This is topic Hatrack Gift Exchange 2015 (Done!) Appreciate feedback. in forum Books, Films, Food and Culture at Hatrack River Forum.

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Posted by JanitorBlade (Member # 12343) on :
Sept Edit: Orincoro: Have you received your gift? You are the only person unaccounted for. [Smile]

Quint Edit: Is there anybody who got missed?

Quad Edit: Report on your gifts as you receive them. [Smile]

Triple Edit: Please let me know when you have sent your gift. I will follow up with those who haven't sent theirs after Christmas. Don't be one of those people. [Smile]

Double Edit: You need to post your personal preferences so your secret gift giver has guidance on what to get you.

Edit: Invitations are closed. PM me your address.

So, it's been a few years since we've done this. Usually because December rolls around, I think about it, and then realize it's already too late to setup and execute. So I thought I'd gauge interest now. I'd like this year's gift exchange to be well organized and enjoyable for everybody. Past ones have been so much fun, and I hope they always will be.

I plan on seeing if we can't rope the Cards into this year's as well.

So! Who would like to participate this year?

[ February 29, 2016, 03:24 PM: Message edited by: JanitorBlade ]
Posted by Dogbreath (Member # 11879) on :
Sure, I'll participate. I bring the advantage of sending strange and wonderful gifts from the far off land of (deep, dusky voice) Hah-vaii-eee.

How does it work?
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I'd love to do this. It might be fun to challenge ourselves to send something you can only really find where you're located. Most everything people give these days is universally available. I'd love to both give and receive something you really have to travel to get.

Originally posted by Dogbreath:
Sure, I'll participate. I bring the advantage of sending strange and wonderful gifts from the far off land of (deep, dusky voice) Hah-vaii-eee.

How does it work?

If we're all giving theme gifts based on where we live, I hope you all like discarded car parts. The engineers at work leave them laying all over the place.
Posted by Eisenoxyde (Member # 7289) on :
I lurk here far more than anything, but I'd be up for this. It's a good thing I'm no longer in western North Dakota, there pretty much isn't anything up there worth sending. (Unless someone desperately wants some frac sand.)

Dog - what part of Hawaii are you in? My parents recently started their mission at the Polynesian Cultural Center.
Posted by Dogbreath (Member # 11879) on :
Originally posted by Eisenoxyde:
I lurk here far more than anything, but I'd be up for this. It's a good thing I'm no longer in western North Dakota, there pretty much isn't anything up there worth sending. (Unless someone desperately wants some frac sand.)

Dog - what part of Hawaii are you in? My parents recently started their mission at the Polynesian Cultural Center.

I live in Aiea - just east of Pearl Harbor/the Stadium, and about 30 miles south of the Polynesian Cultural Center. We've been there before (for a Luau), and head up that way occasionally to go on hikes or go see the turtles. I also used the testing center at BYU earlier this year, probably going to do so again to proctor an exam in January. (it's in the same area)

How do your parents like Hawaii so far?
Posted by Eisenoxyde (Member # 7289) on :
They're enjoying it for the most part. Their biggest complaint has been the high humidity and missing the autumn change in temperature compared to Colorado.

Where do you go to see turtles? I've been planning on visiting them after I find another job.
Posted by Dogbreath (Member # 11879) on :
The temperature change just happens later in the year. [Smile] As a matter of fact it was 67 degrees this morning when I woke up, my wife and I actually got out our fuzzy bathrobes and wore them around the house this morning. Over the next month or so it will continue to drop, and get down to 60 at night and 70-75 during the day in January. (which is what people here call "cold" by which they mean "a little chilly for swimming")

For turtles, we go to Laniakea beach. There are two giant turtles who have picked that as their sunbathing spot for over a decade now and are pretty chill about people coming up and taking pictures with them, and hundreds more in the water that either swim close to the shore or occasionally come up on the beach.

I also like going to the river in Haleiwa and paddle boarding - usually when I do that they come and swim next to my board. But really you can find turtles just about anywhere.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
60 degrees! Good heavens how do you survive?!

I remember 60 degrees. It's a number I won't see attached to the weather report for the next 5 months.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I'll gladly participate.
Posted by Jake (Member # 206) on :
I'm in.
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
I'm in.

I'll have to think hard about a gift unique to my location, but I'll do my best to at least send something interesting.
Posted by Miro (Member # 1178) on :
Me too.
Posted by JanitorBlade (Member # 12343) on :
OK. We'll leave invitations open until the day after Thanksgiving.

Everybody will be assigned somebody in secret, (I'll send PMs).

I'm open to what we want the budget per gift to be. Maybe $20 max?
Posted by Orincoro (Member # 8854) on :
I'd be happy to participate as well, though I never did in the past.
Posted by JanitorBlade (Member # 12343) on :
Welcome aboard! [Smile]
Posted by scifibum (Member # 7625) on :
I'm in.

Do we need to set a budget? It might be more fun for me without one. I guess I can always just ignore whatever the budget is. [Wink]

(Just kidding, I won't subvert the rules unless I'm sure I can get away with it. Just not sure why that rule is required. From each according to his means, to each according to chance?)
Posted by Dogbreath (Member # 11879) on :
*nods* Goodness knows I wouldn't want to deprive anyone of the opportunity to buy me an expensive gift. [Smile]
Posted by JanitorBlade (Member # 12343) on :
I don't want to limit anybody. Nor do I want anyone to feel like they are too many sigmas outside the mean to be considered good at gift giving.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
No one should feel compelled to give more than $20. But if you have a gift unique to your area that costs more and it's what you really want to give then I say go for it.
Posted by Hank (Member # 8916) on :
Count me in!
Posted by ladyday (Member # 1069) on :
I'm game!
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
i want to join
Posted by JanitorBlade (Member # 12343) on :
Glad to have you. [Smile]
Posted by JanitorBlade (Member # 12343) on :
OK! So the invitation window is closed. Could all of you PM me your addresses? I will send out assignments this week.

Thanks for being part of this.
Posted by scifibum (Member # 7625) on :
PM doesn't seem to be available - should we email the address on your JanitorBlade profile?
Posted by JanitorBlade (Member # 12343) on :
Yes, that works fine.
Posted by JanitorBlade (Member # 12343) on :
Some of you still need to send addresses. I'll be PMing you after today. [Smile]
Posted by JanitorBlade (Member # 12343) on :
Just a couple of people need to send me addresses. What I'd like to do now is what we've done in the past and indicate the types of things we like, colors, etc. Obviously, "I like white colored things that can achieve escape velocity" is too specific. And, "I like things" may be too vague.


I like books (Fiction and Non-Fiction), musical instruments, practical things, films, electronics, music, handmade crafts, curiosities. Colors I like are blue, black, and earth tones. But I'm often amenable to others.
Posted by scifibum (Member # 7625) on :
I like things that are weird or funny, smaller than a breadbox, consumable or consisting of information, or meaningful to the gift giver. I like to cook and fix things.
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
Ditto pretty much everything scifibum says. I also like science/nerdy things. I also am buying my first home and will have bare walls/desks/counter space so any small, neat decorations would be cool, and I'm open-minded to anything. I also like learning about random things, so anything with a backstory is a plus. I like learning how to do crafty things, i.e. I just bought a lockpick set on a whim because I wanted to understand how locks work and how to pick them just for the dexterity challenge.
Posted by Miro (Member # 1178) on :
Surprise me.
Posted by Eisenoxyde (Member # 7289) on :
I'm pretty much open to anything too - as JanitorBlade so eloquently stated: "I like things." Since I'm forced to be more specific, I like food, unique things from your area, books (fiction and nonfiction), things that go boom, precious metals, gems, large denomination bills, etc.
Posted by JanitorBlade (Member # 12343) on :
Just need addresses from two people so I can complete sending out assignments.
Posted by ladyday (Member # 1069) on :
I'm very allergic to gold and mildly allergic to a few other materials, and my diet is pretty restrictive, so neither jewelry nor food are great options for me. If you (my secret hatracker) signed up in the hopes of giving food, jewelry, or some other wearable item/s, maybe BlackBlade can give me a poke and I can elaborate on the sad and stunning quantity of foods I cannot have, and the things I cannot wear?

I like art supplies, books, music, cooking tools, something from your town (including reasons to travel there, if you like where you're living), and I collect jewelry boxes.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
I like spiders, plush toys, good books, almost all kinds of music. And I hate mint. I LOVE Dir en grey stuff. Miyazaki
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I'm pretty amenable to anything, but the problem is that I'm a moneyed geek and as a consequence the obvious stuff is almost certainly something I've already bought myself. In general, then, something unique to you or your area is probably the best bet. Try to avoid trinkets, though; I have kids and thus have no display space. [Smile]
Posted by Dogbreath (Member # 11879) on :
I'm open to just about any non-food thing. If you (my gift-giver) think it's cool and unique and awesome than I almost certainly will too.
Posted by Dogbreath (Member # 11879) on :
Originally posted by Synesthesia:
I like spiders

Well, if I get a box with airholes I'll at least know what to expect.
Posted by Miro (Member # 1178) on :
OK, I'll be a little more specific. Please, no spiders. [Razz]
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
Perhaps it'd be safer for you to edit in "Pleasantly surprise me."
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I like things that can't be found anywhere else, things of historical significance, local things, old american history primary school textbooks, pizza, jazz, Star Wars and Star Trek.

And iPad Air 2s.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I will give $10 to the person who has a pizza delivered to Lyrhawn's house for Christmas. [Smile]
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Wish list corollary: I like pepperoni and bacon on my pizza

Hungry howies and Zinos are local favorites. Butter cheese crust if hungry howies.

If you want to get a little fancy, Jets BBQ chicken with no red onions is the best. Square.

If you want to get really fancy, you'll hire an uber drive to pick up a pizza from Louis. Square, detroit style, pepperoni only.
Posted by JanitorBlade (Member # 12343) on :
Hank: I'm not sure you are getting my PMs. I need your address to send out assignments.
Posted by Hank (Member # 8916) on :
I haven't been getting the PMs. Sorry, I have been working and have been so sick that all of my nonworking hours were spent in bed recuperating so that I could get back to work.

I emailed my mailing address and I'd love to still be included if it is not too late.
Posted by Hank (Member # 8916) on :
Just in case it is not too late to be included: I like to cook and like all kinds of food and kitchen utensils. I also work with kids and babies, so anything pertaining to miniature humans will usually be a hit. My favorite color is green, in the event that that is relevant.
Posted by JanitorBlade (Member # 12343) on :
You're good.


At this point everybody should have been given an assignment. If you have *not* received an assignment, please PM/email me asap so we can get you sorted out.

Happy shopping!
Posted by Orincoro (Member # 8854) on :

I live in the Czech Republic, but you can find things on a few sites here:

I like sushi, and I am buying a new flat, so I will need lots of things for the kitchen. [Smile]
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
When is the deadline?
Posted by JanitorBlade (Member # 12343) on :
For what? Gifts should arrive by Dec 25th.
Posted by Orincoro (Member # 8854) on :
My gift will not arrive by Dec. 25th. Sorry to my gift recipient- I live in Central Europe and there was just no way. But it will get there. Sorry!
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I'm pretty sure my gift should have arrived already, but I haven't heard anything from the recipient.
Posted by Eisenoxyde (Member # 7289) on :
I finally sent my gift out in the mail today. It should arrive in 2-3 days.
Posted by Dogbreath (Member # 11879) on :
I sent mine out last week, it's scheduled to arrive on Christmas Eve.
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
Mine is scheduled to arrive on Wednesday.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Sent mine yesterday. i will send a bonus today if Whole Foods has them.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
YAY! I got my present and I'm happy with it and I'm a barbarian who doesn't wait until Christmas to open Christmas presents because doom.
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
Cheers to Dogbreath who went all out and got me Hawaiian wine, mugs, an Obama bobblehead, a Zelazny anthology (just as I was looking for something new to read!), and this dorky Hawaiian shirt that I'm rocking! [Big Grin]

Seriously awesome gifts, thank you!
Posted by JanitorBlade (Member # 12343) on :
Posted by Dogbreath (Member # 11879) on :
Originally posted by GaalDornick:
Cheers to Dogbreath who went all out and got me Hawaiian wine, mugs, an Obama bobblehead, a Zelazny anthology (just as I was looking for something new to read!), and this dorky Hawaiian shirt that I'm rocking! [Big Grin]

Seriously awesome gifts, thank you!


I'm glad you liked it! I initially wanted to get you a nice painting for your house, but they ended up being pretty ridonkulous price-wise, so I did the next best thing and got you an Obama-playing-the-Ukulele-bobble head doll. (I totally didn't just throw it in because it was in the same store as the mugs and I thought it would be hilarious... nothing like that *cough*)

Let me know what you think of the book! Have you read much by Zelazny before?
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
That's my favorite Zelazny collection, FWIW.
Posted by scifibum (Member # 7625) on :
I might have received my gift exchange gift?


So far no confirmation on who sent this to me. [Smile]
Posted by ladyday (Member # 1069) on :
Thank you, Tom, for the wonderful games! They are a great fit for our small household; we are always looking for things that two or three people can play. We've already had a blast with Three Cheers for Master and I'll be bringing Hey, that's my Fish and 12 Days over to my parent's house tomorrow. Merry Christmas!
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
Originally posted by Dogbreath:
Originally posted by GaalDornick:
Cheers to Dogbreath who went all out and got me Hawaiian wine, mugs, an Obama bobblehead, a Zelazny anthology (just as I was looking for something new to read!), and this dorky Hawaiian shirt that I'm rocking! [Big Grin]

Seriously awesome gifts, thank you!


I'm glad you liked it! I initially wanted to get you a nice painting for your house, but they ended up being pretty ridonkulous price-wise, so I did the next best thing and got you an Obama-playing-the-Ukulele-bobble head doll. (I totally didn't just throw it in because it was in the same store as the mugs and I thought it would be hilarious... nothing like that *cough*)

Let me know what you think of the book! Have you read much by Zelazny before?

Hawaiian Obama is my new desk companion. I think he and I will become good friends.

Zelazny has been on my to-read list since I attempted to read through all of the sci-fi greats about 10 years ago (around when I joined here), but never got around to him.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
I got your gift! Thanks! I love it. I was thinking of getting colouring books.

Originally posted by ladyday:
Thank you, Tom, for the wonderful games! They are a great fit for our small household; we are always looking for things that two or three people can play. We've already had a blast with Three Cheers for Master and I'll be bringing Hey, that's my Fish and 12 Days over to my parent's house tomorrow. Merry Christmas!

Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
So I have to apologize. I've had some family stuff crop up this week and haven't been able to make it to the post office. My gift will be going out on Monday and I'll be doing express post to get it there ASAP next week.

And I have to say a BIG thank you to Eisenoxyde for a real cool, thoughtful gift. Covered both my love of local things with candied almonds and my love of old books with a very old copy of Dickens Christmas stories. I like them both very much. Hoping to start a tradition when I have a family of reading A Christmas Carol to the family aloud in the week before Christmas. I'll be using this book for sure.

Thanks again.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Thank you, Syne! Your gift arrived this morning, just as we were leaving for the holidays, and has already made everyone very happy. (The kids and I are snobby tea drinkers, and I was just thinking about buying that Saga trade but hadn't bit the bullet yet.) Merry Christmas!
Posted by Dogbreath (Member # 11879) on :
Originally posted by TomDavidson:
That's my favorite Zelazny collection, FWIW.

Mine too. [Smile] I've always liked his early mostly pre-Amber stuff the best. Which isn't to say I don't like his later stuff, either, and I definitely enjoyed the Amber books. There's just this raw, intense, almost musical flow to his early prose that he sort of lost or downplayed later on. ("When he was thunder in the hills the villagers lay dreaming harvest behind shutters"...)

Originally posted by GaalDornick:
Zelazny has been on my to-read list since I attempted to read through all of the sci-fi greats about 10 years ago (around when I joined here), but never got around to him.

Well, that makes sense, at least if you organized your list alphabetically. [Razz]

Seriously, though, he's a brilliant author. Probably one of the most influential authors of his day. I wasn't around to see the impact he had on science fiction and fantasy directly, but the more I read and flesh out a history of sorts of how the genre evolved, the more I see his influence everywhere. I really hope you enjoy it! (and I'm pretty happy that I get to be the one to introduce you to him... I was worried that maybe you already had read most of his stuff)
Posted by scifibum (Member # 7625) on :
I'm also behind (one idea kind of didn't pan out), but expect to ship the gift on Saturday.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Originally posted by TomDavidson:
Thank you, Syne! Your gift arrived this morning, just as we were leaving for the holidays, and has already made everyone very happy. (The kids and I are snobby tea drinkers, and I was just thinking about buying that Saga trade but hadn't bit the bullet yet.) Merry Christmas!

Awesome! I'm glad you liked the tea. I also sent some stroopwaffles you should be getting those in a couple of days. They will go nicely with the tea and you can warm them up on the tea cup. Upton tea has some nice teas but sadly no more of that awesome prechingming I like so much that tastes a bit chocolaty. Merry Christmas! Hope you enjoy Saga. But it does get rather graphic. [Eek!]
Posted by Eisenoxyde (Member # 7289) on :
Originally posted by Lyrhawn:
And I have to say a BIG thank you to Eisenoxyde for a real cool, thoughtful gift. Covered both my love of local things with candied almonds and my love of old books with a very old copy of Dickens Christmas stories. I like them both very much. Hoping to start a tradition when I have a family of reading A Christmas Carol to the family aloud in the week before Christmas. I'll be using this book for sure.

Thanks again.

You're welcome! The nuts are from a company my dad started almost 30 years ago and when I saw the book I was sure you would like it. I tried finding when it was printed but I didn't see any dates in it.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I'll spend some time Googling to see. But based on style and materials I'd say 1920s to 1930s. I can't totally tell if it's soft cover or a hard cover that's gotten too much moisture. If it's soft cover it's probably 1930s. If it's hard cover it's probably 1910s to 1920s. I'm not as familiar with British print history so it's a great chance to study the period and see what printmaking was like at the time.
Posted by JanitorBlade (Member # 12343) on :
GaalDornick got me an awesome Nicola Tesla glass and a wooden bookmark (made out of lots of different woods).

Love it! Thanks so much.
Posted by Hank (Member # 8916) on :
Originally posted by scifibum:
I might have received my gift exchange gift?


So far no confirmation on who sent this to me. :)

I had you and that's not what I sent. Your gift will arrive late. Sorry!
Posted by scifibum (Member # 7625) on :
No worries about the delay! [Smile]

(Now I'm really confused why I got foam fingers in the mail. [Big Grin] )

Since we're fessing up, Jake, yours is from me, and on the way via UPS. I'll PM you the tracking number.
Posted by Hank (Member # 8916) on :
I THINK I got mine. At least, I got a mysterious box from
Posted by Dogbreath (Member # 11879) on :
Originally posted by scifibum:

(Now I'm really confused why I got foam fingers in the mail. [Big Grin] )

Maybe over the next few weeks you'll start getting other foam body parts, piece by piece...
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
It's worrisome that the last we heard from Hank was that a mysterious box arrived.
Posted by Orincoro (Member # 8854) on :
Originally posted by Hank:
I THINK I got mine. At least, I got a mysterious box from

Not yours.
Posted by Hank (Member # 8916) on :
Originally posted by TomDavidson:
It's worrisome that the last we heard from Hank was that a mysterious box arrived.

Well, like scifibum, I am now very confused about who sent my OTHER mysterious gift. My roommate is a woot, inc. fanatic and we checked the label 3 times to confirm it wasn't really for her.
Posted by scifibum (Member # 7625) on :
I honestly considered whether I might have done some late night drunk shopping and forgotten about it, but I don't think the thing I received matches any dis-inhibited desire that might come out in that situation.
Posted by scifibum (Member # 7625) on :
Originally posted by Dogbreath:
Originally posted by scifibum:

(Now I'm really confused why I got foam fingers in the mail. [Big Grin] )

Maybe over the next few weeks you'll start getting other foam body parts, piece by piece...
Made me laugh </belated>
Posted by scifibum (Member # 7625) on :
Hank, I LOVE the spices you sent me. Thank you so much!
Posted by Orincoro (Member # 8854) on :
Originally posted by Hank:
Originally posted by TomDavidson:
It's worrisome that the last we heard from Hank was that a mysterious box arrived.

Well, like scifibum, I am now very confused about who sent my OTHER mysterious gift. My roommate is a woot, inc. fanatic and we checked the label 3 times to confirm it wasn't really for her.
That's odd. I like woot as well, but I sent you a card, so you'll know when mine comes.

But I fully expect it could still be weeks. You never know with international shipping.
Posted by Hank (Member # 8916) on :
Originally posted by scifibum:
Hank, I LOVE the spices you sent me. Thank you so much!

Yay! Glad it finally arrived!
Posted by Hank (Member # 8916) on :
Originally posted by Orincoro:
Originally posted by Hank:
Originally posted by TomDavidson:
It's worrisome that the last we heard from Hank was that a mysterious box arrived.

Well, like scifibum, I am now very confused about who sent my OTHER mysterious gift. My roommate is a woot, inc. fanatic and we checked the label 3 times to confirm it wasn't really for her.
That's odd. I like woot as well, but I sent you a card, so you'll know when mine comes.

But I fully expect it could still be weeks. You never know with international shipping.

Well, I guess I just have to procrastinate packinf up all my holiday knick-knacks and doo-dads until it arrives, right?
Posted by Dogbreath (Member # 11879) on :
I got my present today!

It's a robot spider. [Big Grin]

I really should have known.

Video of it in action: link

It also works surprisingly well over non-flat surfaces, too. (Like over wrinkled bedsheets towards one's unsuspecting sleeping wife...)

Thanks so much BlackBlade! This thing is pretty awesome! [Smile] I appreciate the battery pack as well.

[ January 13, 2016, 12:19 AM: Message edited by: Dogbreath ]
Posted by JanitorBlade (Member # 12343) on :
You bet! I'm so glad it finally came. Be super careful with the legs. They seem to get broken quite easily especially when children handle them.

Merry Belated Christmas + Happy New Year!
Posted by JanitorBlade (Member # 12343) on :
Oh. It can also make a fabulous office desk companion.
Posted by Hank (Member # 8916) on :
It came! It came! I got two really lovely ceramic mugs from Orincoro! I am drinking hot chocolate right this very minute!
Posted by Dogbreath (Member # 11879) on :
Originally posted by JanitorBlade:
You bet! I'm so glad it finally came. Be super careful with the legs. They seem to get broken quite easily especially when children handle them.

Merry Belated Christmas + Happy New Year!

Thanks, and Merry Christmas to you as well!
Posted by JanitorBlade (Member # 12343) on :
Is there anybody who hasn't yet received their gift yet?
Posted by Eisenoxyde (Member # 7289) on :
I'm sorry I haven't posted what I got yet. I received 2 different kinds of very tasty German homemade cookies and some shot glasses with the logo of Miro's Coast Guard unit.

Thank you for the gifts!
Posted by Miro (Member # 1178) on :
I hope you like them. I just finished the last of my own Christmas sweets a couple days ago. I guess that means the season is truly over.

I have not received a Hatrack package yet.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Originally posted by Miro:
I hope you like them. I just finished the last of my own Christmas sweets a couple days ago. I guess that means the season is truly over.

I have not received a Hatrack package yet.

Miro that's my fault. I'm your not so secret Santa. Your gift has been sitting on my desk for the last couple weeks but I just haven't had a chance to get to UPS or USPS to send it. I'm going to try to get that done this week, though in all honesty it may be tricky as I was in a car accident last week and it's messed me up a bit.

But it's coming, I swear!
Posted by Miro (Member # 1178) on :
No worries, Lyrhawn. That just means Christmas isn't over yet.
Posted by Orincoro (Member # 8854) on :
Originally posted by JanitorBlade:
Is there anybody who hasn't yet received their gift yet?

I haven't yet.
Posted by JanitorBlade (Member # 12343) on :
OK. Will look into things.
Posted by JanitorBlade (Member # 12343) on :
Orincoro: Latest intel suggests your gift is still on the way.
Posted by JanitorBlade (Member # 12343) on :
Orincoro: Has your gift arrived yet?
Posted by Jake (Member # 206) on :
Orincoro, I've sent a second gift to you. It's possible you'll still receive the first one, of course, but at this point it seemed better to just try again. I've got a tracking number that I'd be glad to send you, but it looks like you've turned off the feature that would allow me to email you through the forum. Or I don't know, maybe the forum software is so primitive that it can't handle something like that, and I only mistakenly remember it having been an option in the past.

In any case, I'm told it will be there in 15 days or so.
Posted by Jake (Member # 206) on :
Orincoro, has either gift arrived?
Posted by Orincoro (Member # 8854) on :
Yes! I wanted to say that we loved them and are putting them on our wall, but I got horribly distracted last week with work.


The first gift never arrived. [Frown] I've no idea why, but sadly the customs people are known to steal things from time to time. Perhaps someone there really liked it.
Posted by Orincoro (Member # 8854) on :
Originally posted by Hank:
It came! It came! I got two really lovely ceramic mugs from Orincoro! I am drinking hot chocolate right this very minute!

Sorry I missed this. Thanks! Glad you got them. My wife picked them out from a Czech ceramics shop.
Posted by Jake (Member # 206) on :
Glad to hear that they made it, and are to your taste. I can't remember if I said it in the card or not, but I've got several of that artist's prints hanging myself.
Posted by Orincoro (Member # 8854) on :
It did say that. It's too bad the first one disappeared. But your card was very nice, and I look forward to hanging them in our new place (we are moving in a few months).

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