"Wizard's Bane" The story takes place in a world of magic, except the hero is summoned from modern earth, an expert programmer, who revolutionizes the magic of this fantasy world with his skills. You won't find anything truly original here, and no deep humanization or philosophical stuff, and not too much technical details about computer languages. Yet it's enjoyable to read, very light reading.
"Sisters of Glass" Set in a futuristic earth, where the corporations like "Genesistems" rule the world, and rich people (some worth over a hundred trillions) have downloaded themselves. Genesistems has taken DNA extracts from women who standardize beauty, and enchanced, spliced, recoded, etc the new genes into the perfect women, called "sisters" who are deemed less than humans because a little bit of animal genes have been added to their chromosome make-up, so that these "sisters" can be used for gentlemanly services. When the "sisters" start to get murdered by two different forces, the hero gets hired to protect one for some sort of trial. Alot of social commentary issues are prevalent that don't detract but enrich the story. The hero is very sympathetic. Good story to read.