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Posted by GZ (Member # 1374) on :
So I submitted to Cricket magazine in late October. Their guidelines say allow 12 weeks for a reply. Okay. So I'm still waiting about 15 weeks later, although in all fairness it did include the holiday season.

This is fine, there's no rush other than my own impatence to collect another rejection letter, but at some point if they don't reply I plan to send a poliet query and SASE to see what happend (Still thinking? Reply lost in mail? Never saw the story?). But how long after the stated reading period is it good form to wait?

See, I never have this problem with F&SF. Seven days, baring mail holidays, every time. Those people are a rejecting machine, which I actually rather appreciate. Who wouldn't rather hear sooner than later?

Posted by SiliGurl (Member # 922) on :
They are a rejecting machine, aren't they? Lost count of what they've sent me...

Anyway, my own take, is that I usually add 1 month to any timeframe and then I consider the story/item fair game again to resend. I don't query the magazine, I just go ahead and send the story out to others.

Posted by lindsay (Member # 1741) on :
I don't think it would be wrong, rude or bad form for you to contact them. They've stated their guidelines, and you've followed those guidelines. They're running a business, as are you.

There have been times I've even picked up the phone and made a call to ask about the status of a proposal. Sometimes I get no further than a receptionist saying they don't take calls about submissions, and other times I've actually talked to an editor and a good give-and-take conversation ensued.

Again, writing (to be published) is a business and we writers must treat it as such. In the corporate world, if we sent someone a proposal we'd follow up on that project, managing it from the creative beginning to the negotiating end.

So, I always keep reminding myself that what we writers offer the publishing world is a huge part of what publishers need to keep churning out their own payrolls. You've worked hard on your proposal, you've studied their market and you've made a pitch. A professional follow-up is very much A-OK in my opinion.


Posted by Gen (Member # 1868) on :
If you want an idea of what they generally run on submission response (as opposed to what they say they run), you can check out the response time database over at Cricket's averaging 121 days with 9 data points (other markets have much more reliable data, sadly). Compared to F&SF's 10 day average, not incredible, but who is?

I don't feel like there's anything wrong with querying. There probably is something wrong with waiting *two years* to hear back on a story, for that matter.

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