This is topic Jon Stewart leaves TDS in order to replace Williams as anchor of NBC Nightly News in forum Books, Films, Food and Culture at Hatrack River Forum.

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Posted by Dogbreath (Member # 11879) on :
An interesting development. I wonder how his on air personality will be affected by this more "serious" role.
Posted by Stone_Wolf_ (Member # 8299) on :
Me too.
Posted by Raymond Arnold (Member # 11712) on :
This thread and associated links has me doing all kinds of doubletakes.

Well, two, I guess.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I didn't bat an eyelash at the thread title.

Stewart was seriously considered in the most recent round of Meet the Press candidates. Supposedly he met with them and told them no to their faces, but it wouldn't have surprised me at all if NBC had taken another swing at him.
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
That earned a LOL
Posted by Stone_Wolf_ (Member # 8299) on :
Awww...I didn't click the link. It's not even April first! [Frown]
Posted by Dogbreath (Member # 11879) on :
More seriously, it's going to be really sad to see him leave. He's been a huge part of my understanding of American politics since I was a teenager, and I can't really think of anyone else even remotely on his level who could take his spot at TDS. From what he said on the show it's a personal decision to leave (he wants to spend more time with his family) and I can't really blame him for wanting to take a break after 15 years. But it's still sad.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Him and Colbert leaving at the same time sucks so so much. At least we've still got John Oliver.
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
A Facebook friend posted this same Rick Roll with a legit looking URL for NBC news.

I fell for it a second time.
Posted by Dogbreath (Member # 11879) on :
Are we friends on Facebook?

It's pretty far fetched, but I don't want to ignore the possibility I may have trolled the same person twice. [Smile]
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
Well you're definitely not the person whose link I saw but I asked him where he got it and he said he also saw it on his feed. So it's possible we have a mutual friend.
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
Did you come up with this idea or did you repost it? If the former, then you may be going viral.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I have a short list in my head of possible replacements who I think can handle the comedy and delivery well.

But I know nothing about their political acumen, which is a big part of the job. I could easily see Tina fey or Amy poehler doing it. Jessica Williams is my pick of the women already on the show. Kate McKinnon from snl would be an interesting choice. She's hilarious. But I think she has her eyes set on movies. And there are a couple guys on the show who might be good, like aasif mandvi.
Posted by Orincoro (Member # 8854) on :
Originally posted by Lyrhawn:
I could easily see Tina Fey or Amy Poehler doing it.

God forbid. They're both talented, but they are both very much above the joke, when it comes to politics. I never enjoyed them on weekend update, because they were playing roles, and smirking behind the characters they were playing. They were funny, but they were fundamentally insincere. That's not Jon Stewart's schtick, and that's what kept him on the air for 17 years. Colbert had a way of making it work, but it was because his character was so carefully and outrageously drawn. Poehler and Fey's newscaster personas were flat and affected, not drawn from a serious yin for politics and persuasion.

Williams might be interesting. She's definitely my favorite correspondent currently on the show.
Posted by Dogbreath (Member # 11879) on :
Originally posted by GaalDornick:
Did you come up with this idea or did you repost it? If the former, then you may be going viral.

Merely plagiarized it, I'm afraid.
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
My friend had told me the name of the person who he saw post that and I'm curious if it's you. His default is him in a military uniform.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Originally posted by Orincoro:
Originally posted by Lyrhawn:
I could easily see Tina Fey or Amy Poehler doing it.

God forbid. They're both talented, but they are both very much above the joke, when it comes to politics. I never enjoyed them on weekend update, because they were playing roles, and smirking behind the characters they were playing. They were funny, but they were fundamentally insincere. That's not Jon Stewart's schtick, and that's what kept him on the air for 17 years. Colbert had a way of making it work, but it was because his character was so carefully and outrageously drawn. Poehler and Fey's newscaster personas were flat and affected, not drawn from a serious yin for politics and persuasion.

Williams might be interesting. She's definitely my favorite correspondent currently on the show.

Williams officially announced she wouldn't be doing it. She says she's underqualified for the job, which is probably true, but wouldn't have been a deal breaker for me.

I didn't realize she's only 25.
Posted by Orincoro (Member # 8854) on :
She's got a nice future, but she is quite young still. The others mentioned, or anybody else on the show, I wouldn't like to see take the job.
Posted by Dogbreath (Member # 11879) on :
For real this time: Trevor Noah announced as new TDS Host.

I'm somewhat conflicted about this. He's struck me as somewhat smug and conceited and left a bad taste in my mouth after his first appearance, which aren't good qualities for a host. (though that may just be the character they've had him play) He certainly seems intelligent and talented enough and has a good professional presence, though. We'll have to see.

I would have preferred Williams. I think she's got a lot more charisma and passion - which is really important for such a high-energy job - and has been absolutely knocking it out of the park since she started as a correspondent.
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
williams both didn't have the chops to be the main host and she was direly uninterested in committing to it
Posted by Dogbreath (Member # 11879) on :
I admit some of my desire to see her in that chair have to do with her being perhaps the most similar to Jon Stewart in her delivery, sense of humor and "goofiness" if you will. Noah just seems too straight-laced and reserved.
Posted by Dogbreath (Member # 11879) on :
Also, it's interesting to see that they've almost entirely replaced the correspondents with a new generation now that Sam Bee and Jason Jones are leaving the show. I'll be surprised if Aasif Mandvi stays on after Stewart leaves.
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
and the controversy has already begun after some of his offensive and unfunny tweets have come to light.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
The idea that he's too low-brow or immature to be the host of such an august body as the Daily Show is a little silly.

You can't go a week without Stewart making a dick joke. It's an important role, yes, but let's not pretend Stewart is up there reciting Proust night after night.

I actually had a positive first impression of Noah. Other than my intense, visceral dislike of people who have two first names as their first and last name, I thought he brought a bright new energy in his few appearances. I was pulling strongly for Williams, but it's clear she doesn't want to do it. I really like the other kid too, Hasan Manaj, but he's too new and too green for the role.

Noah actually has hosted several shows, so he has the experience. I think CC wanted a more worldly perspective, perhaps after seeing how well Oliver has done on his show. Plus, I trust that Stewart picked his successor well. Stewart must know him better than we do and saw something in him. Reportedly he got the job without even auditioning.

I think there are better candidates, but almost anyone I can think of that I would have preferred almost certainly would not have taken the job if offered to them.

I think they also really wanted someone who might shake up the show a bit and not just sit in Jon's chair and do Jon's bit.
Posted by Dogbreath (Member # 11879) on :
Originally posted by Lyrhawn:
The idea that he's too low-brow or immature to be the host of such an august body as the Daily Show is a little silly.

Good thing literally nobody here has said that.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Sorry, not here. It's been said a LOT today though by almost every media outlet.
Posted by Dogbreath (Member # 11879) on :
Oh, ok. I'll take your word for it. [Smile]

My own personal take is that if they are going after him for being low-brow or immature, they're sort of missing the point. I'm not opposed to the jokes he cracked on Twitter because they're crude or immature, I'm opposed to them because of their nature and what they say about him.

Jon Stewart is frequently low-brow, crude, vulgar, and almost always goofy in his sense of humor. He's also very kind and his jokes only have a bite to them when he's going after someone deserving of them.

Noah's jokes, OTOH, are *cruel* and derogatory, and there's a pretty damn big difference there. You can tell a lot about someone who jokes about almost running people over (adding the fact it was a Jewish looking person in his German car is just a extra bit of class), or who thinks it's fun to make fun of "fat chicks" or engage in body shaming in general. It demonstrates an arrogance and lack of empathy that I think will make him fail as a host - a role where humility and hospitality are absolutely crucial.

God knows I've made mistakes and wouldn't want to be scrutinized based on my entire online history, and it's more than possible he was just trying on a certain style of humor that he now regrets, but it's only deepened my existing distrust of him and perception of his character.
Posted by theamazeeaz (Member # 6970) on :
I've heard a lot of that sentiment too. I think TDS is a big job, but that's too much of a pedestal.

Most of the "bad" twitter jokes weren't funny (but some were, "she got fat?" comes to mind as a funny one), but they weren't bad enough to give me second-hand outrage.

I'm curious what is seen as acceptable and unacceptable to South African audience in the 2010s. Much of comedy is inappropriate. Some of it only works because it's inappropriate. Much like Cards Against Humanity. I can think of worse jokes that have been brushed off in the past few years.

Dogbreath, I watched more of his Youtube videos this morning, I'd say Noah's quite goofy. He does a lot of good voices (and accents). The AIDS/Racist Surfer one springs to mind, as does the one about going to the hospital for surgery after dissing the doctors for standup (the receptionist recognized him), as the bit about airport announcements in South Africa being less than professional.
Posted by Dogbreath (Member # 11879) on :
theamazeeaz: I'll have to look up more of his stuff then. [Smile] As I said, I'm not writing him off, I'm just less than enthused with his selection. (and I may be severely biased by the handful of clips I've seen of him)
Posted by Dogbreath (Member # 11879) on :
Okay, I have to admit his Taco Bit is pretty hilarious.
Posted by theamazeeaz (Member # 6970) on :
Wow. I didn't see that one. There are actual tears in my eyes from laughing too hard.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I went and watched a bunch of his standup and thought it was pretty funny, fairly low energy for the most part, and not really objectionable.

Some of the stuff on Twitter was crass, but it's not like Stewart wasn't making crass jokes in his 20s. I've also read a lot of what he has to say on race and inequality, and I think he actually has a deeply held, intelligent view of the world. He's made jokes about Jews and women, and he's also said some pretty astute, supportive, great things about Jews and women.

Thus far, I don't think he's done or said anything that disqualified him when taken on the whole.

I saw a news article today that lampooned him for making a "boy are my arms tired" joke on his first TDS appearance because they think he was being lame, or couldn't tell if it was meta, or if he was serious in the joke, overanalyzed ad naseum without realizing that that was the set up, and the second part of the joke was because he'd been holding his hands up since he was afraid of the police right after Ferguson. Rob a joke or comment of its context and a lot of them are going to sound wrong.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I just watched the Taco thing and that was hilarious.

Thanks [Laugh]
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
i actually laughed

been a while on the standup comedy front where someone's made me actually laugh
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
Not Trevor Noah but what about this
Posted by theamazeeaz (Member # 6970) on :
That wasn't that funny. Sure, he's using humor to shatter a really stupid argument against gay marriage that may have been made in a World Watch article or three, but the taco thing? That has to be the funniest thing I've seen a a while. (my sense of humor is also stuck in 7th grade, but that's another matter).
Posted by scifibum (Member # 7625) on :
The taco thing didn't do much for me. It was a pretty good joke, just not worth a 2 minute riff. I might have been in a bad mood when I watched it though.

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