First, in direct relation to my rejected story: Is a sci fi story with a heavy religious them a little taboo? Looking through the various magazines I have I very seldom find what I'd consider to be religious themes, and even more seldom are they a large part of the story. My story was quite religious (actually, I was very surprised when I was writing it and that popped out) and so I am wondering if that was an issue that I might want to hold off on till I have a little experience under my belt (hence, a publisher might be more willing to publish questionable work from a previously published author).
2) In direct relation to the submitting process: I know various people who also write. However whenever they submit a piece to a publisher they send the work to several publishers at the same time. I have seen a few mentions of this same practice on this board. However in the submission guidelines for every magazine I have found says that they don't accept stories that have been submitted to several places at once. Do I not understand the guidelines or is this something that since it isn't easy to enforce is often times ignored? (Specifically, it took 3 months to get a reply for my story. Trying to do this for each story and for each magazine could take 10 or so years just to get the same story to everyone)
3) More of a personal taste question. When I sent the story I paper clipped it. Would stapling it be more preferable to an editor? (Every little bit helps)
Thanks for any feedback you can give. Or any advice you are willing to impart.
Just a rejected
Silmultaneous submission is usually frowned upon in the field. Most respectable publishers would not want you to do this. This is usually just because if they like your story, they don't want to have to wonder if after spending all the time on it - if they might even get it at all, or even, be beat out by someone else's contract. Of course the process of sending a story to many publishers will take a long time, but in that time write and submit more stories. The more stories you have circulating, the better your chances are.
Never staple a manuscript. Rubber-bands and paperclips are fine.
As to your first question, I don't think that it's because the story is scifi with religious themes. I think you're more likely dealing with one of two things: 1) the actual story itself or 2) the right market. On the latter issue, you can have the absolutely BEST story around-- I mean, award winning stuff-- but if you send it to the wrong magazine, the wrong market, it's not going to be accepted. Make sure that you've studied their submission guidelines, are conversant on what the editor is looking for and likes, and that you've read cover to cover some of their recent issues. Make sure your market is right.
On the first issue, the story itself, that's a little harder. As brutal as it sounds, maybe there were issues/concerns with the story. Pacing, structure, narrative, plot, etc. Is it engaging? Does it actually tell a story? Does it mean anything, move the reader, etc? What distinguishes this story from the hundreds of others that editor receives each month? One rejection letter I received said that while the piece was extremely well crafted (great pacing, narrative, etc) it wasn't actually a STORY-- minimal conflict, no real change in the main character. It was well written, but not a story. In another rejection letter, I heard the same "well written" line, but was told that the basic character elements were "stock fantasy." Unoriginal. Well done, but unoriginal. Did the editor provide any feedback as to why it was rejected?
A great resource for you to explore how to improve your narrative-- to really examine the craft of your story-- is the Del Rey writing board. I think they have a free trial month (and FREE in the real sense of not having to provide any billing info up front). I don't get much out of them at this point, but they were invaluable when I first began my novel and generally, whenever I tackled short stories. You can check them out at
Good luck to you!
I have a healthy pile of rejections. It grows all the time. It will be all the sweeter when I sell something.
Understand that one rejection does not mean the story is trash, or that there is something wrong with it. Wouldn’t it be nice if everything we sent out got snatched up on the first try? It won’t.
As far as simultaneous submissions goes (this is sending it to more than one magazine at a time) you can avoid that by sending a query letter instead of sending the entire story. (unless of course the guide lines call for the entire story. By sending a query you will be able to send to several at a time and then have a better chance of finding a fit for the story. Most times when they say they do not accept work submitted elsewhere, they mean the whole work. Read carefully to make sure they did not mean previously published.
You also did not say what sort of a rejection you got. Most are form letters, many with a fill in the author’s name and story title spot. Do not take them personally. They are not personal. If the rejection addressed a specific concern, then take a good look at it. Specific concern is not, this story is not right for us. That means simply that at this time it is not right. It can also mean that you sent something they (just them) do not publish.
With magazines, it is important to read a few issues to determine if what you write fits with what they publish. Libraries often have issues you can read or check out. Also you should note that many magazines in their guidelines say, sample copies XX$. Send for the sample copy. It will save you a lot of headaches.
One rejection means nothing!
Good luck, and keep us posted!
That opinion aside, if they say no binding, then no binding it is. I don’t consider I’m in any position to argue. I just personally don’t understand. Bunches of loose paper lying around, even if they are name and numbered, seems like a great way to loose stuff.
As for rejection letters, I’ve taken the notion that they are symbols of being out there, proof that I put together the best story I could at the time and sent it out into the world. Can’t do more than that. For that reason I’ve been ridiculously happy with all the ones I’ve gotten (Not that I wouldn’t have been happier if they had been acceptance letters). Either that, or I’m just weird.
Looking at rejection letters for story feedback is not that useful though. For example, “Well-written, but I’ll pass,” the just of the first I got back on a new story recently, really doesn’t say that much. I can take the well-written part, say “Yeah! They had something good to say,” and start looking for another home to send it to. So don’t think that this one rejection is a sign that science fiction cannot have religious themes.
My advice: Look it over, dust off if needed, and stuff in another envelope and send it away again. No stapes, no simultaneous submissions unless ok in their guidelines.
Anyway, my personal plug published a previously published article of mine on dealing with rejection.
If interested it can be read at--