I'll add a review/analysis sometime tomorrow.
Posted by Stephan (Member # 7549) on :
I just can't get over the battle room being in Earth orbit. Seeing the planet in the room at all times kind of screws with the idea of down being relative.
Posted by Wendybird (Member # 84) on :
I agree Stephan! That was a little disconcerting given the whole BIG deal “The Enemy Gate is Down” is. But overall I liked the movie. And honestly it never could compete with the awesomeness of the book so for it to be as well done as it was is commendable!
Posted by Elison R. Salazar (Member # 8565) on :
quote:Originally posted by Stephan: I just can't get over the battle room being in Earth orbit. Seeing the planet in the room at all times kind of screws with the idea of down being relative.
Surprisingly I never noticed this, I think the camera work did a good job for me in confusing their relative orientation until the "down" gate was made.
Posted by millernumber1 (Member # 9894) on :
Nice review! I still really am bugged (pun!) that the second invasion is deleted/merged, since it really makes the human actions obviously evil. I really think you should be able to look back and say, "Yes, this was a problem," but I shouldn't be having those thoughts at the 1/3 point in the film. Having the Formics boxed in just makes the humans look like bullies.
I did really like Bean's actor and most of his writing. And I'm so glad I'm not the only one mad that Val wasn't with Ender in the final journey. Though I maintain that she's totally in the bunk next to him offscreen.
Posted by Elison R. Salazar (Member # 8565) on :
Yeah deleting the Second Invasion makes Ender's and the I.F's motivations extremely difficult to reconcile; the Second Invasion is what gave the I.F certainty that the Formics were going to come again for Round 3 and they had no idea if they would figure out their deflector shields could be turned into a WMD.
Heck, its arguably the entire thematic question for the entirety of the Enderverse is whether Humanity is justified in committing genocide and Card clearly textually struggles with this virtually every book.
I'm actually kind of amazed, with Shadow's In Flight we see another reversal in the deconstruction-reconstruction cycle in that the Hive Queen is lying about something to Ender & Co and I can't wait to figure out if Card delivers.
Posted by millernumber1 (Member # 9894) on :
Me too! I'm really, really hoping for Shadows Alive sometime soon to deal with that - clearly Card was musing about it way back in Xenocide, when he first revealed that the Hive Queen purges workers.
Even though I'm also really excited about Fleet School.