The NSA Program allows the government to discover who is calling who. They can look up Terrorist A's phone number and discover who has been calling Terrorist A. They can then label those 30 people Possible Terrorist B-Omega 7. They can then find out who has called all those possible terrorists, and by using algorithms of who's called the most possible terrorist, determine that July the Time-Life Operator must be Terrorist Leader 1.
What if the secret government agency pulls out a yellow pages and gets all the phone numbers for gun shops in town.
They go to their computers and find out who's been calling those gun shops.
Who calls gun shops? People who buy guns--Gun OWNERS. The government now knows who owns all the guns. (OK, 87% of gun owners call gun shops at one point or other in their lives. And 77% of all Hatrack Statistics are made up on the fly.)
The NRA can not allow the government to know who owns guns. They can not even allow the possibility of the government ever having a way to find out who owns guns. Its their political mantra.
What do we have?
and Fight!
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
The cognitive dissonance, for anyone on the left except the Libertarian set, of trying to disassociate fighting terrorists from persecuting gun-owners would probably make their heads explode.
But I'd love to watch.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
I doubt any of the 9/11 terrorists called any gun shops. Presumably they bought their box cutters at a hardware store.
Posted by Wingracer (Member # 12293) on :
I'm a gun owner. I have never in my life called a gun shop. I have called BATF many times but all from State Police telephones. I have also had extensive background checks done on me and clearances obtained from Homeland Security, Coast Guard, NTSA and State Police but none of them included gun ownership in the questioning.
I do like that when I was given my TWIC card (Transportation Workers Identification Credential) I was specifically instructed to return my card if I ever decided to become a terrorist.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I don't own a gun, but I'ave called the shops a few times. In FL, Pawn Shops sell guns, and a lot of them have an actual full gun shop inside, selling new and used ones.
I buy electronics there. Posted by Wingracer (Member # 12293) on :
quote:Originally posted by Kwea: I don't own a gun, but I'ave called the shops a few times. In FL, Pawn Shops sell guns, and a lot of them have an actual full gun shop inside, selling new and used ones.
I buy electronics there.
I've noticed that. I'm from VA and the pawn shops there often sell guns but usually just a few used ones. Maybe one shelf of handguns and a few rifles and shotguns on the wall but now I'm in FL and dropped in a pawn shop a month or so ago. They had more firepower in that pawn shop than most full blown gun stores in VA do. I was there to check out the instruments though.