Hello. Brand new here. I have what might seem a stupid question, but I'm wondering what order I should read all the Ender books.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
The order in which they were written.
Posted by Guy Pearce (Member # 13560) on :
Hello. I guess I would have to look at the copyright dates for that. Ok. Thank you very much.
Posted by PanaceaSanans (Member # 13395) on :
Hi, Guy. This might help. OSC himself answered it, too.
Enjoy the reading, they are wonderful books.
Posted by Guy Pearce (Member # 13560) on :
Oh my. Thank you so much!! I wish I would have asked before now. Because I read Ender's game. Then Ender's Shadow. Then Ender in Exile. I'm about to start Speaker for the Dead. I love these books! Thanks again for the great info!!!
Posted by PanaceaSanans (Member # 13395) on :
I read Ender's Game, then Ender in Exile, then Speaker, Xenocide and CotM. Then the Shadow-Series. I am not overly fond of most of Ender in Exile, but I don't know whether that is due to the reading order... I did regret knowing of Achilles II before reading the Shadow-Series, which is why I would have advised leaving that one for later. But I loved the books nonetheless, so I'm sure you'll be alright.
How did you first "meet" Ender? The movie?
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
Okay, how about this for a reading order question though. Say you don't ever plan on reading (or re-reading) the bulk of the shadow series, but want to continue to read Ender's Shadow because you love it. Do you read Ender's Shadow right after Ender's Game or after you finish the whole Ender series? The latter keeps the Ender series together but then forces you to get back into a very different mindset and narrative when reading Ender's Shadow. Reading Shadow right after Ender's Game keeps the narrative/timeline/mindset cohesive, but creates a divide in the Ender story, following Ender, then Bean, then back to Ender. Of course, you can read Shadow first, and then all of the Ender books, but it feels weird not starting with Ender's Game for some reason. Or you can read Game and Shadow together, and separately do the whole Ender series, and keep the temporally distinct enough that they're separate reading endeavors. So?
Option 1: Game, Shadow, Speaker, Xenocide, Children
Option 3: Shadow, Game, Speaker, Xenocide, Children
Option 4: A) Game, Shadow B) Game, Speaker, Xenocide, Children
Posted by PanaceaSanans (Member # 13395) on :
I personally would choose option 3. When I read Shadow last year, I wanted to subsequently reread Ender's Game even though I had only read it a few month earlier, because I felt Shadow had added a valuable, different perspective. So I could definitely see myself rereading them in that order one day...
Posted by Traveler (Member # 3615) on :
I have always read them in the order written. Out of habit I've re-read them in that same order a number times... but I think next time I'll try them in chronological order: Ender's Shadow, Ender's Game, Shadow of the Hegemon, Shadow Puppets, Shadow of the Giant, Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, Children of the Mind.