

Posted by punahougirl84 (Member # 1731) on :
10,250, and that with a Jackie Chan movie in the background, and now Heath Ledger (oh my) in A Knight's Tale.

Well, I knew what I was writing, so it was easy. I'm doing everything - the mc's internal issues, the problems that result from the adventure and will throw in antagonists that fit in with it (all of them).

Thank you Kathleen - you are wonderful, and appreciated.

NaNo site is down...

[This message has been edited by punahougirl84 (edited November 05, 2004).]

Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
Whew. Made my goal of 2000 a day again. Though I didn't technically do it on the fourth, since I started at about midnight. But I'm counting it! If I haven't gone to sleep yet, it isn't tomorrow. Or at least that's what it feels like, so it amounts to the same thing.
My daughter must be inhabited by gremlins lately. She was sleeping through the night consistently and going to bed at a decent hour. This week she has been up till at least eleven and sometimes wakes again every couple hours. I can't tell if she's teething or growing or what. Probably a little of both. But of course it coincides so nicely with the little writing time I have, making it darn near impossible to get anything done. But I WILL do this!

Word count: 8723 and on Chapter 3.


Posted by MaryRobinette (Member # 1680) on :
Ugh. I only wrote 1000 words last night, but I have an opportunity to name drop as a result of my distraction. Granted, only those of you with kids the right age will be impressed.Steve from Blue's Clues came to visit so a big group of us went out after we wrapped. He's as nice in person as you'd think from the show.

I just have to write an extra six hundred words today to get caught up. I can do that. Right?


Posted by Phanto (Member # 1619) on :
Mary, you will write those 600 words. If you don't, I'll send waves of mental energy in your direction and make you do it ^^.

Good luck, ya'll!

*stands on sidelines editing already written novel*

Posted by shadowynd (Member # 2077) on :
RunningBish, welcome!! And... who cares? The challenge is simply to WRITE, not to create the next best seller! You're doing terrific! Keep it up!

MaryRobinette, of course you can make it up! You guys are doing GREAT! Keep up the good work!

Yes, I know, I used exclamation points for nearly every single sentence above. But doggone it, I'm excited by how well you are all doing!!!

Hopefully next year I'll be in a position to join you all! Umm.. you ARE all planning on doing it again, yes? No, wait. Don't even TRY to think that far ahead. One day at a time, loves, one day at a time! *G*

Keep up the *fabulous* work!



Posted by RunningBish (Member # 2210) on :
Hey MaryRobinette, did he come as Steve the guy from Blues Clues or as Steve Burns the musician. He's in a band now and has some pretty groovy music. I'm just curious if he still does blues clues related stuff. 9,000 words in my Nano by the way.
Posted by Robyn_Hood (Member # 2083) on :
yyyYYYAAAAAYYYyyy...yyyYYYAAAAAYYYyyy...yyyYYYAAAAAYYYyyy (My small attempt at starting "the wave"!).

Everyone is doing great. Thanks for all the updates.

If you reach 11,500 by tonight, you can safely take some time off on the weekend.

If you are below 8,500 though,it's time to catch up and kick it into high gear.

MaryRobinette: You got to meet Steve! Like in real person! Up close! Wow!!!!! (...and I don't even have kids ).

Don't worry too much about being below your daily goal. As long as you write a bit more on another, it will all shake out in the end. Besides, you got to meet Steve!

RunningBish: Welcome to Hatrack. Keep us posted. And, while I'd love to take credit for the report card, I believe it was MaryRobinette who originally posted it .


Alright, keep up the good work everyone. You're almost 25% done.


Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
I have a slightly more accelerated goal, Robyn. I've actually got to write a novel in 3 weeks as opposed to a month so if I'm not at 15k by tonight I need to kick it this weekend. Good news is, I think I'm on track to that goal!
Posted by Robyn_Hood (Member # 2083) on :
Way to go.
Posted by Robyn_Hood (Member # 2083) on :
All right everyone. It's the weekend. An unending source of personal distractions are about to beset you, BUT you must persevere. Press on towards your goal and keep writing. By Monday you should have a bare minimum of 11,900 words. Christine, that number is closer to 17,500 for you.

I know you guys can do it, so no excuses. No hob-nobing in Iceland or dancing with ballerina bears in Maryland -- you know who I'm talking about.

Ahhhh, forget all that. Have a great weekend everyone and I hope you can stay on track for your goals. Keep us updated here when you take your breaks. I'll check in on Monday.

Posted by shadowynd (Member # 2077) on :
Well, heck, I'll be here all weekend to harass... err... encourage you all and help you through it! I'll check back tomorrow in between stacking hay.

Have a wonderfully wordy weekend!


Posted by SiliGurl (Member # 922) on :
Gosh... I am woefully behind. I'm about 5k words behind. In my defense, I was on vacation. But I sure have a lot to catch up on this weekend.


Posted by Shanu (Member # 2195) on :
I tried to do this last year, and failed miserably... I would've given it a proper go this year, but only became aware of it on the 1st of November... a little too late to plot anything, heh. Besides, I owe several writing groups short stories.

But next year... next year I shall participate... and then nonsensical, hurriedly-written tales of zombies and punks shall sweep the nation! [*]

Best of luck to all those brave and hardy souls giving NaNo a shot... you can do it!

[*] for "nation" read "an empty Word document".

Posted by shadowynd (Member # 2077) on :
Good morning, all!

No hay here yet and I'm taking a break from my web work, so I thought I'd pop in and give you your morning dose of encouragement. Get your writing done early so you can get out and enjoy the rest of the day with your families and friends. Don't falter now, you've been doing so well, all of you!

I'll check back in later, and hope to see notes by then that you've all finished your word count for the day and are kicking back and relaxing.



Posted by Beth (Member # 2192) on :
you guys are all doing so great! I just read the last week's worth of posts all at once and it's really encouraging to see everyone doing so well.

I am slightly behind, with about 7000 words today. I am planning on hitting 10k tonight to catch up.

Posted by MaryRobinette (Member # 1680) on :
Woo-hoo. I caught up and am still going at 11,039 words.
Posted by shadowynd (Member # 2077) on :
WooHOO!! That's fabulous, MaryRobinette!! Keep up the good work! At this rate, you'll be able to take all day tomorrow off, if you wish. *g*

Well I am positively disgruntled. Not that I was gruntled earlier, but... My hay isn't coming until tomorrow. I called after they didn't show up for a few hours and the wife answered. She sounded annoyed, and verged on rude, and insisted that it was tomorrow. Now I am quite certain that when I spoke to her husband yesterday, he said the flatbed would arrive at ten tomorrow, which would make it today. Yes, indisputably today. Hmmph.

I shall simply be glad when the hay is delivered and I have no excuse to call and speak with that person again. Well now. I feel much better after having groused a bit. Okay, I don't, really, but this has to count as my writing for the day, so it shall have to do. *mischievous grin and wink*



Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
I have a confession to make. I didn't write anything yesterday, and I am not sure how I will do today. We've been helping some friends move, and I'm bushed. Normally a couch potato, I've been busting my buns doing a lot of manual labor, and I obviously need to do that more often because it's really taken the mickey out of me. I have to wait for my daughter to go to sleep before really writing tonight; hopefully I won't fall asleep on the keyboard, though truthfully I was ready to crash for the night at about 5pm. I'll let you know how it goes!
Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
You may not need to, as long as you have time during the week to keep up those word counts. 12k per week, don't forget. Me, I arrange it so I can take weekends off. I didn't write yesterday, either. I spent the whole day hosue shopping. (At least now I can more realistically portray a character under a great deal of stress!) But my word count from the week was good enough to let me do that.
Posted by GZ (Member # 1374) on :
I didn't write much yesterday, since I had a day trip planned to the world's largest Christmas store open year round, and with checking out the other surrounding shops and driving, I was just glad I'd gotten that blurry-eyed 795 in first thing in the morning, 'cause I was out for the count when I got back.

But I'm back on track for today, quota already in. I'd try the take off weekends thing, but, in addition to not being able to commit to enough words during the week to keep up, I think I would loose too much momentum by taking a day off. Each day is getting a bit tougher just 'cause I'm wearing down a bit, and putting it off a day isn't going to help me with that tendency towards inertia.

(16426 Almost officially 1/3 done!)

[This message has been edited by GZ (edited November 07, 2004).]

[This message has been edited by GZ (edited November 07, 2004).]

Posted by Phanto (Member # 1619) on :
Ya'll can do it!
Keep going! Don't give in!
Onwards, to Glory!
Posted by Jules (Member # 1658) on :
End of first week: 14,788. Not brilliant, because there was one day I couldn't get any work done. Need to do more next week.

Posted by punahougirl84 (Member # 1731) on :
Well, my frustration has nothing to do with my writing (was at 13,066 by yesterday afternoon - used some writing time to make goodie bags for the meet-up/write-in I set up in Maryland - uh, no dancing bears though... what are those, anyway?).

1) Comcast was down, so I couldn't get on-line at all.

2) I sign in at NaNo, and it says thanks for logging in punahougirl84, then takes me to the home page, but instead of saying "signed in as punahougirl84" it says the normal "user login" - I Can't Get Logged In On The NaNo Site - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!

I did e-mail tech support, and they did the auto-reply, I did what they said and nothing helped, so I replied, and am waiting for a reply... meanwhile I was supposed to be doing stuff and I can't let my regional forum know what is going on because I can't log in...


So, I'm going to go catch up on class work, and hope things get fixed, then do more NaNo tonight during the Ravens game.

Mutter, mutter...

Glad everyone else is working hard and doing so well :-)

Posted by MaryRobinette (Member # 1680) on :
Oh Lee, that's awful. Well, you're doing a great job even without their stinky ole site.

I am at 15,066 and that's even with a day of sightseeing.

Posted by Beth (Member # 2192) on :
There is something screwed up with the login - the trick is to use the "remember me" checkbox on the login screen. if you don't check that, you can't get logged in.


Posted by Robyn_Hood (Member # 2083) on :
Rise and Shine everyone!! Sounds like y'all had a productive weekend. Word counts should be hovering around 12,000 (more if you need to finish earlier). Don't get too hard on yourself if you feel like it just won't come. If you need a personal sounding board to get through something, e-mail one of the Buddies from the Nano Buddies thread.

Just think, in three days you'll be at the 1/3rd mark for time. All you have to do is try to get to 17,000 or so words by then. From the posts over the weekend, it sounds like most of you aren't far off.

Keep the updates coming and don't forget to use your HUBs and if you need the Penmanship*, we're only a whistle away!


*The Penmanship is the Hatrack sloop, ready to sail to your rescue.

Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :

GRRRRRRR can't write anything this morning!

Posted by Robyn_Hood (Member # 2083) on :
Deep breath in........Deep breath out.........Repeat!

Are you stuck on something particular, or is it just distractions?

p.s. Did your kitty come home last night?

Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
Yes, Robyn, we found our kitty this morning. Thanks for asking. I feel much better.
Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
Well, our region had a meeting last night, which I attended. Everything was going well until my baby's stroller fell over and she hit the floor head first. No injuries, but it was pretty traumatic for both of us, especially in front of all those people.]

Anyways, I wrote a bit more yesterday, which put me at 11,503 for the first week. I'd have had more except for those couple of non-productive days.

Today my goal is 2,500 words, and will be until I am back on track to cross the finish line by the 24th. That way if my novel is longer than 50,000 (which I hope it will be) then I can still finish by the end of the month, even allowing for Thanksgiving.

Posted by Robyn_Hood (Member # 2083) on :
Christine: I'm glad she's safe and sound.

How did writing go this morning? Were you able to get on track, or was the phone being a pain?

I know all about phones being pains. I sit at a switchboard all day and just when I get into the middle of something non-switchboard related, the phone staarts ringing off the hook. It's as though it were my job or something .

Autumnmuse: Thank goodness your baby is safe.

As for the writing, keep it up. Every little bit gets you closer to your goal. And there's no rule that says you can't write a longer novel. Go for it!

[This message has been edited by Robyn_Hood (edited November 08, 2004).]

Posted by GZ (Member # 1374) on :
Glad your kitty came back, Christine.

I had the same problem yesterday, punahougirl84. It seems to be working now, although I guess that doesn't help much with the ML stuff that was date sensitive.

[Edit because I misspelled a fellow Hatracker's name wrong, and it was bothering me every time I scrolled down.]

[This message has been edited by GZ (edited November 11, 2004).]

Posted by Beth (Member # 2192) on :
I'm up to 14k words, which puts me very slightly ahead of schedule.

And I'm having fun - the words are coming easily, and I keep wanting to write way more than I have time to do. Usually it's a more painful process than this.

Posted by MaryRobinette (Member # 1680) on :
Oh, missing kitty is plenty of distraction. It's great to see everyone doing so well. I'm at 17,859, but my distraction will arrive on Thursday. I doubt that I'll be able to maintain this pace then.
Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
I'm at 14,066. I was grimly determined to break 14k no matter how late I had to stay up. Turns out it took me until 2:30 am, but once again I didn't really get started until about midnight. I've been very tired in the early evening lately, but if I push through I usually get my second wind about midnight, and can write for quite a while then.

I've had my character have a couple of really interesting dreams that I didn't know he was having until they started appearing on the page. So far I had enough planned ahead of time that there haven't been many surprises, so I was glad to see them.

Posted by shadowynd (Member # 2077) on :
Good morning, all, and may I say you are all doing fantastic! Way to start off week 2!!

Christine, so glad your puss-cat is safe and back home again. I myself have three totally indoor, very sheltered cats, and I know I would be panicked if any of them escaped into the outside world!

Autumnmuse: Thank God your baby wasn't hurt!

All of you, keep up the great work on your word count! Try to get a bit ahead of your goal, if you can. That way you budget time for emergencies, or just plain old relaxation.



Posted by GZ (Member # 1374) on :
Just passed the 20K mark at 21246. Looking forward to hitting the half way mark. I can almost smell it from here. I'm getting a bit punchy about the whole thing, hard to start in, somehow things get moving about 1500 words into a session. Then it gets easier to run the quota over a bit.

Maybe week two really is all they say it is in terms of being the hard week... I think I'm just still a bit off since I lost a bit of my word count pad over the weekend. The pad made me very happy!


Posted by punahougirl84 (Member # 1731) on :
I wonder if all our crises are a result of the stress pervading the air (Autumnmuse - I'm so relieved about your baby - and totally sympathize about the feelings you must have had in front of the others - when mine were younger my son had a PT who came to visit - I was carrying Gil down the stairs, and FELL, sliding down, and he did a somersault around my arm and hit the floor, all while the PT watched. I never fall down stairs - not since Senior Prom! My head was hurt, my pride was hurt, and Gil was just fine according to the PT.).

I hit 18,198 earlier today, but had to stop to do things like clean and go to a meeting.

I think I need to make my new goal to catch up with GZ, just once ;-)

Posted by Jules (Member # 1658) on :
I'm lagging a little behind you folks at ~18,200 now.

But I've written the climax of Part 1, and am into the beginning of Part 2 which is flowing a little more quickly.


Posted by Robyn_Hood (Member # 2083) on :
33 1/3%! That's where you should be by the stroke of midnight tonight.

So what does that mean exactly? Well, 16,667 words will put you at the one third word count if your novel is going to 50,000 words.

There is no rule that you can't write more.

Congratulations to everyone who is ahead of schedule. If you have a different set of goals, I hope you're meeting them. And if your stuck, want help brainstorming, need encouragement (or a task master ), don't forget you can always ping someone from the NaNo buddies thread.

You're getting there!

Posted by franc li (Member # 3850) on :
I have to say the Hatrackers thread on nanowrimo is one of the places I go when I need a humility booster, i.e. there's always several people ahead of me there.
Posted by Jules (Member # 1658) on :
Well, I've broken 20,000. This means I'm now well and truly in the middle (I'm even in the middle of part 2 of my story by now, at 3,000 words of about 20,000 for that part).
Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
Last night I stopped at 18,667. I am cruising along at 2000+ a night, and contrary to expectations, week 2 is going easier than week one for me. Let's see how I do tonight!
Posted by Robyn_Hood (Member # 2083) on :
Congratulations to everyone who is keeping up or ahead of schedule.
(I better stop with wave or I'll make myself seasick )!

Keep the updates coming. I was over at NaNo this morning and checked out the status of some of y'all. Keep up the effort.

If things are going slow, don't worry. Keep working at it. Writing a novel in one month is a daunting task but if it gets you writing, even a little bit, go with it. If the pressure to finish by the end of the month is too much, then forget about it and just keep writing until it's done (even if it takes a year or two or ten ). Do what you can through NaNo and then just keep writing.

Only 20 days left to go...

[This message has been edited by Robyn_Hood (edited November 11, 2004).]

Posted by Beth (Member # 2192) on :
I love having an official cheerleader!

I took last night off so I'm right at 15k - but I am planning on writing approximately one million words today, and getting ahead a little.

Posted by Jules (Member # 1658) on :

Someone on another board I hang around on started off the month with a 20,000 word day.

Yes, you read that right.

Posted by GZ (Member # 1374) on :
I saw that, Jules. Zette, right? From Forward Motion. Wow. Just Wow. How did she keep her fingers from falling off. And keep that up to write like 100k in 10 days!

I passed the half-way mark tonight (WC = 26059). Whoo-Hoo! And got a new idea that helped flesh out the middle that had been dragging the last couple of days! New energy. I love it!

Thanks, all you great cheerleaders out there, and fellow NaNo participants! I love the Yay waves!


Posted by shadowynd (Member # 2077) on :
I'll even add a hearty CONGRATULATIONS to those who are behind, but still plugging gamely away. Even attempting this feat is an accomplishment to be highly lauded! Keep up the good work, try to slip in a few days with some extra writing so that you can try and catch up a little. Don't worry so much about competing with others; just give it your personal best!

To those of you that are up to snuff or ahead of the game, WOOHOO!!

We're proud of ALL of you that are attempting NaNo, no matter where you are with your word count!


[This message has been edited by shadowynd (edited November 11, 2004).]

Posted by Beth (Member # 2192) on :
I think it was zette, yeah. I'm just amazed that anyone can write that much. I've had a few days where I did 7 or 8k (in previous years) but by the end I've been weird and shaky and wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. I can't even imagine 20k all at once.

I am just short of 20k total, myself.

Posted by Jules (Member # 1658) on :
Of course that was zette. I seriously doubt anyone else did that.
Posted by punahougirl84 (Member # 1731) on :
Well, Wednesday was good, and I was keeping pace at 20,158 words. But yesterday, not so much. My husband had the day off, so we went on a shopping trip for coats that yielded nothing for the babies. Then the babies developed colds. Then I finished a book instead of catching up on classwork. So I spent my NaNo time catching up on classwork (editing a scene from my fantasy novella to post, critiquing other drafts). It was 10:30pm before I could write, and I realized with dread that my mcs would be exploring one world in depth, instead of hopping to different ones, and I needed a map so I could figure out where they were going!

So now I have a map with features, but still need to name the territories. I had already, before November, done a world-building table, so I know about the society and geography, but needed some names.

I wrote less than 100 words for NaNo yesterday. I'm shooting for more today - rainy and cold should inspire words, so I'm hoping the kidlets just relax quietly today.

I'm not a happy camper, but I'm sure I'll do better today. Hope you all have a productive Friday!

Posted by Beth (Member # 2192) on :
At 20k you're slightly ahead, still, even with taking the day off. At 1667/day, today should end at 20,004 - no worries.

I don't worry too much about naming stuff in the first draft. My piece is full of clever names like "Guard1" and "LameBoyfriend" which I just go through and replace in the rewrite.

Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
It seems like every time I make a positive post something negative happens the next day, keeping me on a roller coaster. I'll finally catch up again and be raring to zoom off into the distance, then something breaks down and I fall behind again.

Last night as I was heading to the computer to write, a migraine came out of nowhere and knocked me out for the count. So I spent the evening in a haze of pain, no room for thoughts of any description much less the ability to work on my novel. I feel fine this morning, (knock on wood) so we'll see how well I do tonight.

Posted by Robyn_Hood (Member # 2083) on :
All right. You're almost there, only three and a half days to the halfway point.

If you reach 25,000 words before midnight on Monday on the 15th, take a well deserved break.

Everyone is working so hard, it is exciting to see the progress you are making collectively.

And you know, I don't think it matters how long it takes you to write a 50,000 word story, when you get to the halfway point, it can feel a bit like a mid-life crisis! O.K. I'll admit I'm too young to have experienced my own mid-life crisis, but I have experienced the middle of a 50,000 word story and I don't think the analogy is too far off .

I think it was just before the 25,000 mark and then a few chapters after the 25,000 mark that I felt a bit stalled. I knew what needed to happen leading up to the middle and what needed to happen for the end of the story, but the inbetween stuff seemed a bit hazy. It's been a while since I did the actual writing, but I know stopped for a while and had to try sorting things out a bit before I could continue.

I don't know if anyone else has had this type of experience, or if you are experiencing it now with NaNo, BUT if you are, don't panic. You still have lots of time to work through plot twists and characterization. There are times when you need to force yourself to write, but there are other times when you may have to sleep on it for a night. Sometimes if you take a break and work through it in your mind first, sitting down to write it out will be that much easier and yield that much more for both content and word count.

To everyone, have a great weekend and let us know if you make the halfway point by Monday night.

Posted by GZ (Member # 1374) on :
Migraines and sick kids and homework, Oh My!

You guys are still doing fabulous!!!

[This message has been edited by GZ (edited November 12, 2004).]

Posted by Robyn_Hood (Member # 2083) on :
I'm off for the weekend. Good writing and I'll be back to harass you on Monday.
Posted by rickfisher (Member # 1214) on :

I think your migraine was a mystical way of absorbing the blow to your baby's head. So you get the migraine and she wasn't hurt. Good job!

I rolled off a pingpong table when I was a baby and landed on my head. Nobody was thoughtful enough to get a migraine for me. I still get them myself.

I don't even know why I'm posting on this thread. I'm not doing NaNo. I'm only editing this month. But I'm about 55,000 words through, and hope to hit 81,000 by the end of next week!

Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
Well, made it to 21,091 tonight. I am on track to finish by the end of the month, but I was really hoping to get done early. I'll keep trying to write over quota each day, but either way at least I'm making progress, right? I finally finished the whole murder/sentencing bit. That took me the last several days.
Posted by shadowynd (Member # 2077) on :
I shall be on today only sporadically, or more likely not again until late tonight. I will be eager to see how everyone has done today, though, as soon as I can log on. It IS exciting that we are approaching the half-way point!!

I hope the demons of distraction will stay away from one and all this weekend, and you can all concentrate on meeting your goal of 25k for the halfway mark.

I'll be thinking of each and every one of you today while I am cooking my heart out for a local gathering. Keep up the absolutely splendid job you have all been doing!!

See you tonight!


Posted by Merlin (Member # 2203) on :
I am doing NaNoWriMo and I hit 25,000 today! I have a word count of 28,582 right now.

Sounds like you are all doing very well.

Posted by punahougirl84 (Member # 1731) on :
I'm also doing the Half-Way-Happy-Dance at 25, 418!!!

Thanks for the support people sent me - it helped. I hosted a write-in at the local Borders, so six of us wrote and drank coffee and snacked in companionable competition.

Onward and upward (with the word count),

Posted by shadowynd (Member # 2077) on :
By gosh you all make me proud to be a part of this group! And I certainly now want to participate next year. You are doing so splendidly, every one of you!

Those who are not yet to the halfway point, no worries, you've all day today to accomplish that. I KNOW you can do it!!

I'll be holding my breath (figuratively, at least) waiting to hear reports from the rest of you, hopefully tonight!

You can do it, you can do it, you can do it, you can do it!



Posted by Beth (Member # 2192) on :
I hit midpoint yesterday! Got into a challenge with another writer and we both got a lot done.
Posted by GZ (Member # 1374) on :
Looks like I've clocked in at 31008 for the end of the weekend and the end of week two. Apparently at least one day a weekend, I do a light day. That's been just how it's worked out, but probably a good idea to keep burnout at bay.

Congrats to all those hitting the half-way mark *Happy Dance with you*

Posted by punahougirl84 (Member # 1731) on :
28,121, and vowing to go to bed before 2am!

Go GZ - that is so amazing! I was just glad to catch up to my 2K-a-day goal. . .

Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
Well, I feel like I am dropping a bit behind. Didn't even make 1k yesterday; the wee one woke and put paid to any plans I had. Argh. But I'm optimistic and working on it tonight.

I've had a bit of a disturbing revelation; my plot isn't really long enough, or I'm not fleshing it out enough, or something. So I've decided to create a handful of new characters on a parallel plotline that travels throughout the novel, until they connect with each other past the halfway point.

This makes me quite nervous because the idea that I've had for years had gotten quite comfortable and kind of claimed the whole couch to itself, and doesn't know how to feel about a newcomer suddenly invited to the living room.

But hey, winging it works in other areas of my life, why not for a major work of fiction that I fully intend to have published? Heh heh.

Posted by MaryRobinette (Member # 1680) on :
I hit the halfway mark yesterday, despite the fact that my husband has arrived in Iceland. I'm managing to write a few words a day and hope I'll still finish on time. Congrats to everyone else on the half-way dance!

26429 and counting.

Posted by Jules (Member # 1658) on :
Wow. Two record setting days in a row. I now have nearly 30,000 words.
Posted by Robyn_Hood (Member # 2083) on :
Sounds like everyone is doing well. Only a few more hours to the official halfway point.

Keep up the great work!

Edit at end of day: If you happen to live in Alaska or Hawaii (or there abouts ) you have nine hours remaining to get to the halfway point!

I think everyone is pretty well there, so keep on writing!

[This message has been edited by Robyn_Hood (edited November 15, 2004).]

Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
Had a good day yesterday. I had a personal record of 3k in one sitting. I know some of you do that all the time, but I never have before, so that's my little accomplishment!
I also am finally past the halfway mark, though still a little bit behind. If I can have another day like last night it would help significantly.

Word count: 25,564

Also I realized I didn't have nearly enough plot so over the past two days I've nearly doubled the characters and added a couple plot twists. It's going much better now that I've done that, before I felt the story was too simplistic and linear, and I didn't think I could squeeze 50k out of it. Now I should have no problems reaching that, and then some. Yay!

Posted by Beth (Member # 2192) on :
that's great, autumnmuse!
Posted by Robyn_Hood (Member # 2083) on :
I was just over at NaNo checking on some word counts and looking at the message boards. It looks like everyone is trying to hang in there and doing a pretty good job of it.

Well, we're halfway through week three, another week and you should be getting ready for the home stretch.

Posted by punahougirl84 (Member # 1731) on :
Well, I haven't caught up with GZ, but 34,237 isn't too bad. I wrote a fun dream sequence as I needed to do something at a point where I stalled - kidnapped by aliens is good, right? I even posted it, which I wasn't sure about because it was sort of a, mmm, erotic kind of scene - nothing explicit, but, well, hmmm - ahh, think I need to get on the road again!
Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
Oh frabjous day! Callooh Callay! She chortled in her joy . . .

I've just broken 30 grand, and everthing is going maahvelous, darling. A character who was just born in my brain three days ago is quickly stealing the show, and has fallen in love with the wrong guy, but it is soooo right!! At the beginning of the night it was a struggle just to pound out two hundred words, and then I realized what was going on and the floodgates opened. Yippee! hopefully this euphoria will last for the rest of the month, although I am a bit like Anne of Green Gables: either in the "depths of despair" or "sailing over the mountains of the moon."

Here's to happy sailing, everybody!<raises a mythical glass filled with the alcoholic beverage of your choice>

[This message has been edited by autumnmuse (edited November 18, 2004).]

Posted by Jules (Member # 1658) on :
Finished part 2, and am now up to 31,945 words. But I'm stalled. I think I should have outlined this, 'cause I really don't know what I need to do to get part 3 rolling.


Posted by Jules (Member # 1658) on :
33,139. Still going, but down to about 400 words per hour now. I will get through it and back into a section I know how to write, though.
Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
I just thought I'd give you an update. This has been a roller coaster week emotionally. My husband's boss told him on Wednesday that we couldn't go to London, and then yesterday he changed his mind asnd said we could go. Aside from costing us an extra $100 because we cancelled our hotel reservations, this has gotten me supremely behind in my word count because I thought (for a little while) that I had a whole extra week. I am at 36k now, and during the last two days of the month I will have to write 7k words each day. I think I can do it, but I may not be very social and I'm not checking my e-mail or message boards starting tomorrow while I'm on vacation so I'll let you guys now on November 30th if I managed to get through this challenge or not.

I wish you all the best of luck!

Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :


Posted by shadowynd (Member # 2077) on :
We're still here, Christine, and still pulling for all of you! I haven't been posting much lately, but have been diligently checking for updates each day, and cheering for each and every one of you. I couldn't be prouder of all of you if you were my own young'uns!!

Christine, sounds like you've a hard road ahead, but if anyone can do it, you can! Instead of having to do 7k words for a few days, why not try to do a few thousand extra every day until you leave? Don't forget, you can write on the plane trip, too! What else are you going to do, after all? I'm sure there will be somewhere in London that you can get online and update your word count.

And.. enjoy London! Happy Thanksgiving, even if you do celebrate it with steak and kidney pie and yorkshire pudding! *G*



Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
I've noticed that as this progresses there have been a dwindling of posts on all the forums I'm following, so it's not just here. Maybe that means people are working too hard to goof off, although personally I never work too hard for that!

Had a good night last night. On the Nanowrimo forums there was a 10 minute challenge: how many words could you write in ten minutes. I did that over and over until before I knew it I had over 3000 words, and in half the time I usually spend writing. I think I'll repeat that for a while. You guys may want to try it as well. It's very simple. Just write down the number of words after 10 minutes, and try to beat that in the next 10. I actually seemed to get worse on each successive attempt, but hey, I still got a lot done. Am at the 35k mark, 70% of the goal of 50k. Although it's not looking like I'll be done at 50. I think I'll try to wrap up the story arc anyway so I can feel a sense of accomplishment, then come January during the rewrite I plan to hack everything to pieces and put it all back together quite a bit longer anyway. I'm loving the feeling of meeting immediate goals, instead of just "someday" I'll write my novel.

You guys are awesome cheerleaders, and that always helps! Keep on keeping on, everyone.

[This message has been edited by autumnmuse (edited November 20, 2004).]

Posted by GZ (Member # 1374) on :
I'm at 41297 (whoo-hoo for crossing 40k) going into the weekend (Haven't starting any writting yet today). It would be so spiffy to get everything wrapped up this weekend with the end so in sight like that, but that's probably very unrealistic. Before Thanksgiving though, I'm pretty sure.

I'll be having to crunch stuff to get the end to be at 50k. I'm writing in little notes of where I want to be sure and go back and fill in.

Posted by Phanto (Member # 1619) on :
autumn: For a second, I thought you had 3,000 in 10 minutes! :P
Posted by Beth (Member # 2192) on :
I basically write using the 10-minute challenge methodology, except I work in half-hour chunks usually.

I can type a ton of words in 30 minutes but it seems to take me a while to gear up to do that, so I don't think I'm any faster than most people, overall.

But I like the race against the clock aspect, because it's just one more way to distract the internal editor.

Posted by MaryRobinette (Member # 1680) on :
I hit 36,051 words last night. I'm feeling pretty good about my progress considering that I'm trying to fit my writing into tiny holes of time. Between work and Rob visiting I don't have much time, but I think I might actually hit 50,000 by the end.
Posted by shadowynd (Member # 2077) on :
Autumnmuse, Beth: great idea! I'll have to file that away for myself for next year. Hopefully I'll be joining the ranks of brave souls then. *g*

GZ: WOW!! You are *really* close!! You're an inspiration to us all!

MaryRobinette: Your husband being there is a HUGE distraction (but a wonderful one! *G*). You are doing an absolutely awesome job, considering. Keep it up, I know you'll make it! Hey, what do the Icelanders think about our Thanksgiving holiday? Are you talking about it? It's this coming Thursday, in case you've kind of lost track of it, there at the top of the world.

We haven't heard from some folks in a while... Reports, please! C'mon, let us cheer you on!



Posted by Merlin (Member # 2203) on :
I just made it to 50,000! Now I can rest for a little bit and find out what is going to happen next, before I go ahead and barrel through the rest of it.
Posted by GZ (Member # 1374) on :
Way to go Merlin!

I'm at 48072. Tomorrow... Tomorrow I too with cross the NaNo finish line... And then keep going, 'cause the story isn't done yet, and I suck at smooshing it into just 50k.

<Happy Dance Going On>

Posted by Rahl22 (Member # 1411) on :
Just wanted to say congrats to everyone for doing so well.

Oh, and to say that this is now the longest thread

Posted by MaryRobinette (Member # 1680) on :
Woo-hoo Merlin and GZ!

With no Thanksgiving or Halloween to distract them, and with a Christmas that starts thirteen days before ours, the holliday decorations have been up for weeks now. Somehow, it seems more appropriate than having Christmas wreathes jostling for attention with pumpkins.

Posted by shadowynd (Member # 2077) on :
GZ and Merlin: Most wondermous!!! You'll both have something to be thankful for this week, yes?

The challenge was to accomplish 50k by month's end; No one said you had to *stop* there! *VBG*

MaryRobinette: I know what you mean. They put up the Christmas decorations in town last week (though the stores have been stocked since.. yup, since before Halloween). I just had to roll my eyes! I can still remember when Christmas stuff stayed tucked away in the dark recesses of storage until after Thanksgiving. Eep! I'm probably giving away my age! *G*

Keep up the great work writing, MR. Even if you don't have turkey on Thursday, you've still got tons for which to be thankful!

My posts will be sporadic for the next few days as hubby is going into the hospital for some "scheduled repairs & maintenance". Hopefully he'll be out by T'giving. I WILL still be checking NaNo reports here every day, though!

Keep plugging away, one and all. I'll be rooting for you!


Posted by NewsBys (Member # 1950) on :
Wow, I had not read this thread lately. You guys are doing great! I'll try to catch it next year.

FYI - Since I'm involved with the Salvation Army Angel Tree, just wanted to speak up in favor of early Christmas stuff.
The deadline to turn in gifts for less fortunate kids is December 7, 2004. To get the angels "adopted" in time, we have to put the Angel trees up by November 1, 2004.
I couldn't believe some of the negative, rude and mean comments I got while putting up the tree, even when I tried to explain that the tree had to go up early because of the deadline. People acted like I was spray painting graffiti or something, instead of trying to help out underprivileged kids.


Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
It's an inevitable result of the commercialization of Christmas that the traditional symbols of the holiday have become signatures of greed and rapaciousness, particularly when seen in the "buying season" rather than the "holiday season".

Don't let it get you down, the fact that people react so strongly against seeing Christmas icons out of season is actually a good thing. It means that they are more likely to be open to the idea that Christmas is about giving rather than buying. Of course, the rudeness and such aren't so good, we would all prefer polite queries to hostile comments. But think how much more valuable such obsticles make your service

Posted by Robyn_Hood (Member # 2083) on :
Oh my goodness! I've been sick for a few days and was unable to check in on all the fabulous achievements out there.

If you're close to - or past - 50,000, an extra whoo-hoo and yee-haw!!!!

By now everyone should be heading into the homestretch: less than 9 nine days to go. At the end of today you should hopefully be close to 37,400 words. Wow! That in itself is an accomplishment. Hang in there, the finish line is in sight!

Posted by punahougirl84 (Member # 1731) on :
Well, I'm behind in my class, and in following forums, threads, and all kinds of things. I didn't NaNo at all on Saturday - had to spend the whole day shopping for my husband's family, since all of a sudden Thanksgiving will be on the Saturday after, and will also be when we do Christmas/Hannukah, and three birthdays.

I couldn't even face the computer.

So yesterday it was back to work, and I hit 40,201. Only 2K behind my personal goal, but still, I really wanted to hit that so I could be done by Turkey Day! I'm so excited for everyone who has finished or is close to it - we are doing an amazing job!!!

Ok, back to the real writing (I wanna count my posts for wordcount too!!!).


Posted by mikemunsil (Member # 2109) on :
I am so impressed. You guys are amazing.

Say, since I'm so quantity-challenged, is there a para-NaNoWriMo for people like me? Perhaps a NaShoStoWriMo? Or even a NaFlaFicWriDay? A NaZipCoWriMin?

Keep after it, power-writers.

Posted by GZ (Member # 1374) on :


Wow. Just Wow.

I'm not sure what happened, and I can only hope I can keep it going. I would have always said before I was quantity challenged. Past experience would have indicated as much. But something about giving myself over to the NaNo craziness just opened something up.

<Very Happy>

And A big Yeppie for everybody else NaNoing here at Hatrack too. Ya'll are doing great! Keep Going, the finish line is in sight! That last 10k is like nothing...


Posted by Beth (Member # 2192) on :
YAY GZ!!!!!!!
Posted by shadowynd (Member # 2077) on :
mikemunsil: "NaShoStoWriMo"? Isn't that what our monthly challenges are? Well, okay, so they aren't national... but they should be! *G*

Just keep participating in those!!


Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
Well, the past week has continued the roller coaster trend. I have had several exciting days wherein I wrote tons and discovered much about my characters and plot. Yesterday and today however, I am once again mired in a hopeless cess pool from which I fear I may never emerge. I no longer can see the ending, I have no idea how my characters connect with each other; in short I am at a loss. But, this has happened once before, a week ago, and I came through it alright, so here's hoping I can do so again.

I am at 40,000. Once more into the breach!

Posted by Beth (Member # 2192) on :
I am behind, at about 32k. I just haven't been able to get myself to start working lately. I don't know why; I've got the time and I like my project. I'm just unwilling to jump in and start typing for some reason.

Well, today I'm leaving for Thanksgiving. I always get a lot of writing done on a plane for some reason! Maybe I'll catch up. But if anyone sees my lost motivation, please send it back to me.

Posted by mikemunsil (Member # 2109) on :
Congratulations GZ! You've done what I cannot. Excellent!

Well, actually, you've all done what I cannot. I hereby humbly bow in your general direction. Well, as humbly as I get, anyway.

[This message has been edited by mikemunsil (edited November 23, 2004).]

Posted by Jules (Member # 1658) on :
I'm up to 45k. The finishing line is in sight.

Then I'll just have the other ~40k words to write.

Posted by Jules (Member # 1658) on :

I've just downloaded my certificate.

Posted by Robyn_Hood (Member # 2083) on :
Congratulations Jules and GZ and anyone else who has crossed into the winners circle already!
This wave is for you!!!

For those of you not quite there, keep pushing forward. You're all very brave souls for attempting this, and you are now so close to the end. There will be plenty of time to procrastinate in December!

Posted by franc li (Member # 3850) on :
I won! My story isn't finished, I don't think. But I have a moderate degree of closure.

P.S. And now that I'm done with the Nano contest, I don't have to follow rules like not using prior writing. (such as my landmarks on the BFFAC) Woot!

[This message has been edited by franc li (edited November 27, 2004).]

Posted by Beth (Member # 2192) on :
congratulations to jules and franc li! you two are ROCK STARS.

I am only 8,500 words away from the finish line. I'm going to try to polish it off by midnight Sunday.


Posted by punahougirl84 (Member # 1731) on :
Doing the happy dance and dripping tears of joy as I crossed the line this evening and got my BOOK, oh my, MY BOOK, validated!!!

I actually still have a few pages to finish in the last chapter, but I was so excited I went and got validated at 50,258.

Congrats GZ, Jules, MaryRobinette, and anyone else!!!


Posted by MaryRobinette (Member # 1680) on :
I crossed the finish line last night around 10:00! 50,139 words at the end of Chapter Twenty-four. I think I have three-four chapters left to write. Woo-hoo!
Posted by mikemunsil (Member # 2109) on :
Wow! Now I'm all, like, dripping envy. In puddles. Gonna have to block out next November, and spend the time till then learning how to type faster!

Well done!

Member posted September 16, 2004 12:55 PM

I'm planning on doing the NaNoWriMo too, but I've had problems writing since I got out to Iceland so it's a little more frightening than before.

The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself, of bugabears and things that go Bump! in the night: of the dreaded "No operating system found.", the endless whir of hard drives seeking, seeking, and the headlines "Multiple suicides sweep the Nation! NaNoWriMo site self-destructs under the onsluaght of purple prose! Reykjavik residents stunned as a lithe woman clad only in a strange-looking belt runs through the streets waving a hard drive in the air, screaming "It fried! It fried! It's not my fault!"!

[This message has been edited by mikemunsil (edited November 29, 2004).]

Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
I'm back! I'm sorry but I don't have time to look back over the conversation I missed so you'll just have to hit the highlights for me if anything really interesting happened. In any case, I've got 14k more words to complete and I sure hope I can do it.
Posted by Beth (Member # 2192) on :
14k in two days is by no means impossible! Just keep typing.

I'm at 46k. Almost done. I thought I was going to finish it off last night but I have a stupid cold and just want to go to bed.


Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
Aargh! The fates have been conspiring against me. My parents didn't give me any free time to get typing done, so I started to get scared but thought, "No, no, I've still got time." I get home and get a whopper migraine that lasts from Friday to Sunday night, and in tandem with that, my baby has developed a habit of waking up every couple hours while at my parent's house.

So, the end result is I still need 9,000 words, I have no idea how to tie up all my plot points and make the end of the book work, I have things happening until 10pm tonight which I can't get out of, and basically that leaves me with a little time tonight and tomorrow to finish, assuming my little one and my head do not explode.


But, I may yet make it!

Posted by MaryRobinette (Member # 1680) on :
Don't feel like you need to tie up the loose ends! Just type, type, type. You can do it!

Go Christine! Go autumnmuse! Go Beth! The finish line awaits. And remember, you have till 4am PST on December 1 to get it validated. You can sleep after that.

[This message has been edited by MaryRobinette (edited November 29, 2004).]

Posted by GZ (Member # 1374) on :
Contgrats Jules, Mary, and punahougirl84!

autumnmuse, Beth, Christine...
You're almost there! Write, Write, Write!!!!!

Don't worry if everything doesn't tie up just so. Just type like there's no tomorrow!

[This message has been edited by GZ (edited November 29, 2004).]

Posted by Warbric (Member # 2178) on :
I can empathize with the migraine woes, autumnmuse. Mine struck me yesterday and today, and here I'm already a day behind going into Sunday morning. A couple of sessions sandwiched between a couple of very long naps seemed to help some. I might even finish tonight, if I can hang in here and the meds can hold the banging in my head at bay.

Edit: Just staggered over the finish line and collapsed in joyous exhaustion. Congratulations to all who preceded me in crossing over that line and all who are right on my heels about to cross it yet.

Now to let it cool off for a little while and go on to outline the first and third novels that bookend this one before I tackle any rewriting chores (it needs much!) fleshing out a number of chapters I made an effort at before bypassing for the ones that were ready to be written first, and fix that shoddy, cliched working title.

[This message has been edited by Warbric (edited November 29, 2004).]

Posted by bladeofwords (Member # 2132) on :
I did it! I haven't posted in so long because it feels like all I've been doing it writing. I just finished. I wrote 8k in two days. I reached 2k (my daily quota) and just thought, "what the hell" I'll go for it. I feel so relieved. I did it. That's all I can think right now. I did it. That's probably one of the hardest things I've done in...a really long time, maybe ever. I told people I was going to do it, they said I was crazy. but I DID IT! What now? I mean they'll still think I'm crazy, but hey...I pulled it off and now I'm like...more of a novelist than before.


Posted by Robyn_Hood (Member # 2083) on :
Congrats to all of you who have just crossed the 50,000 mark.

Only 15 Hours, 22 Minutes and 59...58...57...AHHHHHHH!!!!!

Get Writing!

Posted by Beth (Member # 2192) on :
50K, baby.

Nowhere near done with the story, and there's a staggering amount of rework that needs to be done once I do finish it.




Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
I have to concede defeat on this one. I'm still really proud, with about 41,000 words, but unfortunately didn't quite make it past the finish line. Being the mother of an infant was just a bit too much of a hurdle for me, she's been kinda sick the past couple days and waking up nearly hourly. So, knowing that circumstances beyond my control were the cause helps me feel a little better; at least I didn't slack off.

I fully intend to do it again, and keep writing in the meantime.

Hurrah to everyone who made it! And also to people who at least tried! I still ended up writing a ton more than I ever have before.

Posted by GZ (Member # 1374) on :
Congrats Beth, bladeofwords, and Warbric on hitting the big 50K!!!!

And way to go autumnmuse! 41k isn't anything to laugh at!

It's been a very productive month here at Hatrack...


Posted by shadowynd (Member # 2077) on :
Congratulations to all of you that made your goal on NaNo! Autumnmuse, you have EVERY right to be proud!! 41k is a phenomenal accomplishment in its own right!

Sorry I was unable to cheer you all to the finish line: my computer chose this rather inopportune time to die. Bleh!

Armed with a brand new laptop, I am back again and congratulating all that participated in NaNo this year, even if a bit late.

Cheers all, happy rewriting and editing, and here's to next year! *G*


Posted by punahougirl84 (Member # 1731) on :
And armed with that brand new lap top, you'll be able to join us, right???!!!


Posted by shadowynd (Member # 2077) on :
Lee, by next November, this laptop will be o-o-o-o-old!!!

But I *do* hope to participate next year! *G*


Posted by franc li (Member # 3850) on :
I did finish my novel, like that actual story, Dec 1. But now I'm trying to decide whether to get rid of a few characters.
Posted by Jules (Member # 1658) on :
My story still isn't finished, although I've written the climax to one of the major plotlines. Now I just have to get a couple of characters out of the fix that the climax has left them in, and then deal with the consequences of a few of them having disobeyed orders to help the MC. Discharge & exile, I think.

Posted by MaryRobinette (Member # 1680) on :
I just finished writing the last chapter of my NaNoWriMo effort! Hurrah! Dancing for everyone! 59,625 words. Thirty-one chapters. Yay, yay, yay!
Posted by rickfisher (Member # 1214) on :
My dear Mrs. Kowal,

It's about time.

Mr. Fisher

Posted by Jules (Member # 1658) on :
Looks like I forgot to post when I finished mine, on dec 31, shortly before hitting the bubbly stuff.

It made it to about 65k words in the end. I'll probably start work on the second draft some time in the next few months.


Posted by MaryRobinette (Member # 1680) on :
Yay Jules! Perfect timing on the finish line.
Posted by GZ (Member # 1374) on :
Alas, I haven't written a single word more on mine. The end of Nov. and all of Dec. ended up being really busy for me. I have started reading back through what I wrote and making notes about what needs to be expanded and repaired.

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